News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010
Al-Qaddafi: Islam taking over Europe - Victory within a Few Decades
Friday, November 12, 2010
סלהו אדגו מבקש שתבואו להפגין סולידריות
כשיצא מביתו לעבודה בבוקר יום בהיר לא האמין כי כשיחזור, ביתו (הקרוואן שסופק
לו ע"י משרד הקליטה) לא יהיה נוכח במקומו. לאחר בדיקה במשטרה נאמר לו שהקראוון
(ובו גם כל חפציו האישיים) הוחרם ע"י משרד הקליטה בטענה לחוב ע"ס 8000 ש"ח.
אדגו מצהיר כי יש בידיו את כל המסמכים והאישורים הנדרשים, ושאינו חייב כסף לשום
גורם \ מוסד. כעת, ובזמן שהמדינה הכל כך 'נחמדה' שלנו דואגת לפליטי סודן 'המסכנים' (שחוצים את הגבול לתוך ישראל בידיעה מוחלטת שמבצעים אקט בלתי בעליל)
נשאלת השאלה: אם לפליטי סודן שמסתננים באופן בלתי חוקי היא דואגת,
מדוע לעולים בעלי דם יהודי שהיא עצמה עודדה לעלות ארצה היא דווקא מקשה
ונוקטת בצעדים כאלו חריפים??!
אם גם אתם סבורים שנעשה פה עוול מהשורה הראשונה הצטרפו להפגנה
של סולידריות חברתית בתאריך 18.11.2010
Google Translation
Slhu Adago is relatively new immigrantfrom Ethiopia.Work in the morning when he left his house bright day did not believe that when he returned, his home (trailer provided Him by the Ministry of Absorption)
will not be present. After he was told the police probe caravan(Which also all his personal belongings) was confiscated by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption 8000 claiming the sum of NIS debt.Adago declares that his hands have all the documents and certificates required, and does not owe money to any An \ institution.
Now, while the country is so 'nice' our worries Sudanese refugees 'poor' (crossing the border into Israel knowing absolutely committed an act clearly)The question arises: if Sudanese refugees infiltrate illegally is concerned,Why immigrants with Jewish blood that she herself encouraged to immigrate to Israel is very difficultAnd takes such steps alcoholic??!
If you also believe that an injustice was done here first class joined the demonstrationOf social solidarity on 18.11.2010
Ayalon: Recognize Mizrahi Jews as refugees
Published: 11.10.10, 21:55 / Israel News
The peace negotiations are at a standstill, but Deputy Defense Minister Danny Ayalon thinks there's another issue that must be included in any agreement reached with the Palestinians. According to information obtained by Ynet, a new initiative promoted by the Foreign Ministry calls on Palestinians to "recognize Jews who exiled from Arab lands as refugees." Read the rest of the article on: Ynet |
BFP-UPDATE Israel Current News with Prayer Focus November 12, 2010
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1. Netanyahu Condemns UNESCO Vote on Historic Sites2. Biden: US Opposes Unilateral Moves3. Israel Responds to East Jerusalem Construction Backlash4. Anti-terror Bureau: Leave Sinai at Once5. IDF Pilot, Navigator Killed in Jet Crash6. US Disagrees with Netanyahu's Call to Threaten Iran7. Poverty Report: 123,500 Join Israel's Poor8. German Foreign Minister Visits Israel and Gaza
1. Netanyahu Condemns UNESCO Vote on Historic SitesWorld Jewish Congress [WJC] President Ronald S. Lauder and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have criticized a decision by the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] to define two historic Jewish shrines in the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] as "Palestinian" sites. [On October 21,] the UNESCO Executive Board adopted proposals initiated by Arab member states to dub two Jewish historical sites "Palestinian."
In a 44-1 vote, with 12 abstentions, the board declared the Haram al-Ibrahimi/ the Cave of the Patriarchs [in Hebron] and Bilal bin Rabah Mosque/ Rachel's Tomb [just outside the Bethlehem checkpoint] to be "an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories" and asserted "that any unilateral action by the Israeli authorities is to be considered a violation of international law."
