1. Erekat: Medvedev's Declaration Historic Step 2. Netanyahu Coalition Hangs in Balance as Barak Quits Labor 3. Hamas: Breakthrough in Shalit Talks Possible 4. IDF: Missiles Expects to Hit Tel Aviv in Next War 5. UN Resolution Draft Opposing Israeli Settlements Submitted 6. Flotilla Raid Probe: IDF Acted Properly 7. Netanyahu on Tunisia: Hope Calm Will Be Restored 8. Lebanon Tribunal Files Indictment in Hariri Case 9. Water, Water Everywhere and Every Drop to Drink10. Computer Worm Apparent Cause in Iranian Nuke Delay
1. Erekat: Medvedev's Declaration Historic StepHours after Russian President Dmitri Medvedev declared his country recognizes an independent Palestinian state, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat described the statement as "an historic move to make the Palestinians proud for a very long time to come." Medvedev's announcement found Israel embarrassed and unprepared.
The [Israel] Foreign Ministry admitted that the [Ministry's] workers' union's strike greatly compromised efforts to block the wave of recognition of a Palestinian state. "We are utterly blind to what's going on," one Foreign Ministry official told Ynet. Medvedev said Tuesday [January 19] during a visit to Jericho that Moscow had effectively recognized Palestine back in 1988 and has no intention of changing its position now.
He noted that all would benefit from the establishment of a Palestinian state, including the Israelis. Talking to Ynet, Erekat noted, "We appreciate the Russian recognition of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders whose capital is East Jerusalem." [Editor's Note: There is some disagreement on whether or not Russia recognized the borders, see final quote of article].
He added that the Russian president's visit had more than political significance. "Russia signed with us a series of agreements including agriculture, communications and sports deals," he said. Medvedev announced Moscow will transfer US $10 million to the PA [Palestinian Authority] and inaugurated the new Russian museum in Jericho, which according to Erekat is an important symbol for the Palestinian people.
The Palestinian government's spokesman Ghassan Khatib told Ynet that Medvedev's visit had met their expectations. "This visit proves how truly important international recognition of an independent Palestinian state is. Russia has an important role in the peace process as well as a positive role in the UN Security Council, ahead of the submission of an Arab proposal draft calling to condemn Israel over settlement construction."
The Foreign Ministry described this Palestinian campaign as a "political intifada" aimed at securing as much international legitimization as possible before their expected petition to the General Assembly of the United Nations in September.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman plans on visiting London next week to meet with British Foreign Minister William Hague and later travel to Portugal. State officials estimated that Lieberman will try and get the UK to help prevent a similar domino effect in Europe. The issue will also be discussed during the newly appointed French foreign minister's scheduled visit to Israel.
The Foreign Ministry's Director of Communications Yossi Levy responded to Medvedev's statement: "We are not surprised by the statement made by the President of the Russian Federation. It's nothing new in regards to Moscow's well-known stance dating back to the 1988 declaration.
"Contrary to inaccurate reports, the Russian Federation president did not discuss the borders but only repeated that same statement recognizing the Palestinian people's right to their own state. Israel regards Russia as having an important role in the political process and cherishes its balanced, responsible and thoughtful position."
(Excerpts of an article by Elior Levy, Ronen Medzini contributed, Ynetnews, January 19, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the efforts of the Palestinian leadership to use these statements to gain momentum for this wave of political recognition, further weakening Israel's position in the international community, will fail.
"For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and possess it. Also, the descendants of His servants shall inherit it, and those who love His name shall dwell in it" (Psalm 69:35-36).
2. Netanyahu Coalition Hangs in Balance as Barak Quits LaborThe future of Israeli Prime Minster Binyamin Netanyahu's coalition hung in the balance on Monday [January 17] after his defense minister, Ehud Barak, announced he was quitting the Labor Party, which he has led for nearly four years, and forming his own faction.
The move was a surprise denouement to the growing tension between Barak and the rest of Labor's leadership over whether the party should remain in the Netanyahu government as peace talks with the Palestinians sputtered to a halt. Barak, who was facing calls for party leadership elections as he defied demands to quit the coalition, turned the tables on his foes and left the party before they could act.
