News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
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Friday, June 15, 2012
The next Ulpana, and the one after that
Islam in Germany: "Germany Does Away With Itself"
June 15, 2012 at 5:00 am
"The values represented by Islam must correspond to our constitution. What applies here is the constitution, not Sharia law.... Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here." — Chancellor Angela MerkelGerman President Joachim Gauck recently said in a newspaper interview that Muslims living in Germany are a part of the country, but that Islam is not.
The comments -- Gauck is the ninth prominent German politician to voice an opinion about Islam -- have sparked a new round in the on-going debate over the role of Islam and Muslim immigrants in Germany.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Pam Geller: Britain to ban forced marriages
The Prime Minister announces the criminalisation of forced marriages, saying they have been accepted as cultural practices for too long.
The practice of making someone to get married against their will is not currently illegal in Britain.
"It is necessary to make this a crime, because it is absolutely abhorent practice. Frankly it is little short of slavery," Mr Cameron said.
Emergency Committee for Israel: New TV ad: On Iran, It's Time to Act
Germany bans Salafist groups as police launch raids
Germany: 100 arrests as Muslims clash with far-right
Pakistan cleric warns jihad against polio vaccination teams
Maulvi Ibrahim Chisti of Muzaffargarh district declared the anti-polio campaign as "un-Islamic" and announced at the local mosque that jihad (holy war) should be carried out against the polio vaccination team. He made the remarks after finding out that a vaccination team had entered Khan Pur Bagga Sher area of Muzaffargarh and asked families to cooperate with the campaign.
Mega-mosque leaders defy the law
Girls, 14, 'groomed and raped at drug den by Muslim gang who treated her with contempt'
Honor murder in Kuwait: Four brothers kill teen sister on orders of father
Kuwait: New Death Penalty for Blasphemy, Here is what Quran says on these issues.
Kuwait: New Death Penalty for Blasphemy
June 14, 2012 at 5:00 am
So what should international human rights organization regard as the threat: the Quran, Quranic instructions, or the people who are just following its recommended path?Kuwaiti lawmakers have passed a legal amendment authorizing the death penalty for Muslims who curse their God or the Quran, or who defame their Prophet Mohammed or his wife. In the amended article, if the defendant publicly repents and apologizes for the crime, the penalty will be reduced to five years in jail, a fine of 10,000 Kuwaiti Dinars (KD), or both.
Islamic conference won't be in Rolling Meadows
Watchman of Zion: June 16, 2012: Weekly 5 minute update (Audio Only)
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Watchman of Zion?
So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?June 14, 2012 at 3:27 AM
You may view the 5 minute update this week via audio: 1) Listen to the audio In this week’s 5 minute update, we focused on: 1) The current status of the Israel / PLO peace process 2) The prospects for war with Syria and Iran 3) Greek debt and the prospects for the collapse of the Euro |
mohabatnews: آزادی موقت دوتن از نوكیشان مسیحی با قرار وثیقه سنگین
خبرنامه آژانس خبری مسیحیان ایران "محبت نیوز "مورخ پنجشنبه, 25 خرداد 1391 |
کاربر گرامی Ariel، درود
بر شما
Go to their website for more:
Muslim Brotherhood invades Tampa to re-elect President Obama!
Recently, The United West, with over 25 people, “infiltrated” the east coast Conference of a Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Our team comprised of Christians, Jews, Atheists, men, women and even Muslims (identities unknown to the ISNA organizers) legally participated in every Conference session, side conversations, off-the-record discussions and even the concluding celebratory Banquet! Over the next few weeks we will report on our work, entitled, OPERATION: RAINBOW and give you a detailed look inside ISNA, an organization federally designated as a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism funding case. Our investigative report will show that the ISNA is a discriminatory, racist organization that rejects pledging allegiance to the United States of America, unless cornered as they were by some folks from The United West!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Please let us come together in Prayer and Teshuvah

A Gentile's View Of Today's Germany
By William E. Grim - February 2003 I'm not Jewish. Nobody in my family died in the Holocaust. For me, anti-Semitism has always been one of those phenomena that doesn't really register on my radar, like tribal genocide in Rwanda, a horrible thing that happens to someone else. But I live in a small town outside of Munich on a street that until May of 1945 was named Adolf-Hitler-Strasse. I work in Munich, a pleasant metropolitan city of a little over a million inhabitants whose Bavarian charm tends to obscure the fact that this city was the birthplace and capital of the Nazi movement.
Bosnian Salafist Preacher Bilal Bosnić Sings Songs of Jihad: “With Explosives on Our Chests We Pave the Way to Paradise”
Bosnian Muslim preacher sings that America will be destroyed, "all the Muslims are now like the Taliban" and "with explosives on our chests we pave the way to Paradise"
20 churches in Aceh face threat of demolition
According to a lawmaker from House of Representatives Commission III on human rights, Eva K. Sundari, the commission received complaints about the forced closure of 20 churches from the United North Sumatra Alliance on Monday.
Nazi Salutes Popular in Quebec Protests