Netanyahu issued a statement condemning the vote by the UNESCO Executive Board as an "attempt to detach the people of Israel from its heritage." He said, "If the places where the fathers and mothers of the Jewish nation are buried-Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Leah and Rachel-some 4,000 years ago are not part of the Jewish heritage, then what is?"
"It is regrettable that the organization established to promote historical heritage sites worldwide is trying, for political reasons, to detach the ties between the Jewish people and their heritage," Netanyahu said in his statement. "The State of Israel, in contrast to its neighbors, will continue to preserve freedom of religion at these sites and preserve them for future generations," he added.
WJC President Lauder wrote a letter to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, protesting the board's decision. "To deem these historic sites that have been an integral part of Jewish heritage in the land of Israel for thousands of years is not only a denial of factual history, but undermines the already fragile peace process by trying to prejudice the important and sensitive issues to be negotiated directly between the two parties, as designated by UN resolutions," he stated, adding: "The importance and holiness of these two sites to the Jewish people indeed predate their importance to other religious groups, and to deny this is to deny history."
One of the sites, in the West Bank city of Hebron, has been a flashpoint for decades. Jews call it the Cave of the Patriarchs, where the Bible says the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were buried along with three of their wives. Muslims call it the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque, reflecting the fact that Abraham is considered the father of both Judaism and Islam. Earlier this year, Israel registered the Hebron shrine as well as a tomb near Jerusalem, believed to be the burial site of the matriarch Rachel, as national heritage sites.
(Excerpts of an article by World Jewish Congress, November 2, 2010)
Prayer Focus
Pray against this outrageous attempt to erase the true, biblical history of Israel and separate the Jewish people from their heritage.
"Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously" (1 Chronicles 17:9).
2. Biden: US Opposes Unilateral MovesUS Vice President Joe Biden backed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday night [November 7], shortly after meeting with him in New Orleans, Louisiana, but reminded him of the need to advance the peace process with the Palestinians.
Biden spoke at the Jewish Federations of North America annual gathering in New Orleans following his 90-minute meeting with Netanyahu, which was defined as "warm." He cautioned both sides from taking unilateral actions "that will prejudice the outcome of these negotiations" and said that the US is working to renew the peace talks as soon as possible.
In his speech, Biden hinted to an Israeli construction freeze in West Bank [Judea and Samaria] settlements on the one hand, and the Palestinian threat to seek recognition for an independent state through the United Nations. During an earlier meeting, Netanyahu claimed that as long as the Palestinians have the option of turning to the UN Security Council, they would not be serious in regards to the peace talks.
The prime minister told the US vice president that without direct negotiations, there would be no use in discussing an agreement, and that there was a need for a peace deal with the Palestinians that would not be imposed from above but established on security arrangements on the ground in accordance with the security guaranteed.
On the backdrop of the recent deadlock in the talks, due to Israel's refusal to resume the building freeze, the Palestinians have once again raised the option of turning to international institutions and seeking unilateral recognition in a Palestinian state.
In his Sunday night speech, Biden promised the Jewish leaders that regardless of the outcome of the direct talks, "the ties between our two countries are literally unbreakable." Biden stressed the strong relationship between the US and Israel, saying he felt "absolutely certain that our support for Israel must continue... forever."
He discussed his meeting with Netanyahu, in which the two leaders reiterated that "when it comes to Israel's security there can be no daylight between the US and Israel. This administration represents an unbroken chain of American leaders who have understood this critical strategic relationship-one in which we will not yield one single inch," Biden said, adding that President Barack Obama "feels exactly the same way as I do."
Biden stressed, however, that "while the United States will continue to do whatever we can to defend Israel's legitimacy, whenever and wherever it is questioned, we all know that the only true way for it to gain the long-term security it seeks and deserves is through genuine, secure peace with its neighbors. There is no substitute for direct, face-to-face negotiations.
Netanyahu told Biden during their meeting that he believed Israel had taken sufficient moves to demonstrate its seriousness regarding the peace talks with the Palestinians, while the other side had not done a single thing. According to the prime minister, the Palestinians' statements, conditions, and excuses cast a doubt on the seriousness of their intentions.