"We are leaving a party and a home that we love," Barak told a news conference in Jerusalem, where he announced that he and four other Knesset [Parliament] lawmakers were leaving Labor to form the Atzmaut, or "independence," faction. "We have reached the decision that this anomaly in political life, where there were in essence two Labor factions, had to stop."
In response, the rump Labor Party said it was leaving the government, with Industry and Trade Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Welfare Minister Isaac Herzog, and Minority Affairs Minister Avishai Braverman all tendering their resignations within hours after Barak's announcement.
[As] The undisputed ruling party of Israel for most of the country's first three decades, Labor spent the next 30 years mostly out of power. It was finally pushed aside as the leading party of the center-left when Kadima was formed in 2005 by then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Until Monday morning, it had 13 seats in the Knesset, the fourth-largest faction in the Knesset.
Despite the party's small size, the Labor split could have wide-ranging repercussions, political analysts said. The shake-up cuts the Netanyahu government's majority in the 120-member Knesset by eight seats, to 66.
Indeed, media reports said Netanyahu helped Barak engineer the Labor Party split. The two men have grown close politically since the government was formed in 2009 and Barak provided a counterweight to an otherwise right-of-center government. Netanyahu reportedly feared that a rebellion by Labor would force Barak out of office or out the government entirely.
As for Barak, the consensus was that Monday's political exercise probably marks the final chapter of a political career that began in 1995 when he joined the government of Yitzhak Rabin. While he shortly thereafter assumed the role of Labor Party leader and defeated Netanyahu in 1996 elections, his term as prime minister was marked by failed peace talks with Syria and the Palestinians and with the outbreak of the second intifada in 2000. His term as prime minister was the shortest in Israel's history.
He returned to party leadership in 2007 but failed to revive Labor in elections two years later. Analysts said his Atzmaut faction was unlikely to draw votes and that Barak's only hope of surviving after the next elections was to join Netanyahu's Likud.
(Excerpts of an article by David Rosenberg, The Media Line, January 17, 2011)
Prayer Focus
In a political environment that is often chaotic, pray for stability in every level of the Israeli government. Pray that Netanyahu will have the wisdom of God to lead his party and his nation along the path the Lord has ordained.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye" (Psalm 32:8).
3. Hamas: Breakthrough in Shalit Talks PossibleHamas is "positively looking into" the efforts of the German mediator working to secure the release of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, a senior member of the Palestinian movement told the London-based, Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper in an interview published Tuesday [January 18].
According to the source, the mediator presented "new ideas," which might lead to a breakthrough in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas. The German mediator, Gerhard Konrad, visited the Gaza Strip last week. The newspaper quoted a senior Hamas member as saying that Konrad's visit lasted two days and included "intensive talks" with Hamas leaders on "new ideas he brought along to advance the matter."
The source noted that Hamas was waiting for the results of the mediator's talks with Israel. He stressed, however, that the Palestinian group was sticking to its stand that Israel must release all prisoners whose names were included in a list handed by the organization if it wants to see Shalit released.
According to Hamas, the decision on whether to advance the talks or not is all up to Israel. "Signing an agreement will be made possible only when Israel shows serious intentions and sincerity to do so," said a group source. He noted that "we don't want to keep Shalit with us, but we will only agree to release him as part of an honorable swap deal."
(By Elior Levy, Ynetnews, January 18, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that Israel will move under the wisdom and direction of the Lord in any such talks. Pray for the safety and protection of Gilad Shalit and comfort for his family as this situation is resolved.
"The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit" (Psalm 34:18).
4. IDF: Missiles Expects to Hit Tel Aviv in Next WarTel Aviv has managed to escape the missile threat in the last two wars with Lebanon and Gaza, but with terrorists in both regions having acquired more advanced missiles, the second-largest city in Israel could be hit by dozens of missiles in the next war, according to Haaretz.
The commander of the Dan region in the Israel Defense Forces [IDF] Home Front Command, Col. Adam Zussman, told Haaretz in an interview regarding Tel Aviv, "Under any war scenario, it will be hit by a large number of missiles, missiles that are precise and lethal. However, our preparedness to deal with such missiles has also improved."
