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Friday, March 11, 2011

Ethiopia deploys troops to stop wave of Muslim violence against Christians

An update on last week's story, which reported that five churches were burned following a rumor that Christians desecrated a Qur'an. The count is now up to "55 churches, 30 Christian homes, a Bible school, a Christian orphanage, and a church office," with 3000 Christians displaced, one dead, and several beaten.
This was a rampage waiting for an excuse. Someone evidently got tired of waiting and made one up. "Ethiopia Sends Military to Stop Muslim Violence Against Christians," from International Christian Concern, March 9:
Washington -- International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the Ethiopian government has sent military forces to put down the anti-Christian violence perpetrated by Muslims in Asendabo and the surrounding areas. Government officials have arrested several Muslims suspected of attacking Christians in the area. Read the whole story on: Jihad Watch

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