During the meeting, the prime minister discussed Israel's request for security arrangements in the Jordan Rift Valley, explaining that the Jewish state did not want its eastern border to be like its northern one, where Hizbullah sits on the fence and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can walk along the border.
(Excerpts from an article by Yitzhak Benhorin, Attila Somfalvi contributed, Ynetnews, November 8, 2010)
Prayer Focus
As Israel continues to walk this diplomatic tightrope, pray that Prime Minister Netanyahu will be guided by the voice of the Lord. Pray that Joe Biden is truly expressing the intent of the US administration when he says he is "absolutely certain" that America's support for Israel must continue forever.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye" (Psalm 32:8).
3. Israel Responds to East Jerusalem Construction BacklashA Palestinian official has linked international recognition of a Palestinian state to Israeli plans to build more than 1,000 new housing units in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, potentially raising the stakes in the diplomatic standoff.
According to The New York Times, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said in a statement that the construction was "a call for immediate international recognition of the Palestinian State." Erekat claimed that the Israeli move was part of an attempt to prevent a Palestinian state from developing. The Israelis contradicted that assertion.
A statement posted on the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Web site on Tuesday [November 9] noted that construction has occurred in the same manner in Jerusalem for 40 years and has "never hindered the peace process."
While construction in disputed territory has been a hot topic in Israeli-Palestinian relations, it is generally believed that in any future peace deal, the Israelis will end up retaining portions of territory claimed by the Palestinians in exchange for territory in other areas of Israel.
In addition, though the Palestinians are demanding that Israel halt all settlement construction in the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] and in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem before resuming peace talks, their stance follows an unprecedented 10-month partial Israeli freeze on construction in the West Bank. Yet, during that time, the Palestinians refused to advance to direct negotiations with the Israelis for most of the moratorium.
Israel's statement on Tuesday pointed to history as proof that the construction would not doom the peace process. "Israel sees no connection between the diplomatic process and planning and building policy in Jerusalem, which has not changed in 40 years," said the statement. "All Israeli governments in the past 40 years have built in all parts of the city. During this period, peace agreements were signed with Egypt and Jordan, and for 17 years, diplomatic negotiations have been conducted with the Palestinians."
The Israeli statement also said there is a difference between the West Bank communities and East Jerusalem. "Jerusalem is not a settlement; Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel. Israel has never accepted upon itself restrictions of any kind on construction in Jerusalem…including during the 10 months in which construction was suspended in Judea and Samaria."
The Americans have joined the chorus of criticism of Israel's new building plans, and Israel said it hoped to be able to move past the disagreement and resume the peace process, which was effectively suspended by the Palestinians weeks ago. Specifically, the Israeli statement noted that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was set to meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday [November 11] "in order to advance the peace talks."
Said the Israeli statement, "The disagreements with the US over Jerusalem are well-known. They are not new and have continued for 40 years. We hope to overcome them and continue to advance the diplomatic negotiations."
(By Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, November 9, 2010)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the international community will recognize the intent of both sides when considering that the Palestinian leadership refused negotiations throughout the ten months of construction freeze earlier this year. Pray that Israel will stand firm in its refusal to be pressured into additional concessions.
"Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man" (Psalm 71:3-4).
4. Anti-terror Bureau: Leave Sinai at OnceThe Counter-Terrorism Bureau is urging Israelis to leave Egypt's Sinai Peninsula at once and return to Israel. The grave advisory also urges the relatives of Israelis in Sinai to contact them and update them about the warning.
A statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office Thursday evening [November 11] warned Israelis that up-to-date, credible information elicited by security authorities shows that a cell belonging to the Army of Islam group, affiliated with Global Jihad organizations, is in Sinai at this time in order to abduct Israelis. Against the backdrop of this intelligence information, the Israel Defense Forces last week assassinated a member of the group in Gaza involved in planning the attack.
Meanwhile, Egyptian security officials said that authorities detained some 25 jihadists in recent days. The sources told Palestinian news agency Ma'an that the radical Islamists were planning to target peace-keeping forces in the Sinai as well as Israeli tourists.