The amount of damage in a multi-front war with Hamas, Hizbullah, Syria, and possibly Iran, as described by Zussman, is deeply troubling. The Gush Dan region, which includes Tel Aviv's 1.5 million residents, could be looking at hundreds of casualties and destroyed buildings. This would be a step up from the damage done to civilians in the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead, although both conflicts wreaked havoc on the targeted regions in the north and south of Israel.
Zussman said Tel Aviv has already begun preparing for such a scenario, including locating underground facilities that can be used temporarily for civilians, although the number of such sites needed could prove to be extensive. Beyond the mass of civilians, another serious concern in Tel Aviv is the special structures, including hospitals and the defense ministry, which will need security and the ability to somehow continue to function.
A separate article from Haaretz reported that the Home Front Command has reduced the official amount of time given Tel Aviv residents to reach shelter in the event of a missile attack-from two minutes to 90 seconds from the first sounding of the warning siren. The Home Front Command has also altered its emergency protocol, which will be distributed along with guidebooks to municipalities in the region.
(By Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, January 17, 2011
Prayer Focus
Pray that the Lord will protect every area of the nation of Israel from any kind of attack. Pray that any weapons aimed at Israel will fail to function, missing their targets and causing no damage.
"'No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,' says the LORD" (Isaiah 54:17).
5. UN Resolution Draft Opposing Israeli Settlements SubmittedIsrael came under yet more diplomatic attacks from the Palestinians and their allies on Wednesday [January 19], as a draft resolution which condemns Israeli settlement activity was submitted to the United Nations Security Council by Lebanon, according to The Jerusalem Post.
The resolution was not brought to a vote, and according to sources cited by The Jerusalem Post, it may not be voted on until next month at the earliest. It labels East Jerusalem as Palestinian, calling upon Israel to "immediately and completely" halt settlement activities "in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem."
The US, which wields a veto in the Security Council, has opposed the resolution effort, but has not declared which way they would vote. The resolution was sponsored by 120 countries. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, responding to a reporter's question in comments posted on the State Department Web site on Thursday [January 20], critiqued the Palestinian resolution effort as being unhelpful.
Clinton did note that the US position opposing settlement construction remains, and US spokesman Mark Toner echoed Clinton's sentiments on Thursday while refusing to say if the US would veto the resolution. In his comments to reporters, Toner said, "I'm not going to speculate on how we might vote, but we've made very clear both our policy on settlements as well as our belief that action in the United Nations or any other forum is not particularly helpful."
The UK was also noncommittal about their vote of a UN resolution. According to the Ma'an News Agency, the British minister for the Middle East, Alistair Burt, said on Wednesday they would "consider any draft resolution carefully," with its impact on a return to direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians the key issue. However, he also expressed opposition to things that would negatively impact that resumption of negotiations.
In a press release, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman slammed the Palestinian approach to Israel. "While Israel authorized an additional 5,300 Palestinian jobs inside Israel last week, the Palestinian Authority [PA] has proposed a resolution to the Security Council accusing Israel [of] every conceivable sin," said Lieberman on Thursday, apparently referring to the settlement resolution. "This discrepancy cannot remain forever and will cause the collapse of the relationship between Israel and the PA. Israel will not sit back and be criticized forever."
The press release paraphrased Lieberman as also critiquing the Arab League for being "active only in condemning Israel," while not adequately addressing other significant issues in the region, such as the tumultuous situations in Tunisia and Lebanon.
(By Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, January 20, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that this resolution is defeated, driving the Palestinians back to direct negotiations. Pray that the international community would come to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's undivided eternal capital.
"In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: 'Do not fear; Zion, let not your hands be weak. The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing'" (Zephaniah 3:16-17).
6. Flotilla Raid Probe: IDF Acted ProperlySome eight months after the lethal Israel Defense Forces [IDF] raid on the Turkish Marmara vessel, the Turkel Committee charged with probing the incident is set to submit the first part of its report. The report's first chapter, to be published Sunday [January 20], is expected to rule that IDF troops acted properly in taking over the Gaza-bound ship.
