News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
Group Starts Petition to Save Christian Mother
The Voice of the Martyrs, a group that monitors the persecution of Christians worldwide, has launched a petition campaign on behalf of a Pakistani mother convicted of blasphemy.
Iran again raises concerns over UK police harsh treatment
Service: Foreign Policy
More than 100,000 Christians killed annually, Report: Christian dies for beliefs every 5 minutes
Report: Christian dies for beliefs every 5 minutes
This Month in Muslim Persecution of Christians: July
FrontPage Magazine
August 12, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Large European Cities Overwhelmed by Muslim Population - Expert
Top Hamas engineer tells all
Nabbed engineer Abu Sisi provides Israel with invaluable information about Hamas' operations, newly released documents reveal; terror group's military academy operated in Gaza mosques, he says
Veiled Egyptian woman kidnapped, gang-raped

Logan’s Warning Exclusive: Town of New Hyde Park NY Bows to Islam for Ramadan
Study Proves: This Everyday Drink Lowers Your IQ
Co-authors of The Case Against Fluoride, as well as the Fluoride Action Network's submissions to the EPA's Office of Drinking Water in response to its proposed safe reference dose for fluoride1.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
9th of Av, 5771: Peace and "Extremism" on the Temple Mount
Earlier this week, On the fast day of Tish'a b'Av, (Tuesday, August 9th) some five hundred Jews visited the Temple Mount, site of the first and second Holy Temples. This is the day of mourning and fasting to commemorate the destruction of both Holy Temples. These visits passed peacefully; the only headlines made were the large number of Jews who made the ascent, and the physical assault upon one group of Jews by passing Moslems and Wakf officials.
Norway, Free Speech, and the Counterjihad
Israel to Approve 4,300 Units in Jerusalem
'Iran likely to close British embassy'
Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:47AM GMT

Video: The White House Cleanses Israel from Its Website
Another video by Granny Jan, but this one isn’t funny.
U.K.: Sharia courts take appalling and illegal behavior for granted
Sharia: a law unto itself?
Critics claim that the spread of Sharia law is creating a parallel legal system that opposes equal rights. We get a rare glimpse of an Islamic court at work .
Muslims Attack Christian Village in Egypt -- 1 Murdered, Homes Looted and Torched
(AINA) -- Muslims attacked Christians in the village of Nazlet Faragallah, in the southern Egyptian Minya province, on Sunday evening.
In online forums, Islamic militants urge rioters in Britain to topple government
Would-be terrorists looking to capitalize on U.K. riots

Flash Mobs are racial and media keeps quiet
Riots are breaking out in London and America. But you wont hear about race when speaking of the violence. National media is speechless.

During the 4th of July fireworks display in Peoria, Illinois a mob of black people began screaming “Kill Whitey” and disrupted traffic by pulling people out of cars and not letting people drive by blocking the highway.The attackers also took fireworks and pointed them at police and firefighters-helping those who were attacked. Many of them, were burned and injured. The mob left black people alone and beat up as many white people they could find. According to eye-witness, the attack was racially motivated, however many local news papers refuse to acknowledge race.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, another race riot broke out. A black mob walked through the state fair and starting beating up white people. Eyewitnesses explained that the mob ignored all black people and and targeted whites:
“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, and Iraq war veteran. Read the rest on:
News that matters
Related articles
- In the "post-racial America" of Barack Obama, hundreds of Blacks in mobs attack White people at Wisconsin State Fair (
- Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race (
Gaza summer camps are terrorist training centers
The core values are radical Islam, “the liberation of Palestine,” jihad, and death for the sake of Allah.
In June-August 2011, nearly 50,000 children and adolescents took part in Hamas-run summer camps in Gaza, as they do every year.
In addition to social activities, the camps offered Quran lessons, indoctrination with Hamas’ political ideology, and paramilitary training. Read the rest on: News that matters
Related articles
- HAMAS SUMMER CAMPS for little terrorists-in-training are more popular than ever (
- Hamas Reports Record Turnouts for Summer Camps for Children in 2011 (
- UN Summer Camp/Vacation Site in Gaza Torched Again (
- Obama-funded revived Mujahidin faction emerges in the Gaza Strip (
The police “helped” Norwegian terrorists by double default
The police “decided” not to use two available helicopters. The Delta force could have reached Utøya in 10 minutes.
Hizbullah MP: Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hizbullah Will Wipe Out Israel
Hizbullah MP: Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hizbullah Will Wipe Out Israel by MEMRITVVideos on Aug 10, 2011
The Plight of Assyrian Christians (Part 1)
Subject: The Plight of Assyrian Christians (Part 1)
Over one million Iraqi Christians displaced under the American occupation of
Iraq. This is a disgrace and tarnish on our country.
Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race
Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race
Obama remembers Muslim victims of terror
Published: Aug. 10, 2011 at 9:45 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A-Jad, Qaddafi Slam Britain Over Riots
Ahmadinejad warns over UNSC silence over Britain violence
Service: Foreign Policy
Birmingham (UK) first choice for sharia finance in Europe
Eddie Chumney to speak at Revealing Our Father's Heart
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Messianic Israel Alliance and Eddie Chumney![]() | ||
The Fall Of Nezarim - The Last Community In Gush Katif
Iranians Use London Riots As Propaganda
I Will Be Your Candle on the Water... Israel
The People demand Eretz Israel!
The People demand Eretz Israel!
Despite the late hour, hundreds of people attended the Women in Green
yearly walk around the walls.
After a beautiful and moving Eicha reading by David and Bentsie Matar
at the Independence Park across from the American consulate, the crowd
listened to the different speakers: Rabbi Mordechai Rabinovitch, MK
Professor Arieh Eldad, MK Dr Michael Ben Ari, Lehi fighter Ezra Yachin
and historian Arieh Yitzhaki- all emphasizing our loyalty to the Land
of Israel and a united Jerusalem.
Challah Hu Akbar: Palestinian Authority Preys On Women
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Palestinian Authority Preys On Women
Palestinian women have become the latest victims of a security crackdown launched by Palestinian Authority security forces that are funded, equipped and trained by Americans and Europeans.
Kenya burdened by famine refugees; rape attacks up