1. Grad Rocket Hits BeershebaA Grad rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit a house yard in Beersheba Wednesday [February 23]. Damage was caused to several nearby houses and vehicles. Ten people, including four children, suffered anxiety attacks and were taken to the Soroka University Medical Center. There were no reports of other injuries.
The Israel Defense Forces [IDF] responded by attacking the terrorist cell which was behind the rocket fire. The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said there was confirmation the target was hit. Three Palestinians were lightly injured. Later on Wednesday, Palestinian sources reported that Air Force aircrafts and helicopters attacked military targets across the Gaza Strip.
Most attacks targeted the Zeitun neighborhood in east Gaza and the central Gaza Strip, the sources said. The inhabitants of the Beersheba house suffered shock and were treated by a paramedic. The owner of the house said: "We were coming down to the basement, myself and my son, and suddenly all the glasses shattered. It was horrible."
Yuval Yirmiyahu, a paramedic, said the rocket caused considerable damage, "Two villas were damaged, house windows shattered, doors displaced, and shrapnel spread," he said. Damage was also caused to water pipes.
Less than an hour after the Grad rocket hit Beersheba, Air Force aircrafts attacked a terrorist cell belonging to al-Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad's military wing, which was planning additional rocket launchings.
An alarm was sounded in the Beersheba area at around 9:40 pm accompanied by explosion sounds. The Magen David Adom [Israel's state emergency service, similar to Red Cross] director ordered the alertness level be raised in the Southern District. Beerheba Mayor Rubik Danilovitch said one house was hit. "No one was hurt thanks to the fact that everyone entered fortified areas, and the rocket landed outdoors."
The Southern District chief at the Home Front Command Colonel Eitan Yitzhak said that the IDF was not surprised by the rocket fire and noted only one rocket exploded. He said that the alert systems were duly activated and residents followed guidelines by entering fortified areas.
One of the residents said he heard the alarm while in his backyard. "As the alarm went off, I stepped inside and told the whole family to enter the fortified room. We then heard a loud blast and one of the doors fell inside the living room. Luckily no one was hurt. "
Salit, a Ramat Gan resident whose parents reside in Beesheba told Ynet that the windows at her parents' house had shattered but that her parents have not been injured.
(Excerpts of an article by Ilana Curiel, Tova Dadon, Elior Levy, Yair Altman and Gili Dagan contributed, Ynetnews, February 23, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that God will protect the inhabitants of Israel within range of these missiles. Pray that He will give wisdom to Israeli leaders to know how to stop the attacks from reaching Israeli communities.
"The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; the God of my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; my Savior, You save me from violence. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies" (2 Samuel 22:2-4).
2. Israelis Missing in New ZealandIsraelis Missing in New ZealandA search is on for some 300 missing people in New Zealand 24 hours after a deadly earthquake claimed the lives of at least 75. Ynet learned Wednesday [February 23] that three or four Israeli travelers last seen in Christchurch before the quake are still missing.
The Foreign Ministry says that altogether 20-30 Israelis have still not contacted their families, but officials explained that this is probably due to technical issues, and that they are not categorized as missing persons yet.
The Israeli consul to New Zealand, Teddy Poplinger, is on location in the city of Christchurch. "There is a list of Israelis who have yet to make contact," he said. "We are more worried about three or four of them because they were last seen in town prior to the earthquake." Poplinger added that he has "passed along the names to the authorities and asked for assistance. We've also contacted the hospital in case they run into them so they can inform us."
Of the Israelis gone missing, 23-year old Ofer Mizrahi is feared dead. His three traveling companions reported that a building collapsed on their vehicle while he was inside, but his family has not received official confirmation of his death. Two other Israelis who have not yet contacted their families are Gabi Ingel and Ofer Levy, both 22 from Rehovot, who have been traveling in New Zealand since December.
Gil Ingel, Gabi's father, told Ynet he was beside himself with worry. "I last spoke to him 12 hours before the quake, and he told me they were planning to go work at a vineyard on the day of the quake. Since then we have not been able to contact him," he said.