A source who is well familiar with the committee's work said all its members, including the two foreign observers involved in the probe, agreed that Israel's Navy commandoes did not violate international law, even after the operation aboard the Marmara encountered unexpected entanglements.
Professor Yossi Shain, an international relations expert at Georgetown University and the head of Tel Aviv University's diplomacy program, said that any professional observer would view the Turkel Committee as a serious, distinguished team. He added that the Irish and Canadian observers appointed by the committee further boosted its credibility.
However, despite this, Shain said he expects the world to treat the committee's findings with suspicion. "Almost naturally, committees established by Israel draw a suspicious attitude in the world," he said. "There will always be a perception whereby Israeli committees take Israel's side."
"In any case, the UN committee would have to address the Turkel report and examine the differences between its findings and UN decisions in order to find out the reason for this," he said. Shain stressed that, in his view, the Turkel Committee aimed to uncover the truth, and therefore its recommendations are expected to be accepted by bodies considered objective. However, he added that in certain international forums the battle for Israel's image is a lost cause.
(By Aviel Magnezi, Ynetnews, January 20, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the legitimacy of the Turkel Committee is recognized and the validity of this report acknowledged. Pray that Israel's allies will be outspoken in their support of these findings.
"For I will not trust in my bow, nor shall my sword save me. But You have saved us from our enemies, and have put to shame those who hated us. In God we boast all day long, and praise Your name forever" (Psalm 44:6-8).
7. Netanyahu on Tunisia: Hope Calm Will Be RestoredPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Sunday's [January 15] weekly cabinet meeting that Israel was following the developments in Tunisia "closely." Addressing the riots in the North African nation and the political crisis in Lebanon, the premier said, "Our region is unstable. Anyone can see that there are a number of centers of instability in the region we live in. We hope calm and security will be restored."
Netanyahu linked the civil unrest to the stalled negotiations with the Palestinians, saying, "The lesson here is clear - we must have security foundations in any agreement we reach. We can't sign a peace deal, close our eyes, and that's it. We need solid security arrangements, because peace can also unravel. There can be governmental changes, and therefore, the government's policy is to secure arrangements of peace and security that will guarantee stability in case peace unravels," he said.
Minister Silvan Shalom, who was born in Tunisia, said, "For many years, people have said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the source of regional instability, but now we see three centers of instability that are not connected to Israel: Tunisia, Lebanon, and Sudan. "The claim that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the cause of instability in the Middle East is nothing more than a myth," he added.
Shalom also expressed his hope that calm would be restored in Tunisia. "This is indeed a historic development. Tunisia is a moderate country with ties to the West. We are following the developments - also because of our relations with (Tunisia) - and we hope the international community will prevent Islamist elements from taking over the country," said the minister.
(By Ronen Medzini, Ynetnews, January 16, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray for the safety of the people of Tunisia and for a positive outcome to current developments. Pray for stability in the region and recognition that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the source of regional instability.
"He sits in the lurking places of the villages; in the secret places he murders the innocent; his eyes are secretly fixed on the helpless...Arise, O LORD! O God, lift up Your hand! Do not forget the humble" (Psalm 10:8, 12).
8. Lebanon Tribunal Files Indictment in Hariri CaseDaniel A. Bellemare, the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) Monday [January 17] filed a sealed indictment in connection with the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and others in 2005. The indictment, which was filed with the Tribunal's registrar, who will in turn submit it to the pre-trial judge, marks the beginning of the judicial phase of the Tribunal's work, the STL said.
No details of the indictment were released. The STL is believed to have named officials in the Hizbullah movement in the indictment, which has sparked deep tensions in Lebanon. Lebanon's government collapsed last week after the Islamic movement, together with its allies, withdrew from the ruling coalition, which is led by Hariri's son Saad. In the past, Hizbullah leaders have hinted they might resort to violence to stop the STL from proceeding with its work.
(Excerpts of an article by The Media Line, January 18, 2011)
Prayer Focus
With the threat of sectarian violence and economic collapse looming over the country, pray that the Lord will move to protect the Lebanese people, weaken Hizbullah, and establish a government favorable to Israel.
