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Friday, March 11, 2011

Prophecy Watch - Audio- Moses’ call to the children of Israel at the time of the Christchurch earthquake : 11th March 2011

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Rob - In That Day?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Grace, Joy and Shalom in the perfect love of our Redeemer YHVH of Hosts, who is the First and the Last!
(Isaiah 44:6).
"In That Day" is an email exhortational watchman ministry, looking to the imminent restoration of Joseph (Ephraim) and the whole House of Jacob "in that day".

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Prophecy Watch - Audio- Moses’ call to the children of Israel at the time of the Christchurch earthquake : 11th March 2011
Dear  The Watchmen from Israel;

We have now come into the last month of the 1st biblical year of the last sabbatical set of 7 years heralding the coming of the Messianic Kingdom.  The new 2nd biblical year of this sabbatical set begins around March 5th,  with the new moon.

From my previous missives, you may have read of the signs we have witnessed in this 1st year (2010/2011) that have revealed some significant prophetic heralds as they were being reported in the global media,  that we have indeed experienced the 1st year of the last 7 years before the Messianic Redemption. These include:

4. The Christchurch Earthquake (Tuesday 22nd Feb 2011)
Whilst Christian commentators on this event range from a discernment that Christendom is under judgement, to others declaring that this event marks the beginning of a great revival in Christendom, through to a general public silence on the matter by the directly affected New Zealand denominational clergy, the cycle of Torah scripture readings at the very time of this tragedy provide us with a significantly unique prophetic message.

The very timing of hearing the words of Moses in these days is evidence of a living prophetic scripture. The timing of the hearing of a prophetic message is also as critical as the hearing of the content of the message. 

At the time of the recent tragedy of the Christchurch earthquake, those who of us have returned to the Hebraic heritage of the faith and wait on Abba YHVH for His instruction, in obedience to His commandment to listen to the words of Moses (Malachi 4: 4) in the last days, find the message of that very period to be one announcing the Shepherd of YHVH calling out to the (last generation) children of Israel to leave the golden calf behind and to "Assemble" before YHVH! This is a VERY significant message to our preparation as we wait patiently for our great Shepherd to redeem us!

To listen to an audio message on this Torah cycle reading, please click on the following URL:

or go to the following page and download the audio file from:

and download or stream the audio file “22 And He Assembled” (57 Mins)

The other significant heralds of the 1st Biblical Year included"

3. World Media Proclaiming Zechariah’s Tomb has been discovered (3 Feb 2011)
This report called the world to remember the prophet Zechariah’s message.

2. Egyptian Revolution Over Food Prices (30 Jan 2011)
This report pointed the world to the redemption parable in Goshen (Genesis 43-37) and to the timing of the the beginning of the great 7 years of famine, that the year 2010-2011 is indeed the 1st year of the 7 prophesied years of global famine and distress.

1. Mount Carmel Forest fire (2 Dec 2010)
This report pointed the world to remember Elijah and the battle of Mt Carmel, and heralded that “Elijah is coming to restore all things”

Feedback: Prayer Request For Jenny

Thank you to all who have prayed for Jenny’s urgent condition. Praise YHVH, there has been some physical improvement to Jenny’s condition, but her specialist informs her that her condition is yet very concerning.  Please continue to pray for Abba’s blessing for Jenny and her family, specifically that Jenny’s kidneys will continue to repair in health and that she will be physically strong to carry her pregnancy to full term, with a healthy baby being born.

As We Begin Year 2 – a unique spiritual Passover this year?

As we begin year 2 of the last 7 years to redemption, we can expect from the prophetic scripture that what we have witnessed develop in year 1 (earthquakes, food price inflation, economic recession/ depression, wars and rumours of wars) will continue to be even worse in year 2.

However, we need to be strong in faith and courage knowing that Yahoshua our Redeemer is in full control of all these things and His mandate is specifically to redeem the olive tree of Israel – the House of Jacob (Isaiah 44;6), and that these hard times are going to get tough but are matters have been prophesied will come upon the world because Abba YHVH has promised to redeem His people, with the conclusion being that the whole earth will know that He is YHVH!

I am persuaded from the words of Moses, that this coming Passover-Shavuot period of 2011, as the beginning of year 2 of the last 7 years, will be a very significant spiritual time for us the dispersed bride of Messiah, the redeemed children of Israel, and that we may well a very unique fellowship experience with our great Messiah to ready us for Passover 3 (2012), which according to the parable of Genesis 43-47 will be significant in the call of YHVH’s people to “Goshen” and the “wilderness of the people” where He will meet with us face-to-face (Ezekiel 20:38)

I will share more of this information on the next Torah cycle audio portion in the next few days.

May Abba keep us and cause His face to shine upon us,
Joy and shalom in Yahoshua Messiah



Other Recent Prophetic Watch News Reports Of Interest (click on headline to go to intrenet report)

“The world economy was relatively stable in 2010, but here in 2011 things are deteriorating very quickly.”

You might want to make sure that your assets are protected and that you are not overexposed because a lot of people are going to get wiped out if things take a turn for the worse.

BREAKING: Iranian Official Admits Aiding Hezbollah, Says All Middle East Oil Will Be Cut Off To the West

Wars, Rumors Of Wars, Skyrocketing Oil Prices And Global Economic Chaos – Why Is All Of This Happening?

People Of Earth: Prepare For Economic Disaster

The US Middle Class will be “gone within the decade”

US Economy in “Biflation”

Senior HSBC Economist: Warning Of 'Food Price Riots In The UK'

UN: Higher Oil Prices to Push Record Food Prices Higher

US Spring Weather Forecast – Severe Drought For 2011

Family gets most of its food in the backyard

USA: Veggie shortage hits fast food chains

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