Ayelet Ingel, his sister, said the family had received conflicting reports. "At first we heard nothing, but we hoped everything was okay because they weren't supposed to be in the city. Then we received information that they had been seen and we calmed down," she recounted. But in the morning, she said, "We were told they were seen a half an hour before the quake, leaving a hostel in the city." Ingel asked that anyone who has any information on her brother's whereabouts come forward.
(Excerpts from an article by Aviel Magnezi, Ynet, February 23, 2011, Ronen Medzini contributed to this report)
Prayer Focus
We pray for those who mourn that they will be comforted. We pray that any still living will be quickly found and families in Israel notified.
"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by" (Psalm 57:1).
3. America's U.N. Veto Outrages Arabs; Sets Up "Day of Rage"The Obama administration's attempt to have it both ways left Palestinians outraged and Israelis miffed at the American veto of a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israeli building on post-1967 lands [West Bank, or Judea and Samaria, and East Jerusalem] on Friday [February 18].
For the Palestinians, the resolution was a litmus test of the American president's bona fides as honest broker in the peace process. For the Israelis, it was a test of whether the traditional alliance often typified by America's protection of Israel at the U.N. remains unshakable in practice as well as in rhetoric.
President Obama tried until the last possible moment to convince Palestinian Authority [PA] head Mahmoud Abbas to withdraw the resolution, but with no success. Backed by the Arab world, Abbas rejected the American contention that the issue of Israeli building on land it acquired in the 1967 war, which the Palestinians see as the land upon which its state will be built, is properly a matter for direct negotiations rather than third-party forums like the U.N.
Media reports in the region quoted unnamed Palestinian leaders as accusing Obama of "threatening" Abbas, warning of "repercussions" that could include a loss of aid, if the vote were to take place.
Israelis remained angry that their position regarding the legal status of post-1967 land and especially recognition of the difference between land lying within the borders of its capital, Jerusalem, and other land acquired in 1967, is so reflexively dismissed in what they see as a political rather than legal rendering.
Some on Israel's side had feared that because the American administration's policy is very much in-synch with the language of the resolution, the White House would be hard-pressed to exercise its veto [which it ultimately did use].
Prior to the vote, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Mallki told The Media Line that a veto would raise the question of "how the Americans will be able to continue with their efforts as a fair broker after such an embarrassment…such veto will prove they cannot really continue as fair brokers because no one will take them seriously."
An attempt by the administration [to] assuage the Arab world through Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's declaration that the Israeli communities in question are "illegitimate" failed to have any effect and angered Israelis at what they see as a blunt dismissal of its position.
One immediate result of the American decision is a "day of rage" called for [in] the West Bank Friday [February 25]. Some fear the demonstration could trigger the sort of protests that have been spreading throughout the Arab world but had not yet reached the Palestinian territories.
(By The Media Line, February 20, 2011)
Prayer Focus
The Day of Rage is specifically against President Obama and America. Pray that no innocent bystanders will be injured. Pray that our Bridges for Peace team remain safe in the midst of turbulent times.
"Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their hearts; they continually gather together for war" (Psalm 140:1-2).
4. Abbas: US Aid "Does Not Mean They Dictate to Us Whatever They Want"Palestinian Authority [PA] leaders and its official media have attacked the US with a barrage of anti-American statements. This follows the US veto of a UN Security Council resolution last week on the issue of Israeli building in Jerusalem and the West Bank [Judea and Samaria].
These verbal attacks come in spite of the continued substantial financial aid the PA receives from the US. A few weeks before the UN vote, [PA President] Mahmoud Abbas already announced that US financial support of the Palestinian Authority will not allow the US "to dictate to us whatever they want."
Abbas cited two examples of requests by the Obama administration that he personally had rejected: "The US is assisting us in the amount of [US] $460 million annually. This does not mean that they dictate to us whatever they want, because we do what we view as beneficial to our cause. I recall that they said, 'Don't go to the Arab Summit in Damascus,' but we went. They demanded that we should not sign the Egyptian reconciliation document [between Fatah and Hamas], but we sent Azzam Al-Ahmed to sign it." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 24, 2011]
Since the UN vote, the Palestinian Authority has stepped up its verbal attacks directed at President Obama personally and the United States in general. It should be noted that not only is the US under the Obama administration a major financial supporter of the PA, but since its establishment in 1993, the PA has received more financial aid from the United States than any other country. According to the World Bank report in 2004, the US was the single largest supporter of Palestinians, giving more than [US] $1.3 billion to the PA and NGOs
By 2007, the amount was more than [US] $1.5 billion, and US aid has continued at high levels since. Most of the Palestinian infrastructure has benefited from US aid, including schools, hospitals, universities, water systems, road development, sports and more.