"Deliver me O LORD, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their hearts; they continually gather together for war" (Psalm 140:1-2).
9. Water, Water Everywhere and Every Drop to DrinkFollowing a major earthquake in Taiwan in 2009, humanitarian aid workers from Israel brought along locally made WaterSheer products to ensure a steady stream of potable water for the survivors and to transport drinking water quickly to where it was needed most. "You need high quality water in every circumstance, and we are able to provide it even in cases of disaster," says Yossie Sandak, CEO and co-founder of the three-year-old company based in Airport City near Tel Aviv. "In Taiwan, within 48 hours, our products were already in the field and purifying 16,000 liters [4,227 gallons] per day."
Sulis Personal Purification Devices (PPDs) are compact and self-contained contraptions that fit onto standard bottles, water taps, and tanks. Using a chlorine tablet to treat organic, biological, and chemical contaminants, Sulis delivers safe drinking water from almost any groundwater source. One unit can purify up to 700 liters (185 gallons) with a shelf life of about six months. This makes it suitable for emergency preparedness response, military operations, global travel and other commercial uses.
The Sokol1 multi-liter reusable purification system and the Sokol Alert were designed to treat large quantities of undrinkable water. The aseptic "water pillow" system [a large pillow-looking container for water] provides a solution for supply and mobilization. Each pillow holds up to 3,100 gallons [11,700 liters] of potable water and can be loaded onto flatbed trucks. When they arrive at distribution points, the units are emptied into smaller flexible thermoplastic "pillows" that can have taps attached for easy and immediate distribution.
Disasters aside, WaterSheer is focused on a much larger issue: Only 0.74% of the world's water is considered safe for drinking, and some 2 billion people either lack access to sufficient quantities of water or are supplied with unsafe water. It is estimated that about 1.6 million children under the age of five die from drinking untreated water in developing nations.
(Excerpts of an article by Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel21c, January 16, 2011)
Prayer Focus
As potable water is increasingly in short supply globally, pray that these products will reach their full potential in helping the nations of the world deal with such shortages.
"But as for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause-who does great things, and unsearchable, marvelous things without number. He gives rain on the earth, and sends waters on the fields" (Job 5:8-10).
10. Computer Worm Apparent Cause in Iranian Nuke DelayThe Stuxnet computer worm has apparently destroyed around one-fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges used to develop nuclear fuel, helping to set back the Iranian nuclear program by years, according to a report by The New York Times. Furthermore, while neither the US nor Israeli governments are acknowledging any role in the cyberattack,
The New York Times said it seems that the two allies were the primary designers behind the malware. The American newspaper reported that Stuxnet apparently was designed to cause Iran's centrifuges, which enrich the uranium needed for nuclear fuel, to destroy themselves, while at the same time, telling operators the plant was running normally, circumventing the system's safety measures.
The Stuxnet attack has so far been partially successful. International inspectors said in late 2009 that 984 machines had been removed from service earlier that year. The report also said that experts believe the malware could be the source for future attacks.
While the estimates for Iran reaching nuclear capability have been pushed back by some officials (including US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who touted sanctions as hurting Iran's program), Clinton was cautious to remind the world recently that the threat is not over.
In comments on January 9, Clinton said, "The timeline is not so important as the international effort to try to ensure that, whatever the timeline, Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons. I don't know that it gives much comfort to somebody who is in the [Persian] Gulf or is in a country that Iran has vowed to destroy that it's a one-year or three-year timeframe. So I think we should keep the focus where it belongs - on the intensive international effort certainly highlighted by the sanctions, which we believe have had a very significant impact."
(By Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, January 15, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the nations of the world will continue to focus on the dangers of Iranian nuclear capability and find permanent solutions to the problem.
"Arise, O God, plead Your own cause; remember how the foolish man reproaches You daily. Do not forget the voice of Your enemies; the tumult of those who rise up against You increases continually" (Psalm 74:22-23).
Note: All Scripture is taken from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
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Editor-in-Chief: Rebecca J. Brimmer
Assistant Editor: Cheryl Hauer
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Proofreader: Charleeda Sprinkle
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