Several months ago, the Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued a warning to Israelis staying abroad, especially businesspeople, instructing them to remain on high alert and reject unexpected offers. Previous warnings advised Israelis to stay away from Thailand and Turkey. The last concrete terror alert warning Israelis to stay away from Sinai was issued in April of this year.
(Excerpts of an article by Attila Somfalvi, Roee Nahmias and Ahuva Mamos contributed, Ynetnews, November 12, 2010)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the Lord will protect all Israelis who may be targets of this threat. Pray that those who would perpetrate these attacks are swiftly brought to justice.
"Arise, O LORD, confront him, cast him down; deliver my life from the wicked with your sword" (Psalm 17:13).
5. IDF Pilot, Navigator Killed in Jet CrashThe bodies of an Israeli pilot and navigator whose F-16I plane crashed in the Ramon Crater during a training fight late Wednesday night [Nov. 8] were located Thursday afternoon following a long search, which lasted throughout the night and morning hours. Air Force Commander Ido Nehushtan arrived at the families' homes on Thursday afternoon to deliver the devastating news of their sons' death.
Tragically the pilot, 28-year old Amichay Itkis of Sde Warburg, had an older brother, Barak, who was killed while serving as a young officer in the Navy in 1998. Barak dreamed of becoming a pilot in the Air Force, but suffered vision impairment that denied him the job.
Itkis was the deputy commander of his squadron and recently left the position in order to complete academic studies. He was recently engaged to be married. He was survived by his parents and sister.
Emanuel Levy, the navigator, was 30 years old and a resident of Ma'ale Adumim. Emanuel was his parents' eldest son. His neighbors described a good person who liked to help people. "He was addicted to the army and wanted to be a career officer all his life," one of the neighbors said. "I will never forget his uproarious laughter." Levy was stationed in Israel Defense Forces Headquarters in Tel Aviv, but both crew members continued to carry out regular training flights as per Israel Air Force standards.
Soldiers and rescue forces searched the area throughout the night for pieces of the fallen plane. They said one of the problems encountered in the search is the sandy bottom of the crater, in which metallic particles have been lodged, making a search from the air difficult.
Four F-16I aircraft, the air force's newest plane, took part in routine training over the Ramon Crater in good weather. At some point, one of the planes suddenly fell to the ground from a height of 4,000 meters (13,000 feet), apparently failing to report any problem before the disaster. Another aircraft observed the plunge but apparently did not realize it would hit the ground.
It appears that human error was the cause of the accident, perhaps loss of orientation, but all other planes of this type were grounded immediately. Within a few days, it should be possible to rule out technical fault as the cause of the disaster.
By Hanan Greenberg, Ynetnews, November 11, 2010)
Prayer Focus
Pray for the families of this tragic accident. Pray that the Lord will protect all members of the Israeli military forces from such incidents.
"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me…To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified" (Isaiah 61:1a, 2-3).
6. US Disagrees with Netanyahu's Call to Threaten IranIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has escalated his rhetoric towards Iran, calling on the West to threaten the Islamic Republic with military action over their nuclear program. In comments to the Jewish Federations of North America on Monday [November 8], Netanyahu said that while sanctions were having an impact, they haven't done enough.
Said the Israeli leader, "The simple paradox is this: if the international community, led by the United States, hopes to stop Iran's nuclear program without resorting to military action, it will have to convince Iran that it is prepared to take such action."
The US, however, has so far rejected the idea that military threats are the only way to stop Iran. In comments posted on the State Department Web site, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told reporters, "I disagree that only a credible military threat can get Iran to take the actions that it needs to end its nuclear weapons program. We are prepared to do what is necessary, but at this point, we continue to believe that the political, economic approach that we are taking is, in fact, having an impact in Iran."
Despite the fact that the US is sticking to sanctions for the time being, Gates also reminded the reporters that President Barack Obama has repeatedly said that "all options are on the table." As for the international sanctions on Iran, Gates said, "We know that they [Iran] are concerned about the impact of the sanctions. The sanctions are biting more deeply than they anticipated, and we are working very hard at this."