The following are detailed examples of PA leaders' statements and articles in the official PA daily in response to the US veto:
Op-ed in official PA daily headline: "Yes, we can"
"Contrary to the campaign slogan upheld by President Obama in order to achieve the Presidency, 'Yes, we can,' he has shown-by instructing that veto [power] be employed at the Security Council-that all he can do is bow before Netanyahu and Lieberman... President Obama is bowing before Israel, which steals the rights of the Palestinian people, because he has begun planning for the campaign to extend his term of office in 2012.
"Therefore he applied pressure to President Mahmoud Abbas in a conversation that lasted 50 minutes, by using threats to force the Palestinian leadership to withdraw the [proposed] resolution condemning the settlements and emphasizing their illegality... President Obama attaches no importance to values, morality, the principles of human rights, or international law. All that matters to him is his own interest and the interests of his country. He forgets that the world is changing, and is no longer a hostage to American interests...
"The Palestinian people, with its long history of resistance, know that the Arab nations will soon begin to chant their old slogans, including, 'America is the head of the snake.' The Arab masses will emphasize that they are rising up not only against poverty and corruption, but also against degradation and humiliation [and seek] to restore their glory and their dignity. The symbol of the glory and dignity of the Arab masses is the conflict with Israel and its allies, following their escape from regimes which oppressed them, impoverished them, starved them, and which acted as a barrier between them and the stopping of the Zionist enterprise. All the sacrifices are insignificant, if the alternative is degradation and humiliation. Our nations have held back for a long time, but they will rise up, rebel, [bring about] change, and answer, 'Yes, we can.'" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 20, 2011]
(Excerpts of an article by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, February 25, 2011)
Prayer FocusPray that the US government will take notice of these comments and stop pressuring Israel to make concessions with those who are not willing to negotiate.
"He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him; he has broken his covenant. The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords" (Psalm 55:20-21).
5. Iran Ships Pass via Suez, Israel Says ProvocationISMAILIA, Egypt-Two Iranian naval ships passed through Egypt's Suez Canal into the Mediterranean on Tuesday [February 22] heading for Syria, a source at the canal authority said, a move that Israel condemned as a "provocation". Iran appears to be testing the state of affairs in the Middle East after the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
A longstanding peace treaty with Egypt is crucial to Israel's regional security. Washington said it was monitoring the ships' movement. The ships entered the canal at 5.45 a.m. (0345 GMT) on Tuesday and passed into the Mediterranean at 3.30 p.m. (1330 GMT), the Suez Canal Authority source told Reuters. "Their return is expected to be on March 3," the source said.
The Suez Canal cuts through Egypt and allows shipping to pass from the Middle East to Europe and vice versa without going around the southern tip of Africa. The canal's northern mouth, Port Said, is around 100 km (60 miles) from Israel, but the ships' route would take them into the Mediterranean along Gaza and the Israeli coast. The vessels, the first Iranian navy ships to enter the canal since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, are a frigate and a supply ship.
Israel is anxious about political upheaval in Egypt and other Arab states aligned with its ally the United States. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously said he would take a "grave view" of the passage of Iranian naval ships. Deputy Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon told Israel's Channel 2 television on Tuesday: "It's an Iranian provocation. When you look at the Middle East, wherever the Iranians weigh in, the situation is not good." Israeli media have quoted unnamed navy officials as saying the Iranian vessels would be tracked, but not confronted.
Iran's deputy commander of the army, Abdolrahim Mousavi, was quoted by the official Irna news agency on Tuesday as saying that Israel was "astonished" by the presence of Iranian naval vessels in the canal. Using a term by which Iran refers to the United States, he added: "The global arrogance must know that the Islamic Republic of Iran's army is fully prepared to defend its goals.