Assad’s Fall May Expose Russian War Crimes

Empirical Data vs. Ideological Theory

This essay below by our Norwegian correspondent The Observer describes the current political and cultural situation in Norway and other Western nations.
Empirical Data vs. Ideological Theory
By The Observer
No one has the ability to look into the future, and hence no one can accurately predict what it has in store for us. All we can do is to look at present and historic trends and draw upon lessons from the past. When we add all these factors together and look at them in a truthful manner, we gain a fairly good idea of what to expect. When undertaking research projects, which in a way is almost like gazing into the future, there is only one method that we can rely upon, and that is a strict scientific approach which focuses solely on well-established ethical principles and whose ultimate goal is to uncover the truth unaffected by any other considerations.
The Last Days of Jews in the Islamicized Europe

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Register Now! - Zion's Sake Conference Colorado
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
Ketzaleh Calls for ‘Resistance’ on Ulpana

The Ulpana neighborhood of Beit El will not go quietly to demolition, MK Yaakov “Ketzaleh” Katz warned in a one-minute speech in Knesset on Tuesday.
“I call on all those who love the Land of Israel to be prepared to sacrifice,” he said. “We will not hurt soldiers, we will not damage property, [but] there will be resistance.”
Israel's Heroism of Survival
Americans Jews, can a Holocaust happen
Mofaz: Kiryat Arba building plan being reconsidered
A plan to build 84 housing units in Kiryat Arba is being reconsidered at the request of Kadima, Vice Premier Shaul Mofaz told the Kadima faction on Monday.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Graffiti Defaces Warsaw Ghetto Square
Islamic world must have nuclear weapons, says Iran
Iran is now telling the world that in order to confront aggression from America and Israel, it must have nuclear weapons.
Official Iranian media outlets published a commentary Sunday titled “The necessity for the Islamic world to have the atomic bomb,” laying the groundwork for Iran’s refusal to accept limits on its illicit nuclear program.
The Jerusalem Festival of Light 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
President Barack Obama’s deputies are holding “hundreds” of closed-door meetings with a jihad-linked lobbying group
The admission of meetings with the Council on American-Islamic Relations came from George Selim, the White House’s new director for community partnerships, which was formed in January to ensure cooperation by law enforcement and social service agencies with Muslim identity groups in the United States.
Shragai - Countdown to eviction
Israel Hayom..
08 June '12..
“The entire situation is bad,” Minister Ze'ev Binyamin (Benny) Begin told a Knesset committee meeting which convened to discuss the five homes in the Ulpana neighborhood that are slated for demolition. “So we have been forced to choose between the lesser of all evils.” Within the next few weeks, Begin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who worked in concert to defeat the outpost arrangement bill, a parliamentary measure that would have allowed the Ulpana neighborhood to remain intact, are liable to discover that their decision could spell big trouble, since the eviction of 30 families will likely be a difficult, traumatic ordeal.
Two young Belgian Police Officers stabbed in Metro by Muslim "madman"

He was carrying a copy of the Koran and was screaming Islamic Jihad From Eric Dondero: There has been as of yet, zero reporting of this story in the American media.
Recipe for War: Unilateral Withdrawal from West Bank
June 8, 2012 at 5:00 am
As before, Hamas's chances of taking over the West Bank are high after the failure of Abbas's ruling Fatah faction to implement significant reforms or combat rampant corruption.Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak believes that Israel should consider a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank if negotiations with the Palestinian Authority fail to bear fruit.
Under the current circumstances, such a move would lead to the creation of another radical Palestinian Islamic entity, this time in those parts of the West Bank that would be handed over to Mahmoud Abbas and Salam Fayyad.
Any land that is handed over to the Palestinian Authority would end up in the hands of Hamas.
Veiled Suicide Bomber Kills Four French Soldiers In Afghanistan
KABUL, June 10 (Reuters) - A suicide bomber dressed in a burqa blew himself up near a French patrol in Afghanistan on Saturday, killing four soldiers and wounding five as the Taliban step up a spring offensive.
The attack - one of the deadliest on the French contingent in months - occurred in the mountainous Kapisa province in the east of the country, an area mainly patrolled by a French force under NATO command.
"It was an unfortunate incident. There was a patrol of coalition soldiers in a small bazaar and they were attacked by a suicide bomber wearing a burqa," Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi told Reuters.