Netanyahu, in his speech, expressed his appreciation for Obama's efforts to pass sanctions on Iran, even if more needs to be done. "There is no doubt that these sanctions are putting strong economic pressures on the Iranian regime," said Netanyahu. "But we have yet to see any signs that the tyrants of Tehran are reconsidering their pursuit of nuclear weapons. The only time that Iran suspended its nuclear program was for a brief period in 2003 [the same year the US invaded Iraq] when the regime believed it faced a credible threat of military action against it."
Netanyahu was firm in his dire perspective regarding Iran with nuclear weapons. "Containment will not work against Iran. It won't work with a brazen regime that accuses America of bombing its own cities on 9/11, openly calls for Israel's annihilation. and is the world's leading sponsor of terrorism. When faced with such a regime, the only responsible policy is to prevent it from developing atomic bombs in the first place," said Netanyahu. "The bottom line is this: Iran's nuclear program must be stopped. Iran's nuclear program is the greatest danger we face."
(By Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, November 8, 2010)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the international community will heed PM Netanyahu's warnings regarding Iran's nuclear threat and deal with it before it is too late.
"Delivers me, O LORD, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart; they continually gather together for war" (Psalm 140:1-2).
7. Poverty Report: 123,500 Join Israel's PoorSome 123,500 people joined the circle of poverty in Israel in 2009, according to the National Insurance Institute's Poverty and Social Gaps [report] released Monday [November 8]. A total of 850,300 children live under the poverty line, the report said, and almost two in five children are disadvantaged.
According to the data, some 15,000 families-mostly large Arab and ultra-Orthodox [Jewish] families-joined the circle of poverty in 2009. In total, Israel has 435,000 poor families. The number of poor families rose from 19.9% in 2008 to 25% last year. The number of poor residents went up from 23.7% to 25%. The number of poor children rose from 34% in 2008 to 36.35% in 2009.
A geographical segmentation reveals that the number of poor residents rose to 32.3% in the northern district, and remained unchanged at 23.6% in the southern district. In the Jerusalem district, the number of poor Jewish residents dropped to 22.7%, while the number of poor Arab residents in east Jerusalem jumped to 72%. In Tel Aviv and central Israel, only 13% of residents are poor.
"The 15,000 families which joined the circle of poverty in 2009 suffered a direct blow, which affected more than 120,000 people," said Social Affairs Minister Isaac Herzog. "These families don't have any stable economic support, which could have prevented their distress."
According to the minister, a drop was recorded in the number of elderly people living under the poverty line, and 9,300 managed to emerge from the circle of poverty due to the increase in old age pensions. "The ongoing improvement in the extent of poverty among the elderly leaves no doubt as to the need to update the National Insurance Institute pensions. This report proves that updating the pensions prevented an ongoing deterioration. This is the exact goal of a social safety net," Herzog said.
Meanwhile, a social resilience survey reveals that fewer Israelis believe the State will protect them and trust in the heaven's graces. In spite of violence and political corruption, most Israelis see Israel as a preferred place of residence. As in previous years, violence is the main concern. 81% of Israelis said that the issue of violence in society is the one issue that disturbs them more than any other
(Excerpts of an article by Yael Branovsky, Ynetnews, November 8, 2010)
Editor's note: If you would like to help Bridges for Peace in our efforts to bring relief to Israel's hungry and poverty stricken, make your donation here: http://www.bridgesforpeace.
Prayer Focus
Pray for God's economic blessing on the nation of Israel as poverty is on the increase; pray that funding will be plentiful for organizations like Bridges for Peace who are helping to care for Israel's needy.
"You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come. For Your servants take pleasure in her stones, and show favor to her dust" (Psalm102:13-14).
8. German Foreign Minister Visits Israel and GazaGerman Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrived in Israel [on November 7] for a two-day visit to Israel and the Gaza Strip, aimed at promoting a new start to Middle East peace talks. He said, "There is no alternative to a negotiated solution, and determined action needs to be taken to achieve this objective."