"The world should know that the presence of Iranian warships in the Suez Canal has taken place...through the deep guidance of the Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] and our young and brave personnel's self-confidence."
Analysts say Iran sees itself benefiting from the upheaval across the Middle East. Dislodgement and weakening of leaders sympathetic to the United States are likely to embolden Tehran, and lessen the chances of it making concessions on its nuclear program. Iran denies it intends to build atomic weapons.
(Excerpts of an article by Yusri Mohamed, additional reporting by Dan Williams in Jerusalem, Zahra Hosseinian in Tehran and Dina Zayed in Cairo; writing by Edmund Blair, Maria Golovnina and Sarah Mikhail; Editing by Mark Trevelyan, Reuters, February 22, 2011)

Prayer Focus
Pray that God will hold back these war ships from striking Israel in any way with any weapon.
"Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; defend me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloodthirsty men" (Psalm 59:1-2).
6. Israel Tests Arrow 2 Anti-missile SystemIsrael's defense establishment has completed a successful test of the Arrow 2 ballistic missile defense system on Tuesday [February 22]. Using an interceptor missile, the operators were successful in destroying a target missile launched from a ship at sea. The system check was conducted at a designated field in the US.
According to a defense establishment source, the experiment was anticipatory of a "significant future threat in the Middle East, which might be directed at Israel." The test, the 18th of its kind, began on Tuesday morning.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak called Tuesday's drill a "significant landmark in the security establishment's effort to develop an active and multilayered defense system. "It joins the success of the Iron Dome last week," he added. "The citizens of the State of Israel can be proud of the fact that Israel is the leading nation in the world in the field of multilayered missile defense."
Aryeh Herzog, director of the Defense Ministry's Homa project, which deals with the State's missile defense, said that the system worked well during the experiment. "The target was launched and the radar followed it," he said. "Afterwards, the interceptive missile was launched. It hit the target and brought to its total destruction." Sources in the defense establishment added that the interceptive missile was airborne for a minute and a half before colliding with the target missile.
Arrow 2 was designed to protect Israel from Iran's Shihab-3 and Sijil missiles, as well as Syria's Scud-D missiles. Arrow 2 is part of the multilayered missile defense system that includes Iron Dome, which is expected to be operational within weeks; Magic Wand, which has entered the flight testing stage of development; and Patriot. The system is expected to be operational in 2014.
(Excerpts of an article by Hanan Greenberg, Ynet, February 22, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Praise God for this successful test. Pray that God will continue to give life-saving ideas and technology to Israel's scientific community.
"Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation; the fear of the LORD is His treasure" (Isaiah 33:6).
7. "Iran Recovered Quickly from Cyber Attack"Iran managed to rehabilitate its uranium enrichment facility in Natanz quickly after it was attacked by the Stuxnet computer worm, the Washington Post reported Tuesday night [February 15], based on talks with Western diplomats and a report authored by an American security institute.
A Western diplomat with access to confidential International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] reports who insisted on anonymity told the paper that the Iranians "have been able to quickly replace broken machines," and that despite the setbacks, "the Iranians appeared to be working hard to maintain a constant, stable output" of low-enriched uranium.
According to the report, a network of surveillance cameras installed by United Nations inspectors to keep tabs on Iran's nuclear progress recorded last year something unexpected: workers hauling away crate after crate of broken equipment.
In a six-month period between late 2009 and last spring, the Washington Post said UN officials were amazed to see Iran dismantle more than 10% of the Natanz plant's 9,000 centrifuge machines used to enrich uranium. Then, just as remarkably, hundreds of new machines arrived at the plant to replace the ones that were lost.
According to European diplomats, the plant's managers worked frantically to replace each piece of equipment they removed. "They were determined that the IAEA's reports would not show any drop in production," one of them said. According to the Post, the IAEA's files also show a feverish-and apparently successful-effort by Iranian scientists to contain the damage and replace broken parts, even while constrained by international sanctions banning Iran from purchasing nuclear equipment.
An IAEA report due for release this month is expected to show steady or even slightly elevated production rates at the Natanz enrichment plant over the past year, the paper said.