Germany is regarded as a close ally of Israel, but the German government has openly criticized Israel in recent months, including its settlements policy and the raid last May on a flotilla of aid ships…
[On November 8], Westerwelle went to Gaza to visit development projects, but he refused to meet with any Hamas representatives. He said that the German government only supports moderate Palestinians.
Westerwelle had a meeting [on November 7] with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Lieberman said at a press conference, "It's clear for me that the settlements are not obstacles to peace. And I have stated this many times. You must understand that we signed two peace agreements, with Egypt and with Jordan, despite the settlements.
"You must also understand that we started with the settlement activity only after '67, and I don't remember that during 19 years, between '48 and '67, when the Arab world controlled all this territory, anybody tried to create a Palestinian state. And the opposite is also true. We undertook a disengagement process, we evacuated completely 21 flourishing settlements from the Gaza Strip, and the result was Hamas in power and missiles fired at Sderot.
"We don't have any intention of changing the demographic reality in Judea and Samaria [West Bank], but I think that we must provide a normal life for the people who are living in our settlements in Judea and Samaria.
"We also decided on the [construction] moratorium for ten months. For nine months, the Palestinians wasted time, and only in the last month, have they come to the table [by advancing from indirect talks to direct negotiations] because the United States imposed these talks on them. I think that we really are ready for direct talks without preconditions, without any attempt to create any obstacles. We were ready a year ago, and we're ready next week without any preconditions to start immediately with direct talks."
Westerwelle responded, "Our Israeli friends know the German position about the settlement policy, and the settlement policy position of the German government is not only our own position; it is also the position of the European Union. We think it would be a wise decision to freeze these settlement activities."
(Excerpts of an article by Edgar Asher, Isranet, November 8, 2010)
Prayer Focus
Praise the Lord for the friendship of the German government and for the open communication that exists with Netanyahu's administration. Pray, however, that undue pressure will not be put on Israel to make unwise concessions.
"The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide" (Psalm 37:30-31).
Note: All Scripture is taken from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
Bridges for Peace - 24 Hour Prayer Calendar Free registration - Signup today ! Isaiah 62:6-7 - I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. |
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Assistant Editor: Cheryl Hauer
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hitler has Jewish DNA
Read the whole story on:
a fake, al-qaeda-doesn-t-exist
a fake, al-qaeda-doesn-t-exist
A friend of my send it me. The video's, from the links, are English spoken.Beste ,
De voormalige duitse minister van Techniek en Wetenschap gelooft niet
in Al Qaida noch Bin Laden,.....
deze zijn in het leven geroepen en in stand gehouden door de CIA en
andere geheime diensten,....
Weer een interessante kijk op de gebeurtenissen van 9-11,...
Court Blocks Oklahoma Sharia Ban

In yet another indication of the increasing alienation of the political elites from the popular will, U.S. District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange on Monday granted a temporary restraining order blocking Oklahoma’s brand-new anti-Sharia law. Seventy percent of Oklahomans voted for the measure, but who cares? The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) argued that the measure was “anti-Islam,” and that was enough to prevail in today’s multiculturalist environment. As Abraham Lincoln put it long ago, “The people…have ceased to be their own rulers.”
Read the rest of the story on:
In Curt Exchange, U.S. Faults Israel on Housing

Published: November 9, 2010
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s criticism of new Israeli housing plans for East Jerusalem, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s even sharper retort, have thrown the Middle East peace talks into jeopardy, with the dispute over Jewish settlements looming as a seemingly insuperable hurdle.
The Obama administration is struggling to restart direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians, which stalled last month after the expiration of a partial freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to meet Mr. Netanyahu in New York on Thursday, while Egypt sent two top officials to Washington to discuss ways to salvage the process.But the brusque exchange between Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu reflected again the gulf between Israel and the United States over settlements — an issue Mr. Obama initially made the centerpiece of his Middle East diplomacy. Palestinian officials said Israel’s latest announcement threatened the talks and could prompt a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.
Read the rest of the article on: The New York Times
A Note on the US Elections
CFOIC Heartland
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Join Us For Hanukkah As We Celebrate the Light of the World
The Messianic Israel Alliance
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