An initial report written by nuclear experts from the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) concluded that the damage caused to the nuclear facility as a result of the cyber attack was relatively minor. Nonetheless, the ISIS report acknowledges that the worm may have undercut Iran's nuclear program in ways that cannot be easily quantified. According to the Post, ISIS concluded that while scientists were able to replace the broken centrifuge machines this time, Iran is thought to have finite supplies of certain kinds of high-tech metals needed to make the machines.
In addition, the worm almost certainly exacted a psychological toll. "If nothing else, it hit their confidence," said ISIS President David Albright, one of the report's co-authors, "and it will make them feel more vulnerable in the future."
The New York Times reported last month that Israel and the United States were behind the cyber attack. According to the paper, Israel developed in its Dimona facility centrifuges identical to those Iran is operating in Natanz and tested Stuxnet on them together with the Americans.
According to Albright, the Natanz facility could be infected a second time, as the worm has infiltrated so many computers in Iran-about 60,000 according to estimates. But he questioned whether the worm's limited success so far justifies the use of a tactic that will probably provoke retaliation. "Stuxnet's discovery likely increased the risk of similar cyber attacks against the United States and its allies," he wrote in the ISIS report.
(Excerpts of an article by Ynet, Ynetnews, February 16, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that God will defend Israel from Iranian attack.
"May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend you" (Psalm 20:1).
8. Welcome to the World's Only Arab Bone Marrow Registry-in IsraelSince 2008, Dr. Amal Bishara has traveled to 60 Arab villages in search of cheek-swab samples for the world's only Arab bone marrow registry, housed at Jerusalem's Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center. She has gathered 9,000 samples for the registry, resulting in six life-saving donations.
That might not seem like a lot, considering that about 1.2 million of the world's roughly 400 million ethnic Arabs live in Israel. But Bishara, who has a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology from Hadassah, first has to explain the need for a registry of unrelated, anonymous donors.
Since Arabs frequently marry relatives, at least 60% of those needing marrow find genetic matches within their own extended families. Using lectures, publicity campaigns, newspaper articles and social media, Bishara has spread the word that the registry is the best means of locating donors for Arabs suffering from blood cancers and a variety of genetic diseases. And her efforts seem to be paying off.
"A small girl needed a transplant recently and our phone did not stop ringing," Bishara tells ISRAEL21c. "People want to participate. Now my emphasis is on getting university students to join because they are committed, young and healthy." She'd like to beef up the registry to 50,000 names.
Prof. Chaim Brautbar began Hadassah's bone marrow registry 22 years ago, and it now includes 75,000 potential Jewish donors. She says several attempts to convince Arabs to participate had fallen flat until Bishara was brought in. "Each ethnic population presents different tissue types, and you have to try to find a population most suitable for each patient," Israel explains.
In the absence of a wide base to choose from among both Jews and Arabs, "the chance of finding donors is very low. So we have to get people aware and tested. We are very excited whenever we find a match," relates Bishara, who was herself a backup donor for a 24-year-old female patient. "I often accompany donors through the whole process, and it actually changes their lives. One 19-year-old girl said it was the first time she felt she did something good in her life."
Bishara runs a virtually one-woman show, and her son or several retired Arab nurses often help with her educational programs and recruitment campaigns. In her presentations, she explains that about 90% of Arab requests for bone marrow transplants are for children with genetic diseases resulting from consanguineous marriages.
"When I explain that because of our unique genetics we only find matches for 10% of the Arab population without a family donor, that convinces people that we need them," says Bishara. "Once people know [donating] doesn't harm them, they will be encouraged to join the registry and give a donation if they're matched."
All potential donors are made aware that because Arabs and Jews have common ancestors, sometimes an Arab might be a match for a Jew and vice versa. In any case, the identity of the recipient is kept secret. After a year, if the recovered recipient agrees, the donor and recipient are given each other's contact information.
(Excerpts of an article by Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel21c, February 15, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the good things that Israel does for her neighbors will be recognized. Pray that Israel will receive good publicity.
"…you [Israel] shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 28:14).
Note: All Scripture is taken from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
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