News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
But everyone is welcome to look around and to pray with us please bring a visit to our website. If you have a Prayer Request after reading a Post please click 'Prayer request' (on the right link to secured website) and we post it on The Feet of The Mountain of YHWH.
If you have a question or like to say something in connection with the Post, you can put it as a Comment. And other people can answer. Please hold ‘our goal ’in reacting: coming together in Love the Love of Yeshuah Rabbeinu our Messiah. Yeshuath YHWH.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
EHEC outbreak possibly caused by experimental German government
In Praise of Glenn Beck: He Does the Job Everyone Else Ignores
Former Muslim Student Association President Refuses to Condemn HAMAS

This is happening in America, folks, wherever there is a large Muslim population.
“Muslims see Christians as their slaves and Muslim store owners refuse to hire non-Muslims.” “Most believe Christians and Jews have no right to live because they don’t believe in God.” “Here in Dearborn, it’s as bad as it is in the Middle East.”
Watchman of Zion: June 4, 2011: Weekly 5 minute update (Audio Only)
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Watchman of Zion?
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?Sounding the Shofar in Prophetic Times
June 4, 2011: Weekly 5 minute update (Audio Only)
4 Jun 2011, 5:31 am
You may view the 5 minute update this week via audio:
1) Listen to the audio
In this week’s 5 minute update, we focused on several things:
1) The current status of the Israel / PLO peace process
Friday, June 3, 2011
Sukkat David Ministry, Newsletter Parasha Nasso 5771
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Sukkat David Ministry?
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
BFP-UPDATE Israel Current News with Prayer Focus June 3, 2011
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Visit our Web site: | June 3, 2011 |
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1. Lebanese Army Works to Prevent Protests at Israeli Border2. Iran Cleric Implies Killing Israeli Children OK3. Palestinians Continue to Deny Israel's Right to Exist4. Arab League Supports Palestinian Push for UN Statehood Recognition5. Australian Official Calls on UN to Refer Assad to International Criminal Court6. Navy: Flotilla Won't Breach Blockade7. Sinai Spins Out of Control8. Venezuelan Jews Protest Promotion of 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'9. Turning Up the Volume for Deaf Palestinians
Stunning amateur videos of giant arms depot explosions in Russia
Iran has secretly stocked enriched uranium for four nuclear bombs

Another Demolition: This Time Ga'on Yarden
Housing Apocalypse Tomorrow – 675,000 homes in foreclosure have made no payment in over two years. The never ending pipeline of troubled real estate.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
First Time: Temple Mount Priestly Blessing on Jerusalem Day
The Have and the Have Nots
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Zechaiah's Patrol Reports?
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?Baruch Goldstein and the Settlers of Hebron
VIDEO: The best-kept secret in Jerusalem - 2 June 2011
Record-Breaking 312 Tornadoes Counted over One Day in South
Published : Monday, 02 May 2011, 6:09 PM MST
Mad Twisters: Video of deadly Springfield MA tornado aftermath
Palestinians to try to bypass Security Council veto
Cluster Busted: The Banks behind banned 'killer bombs' in Libya?
IDF has photos of armed flotilla activists
Vimeo / El Shaddai Ministries' uploaded videos
Videos uploaded to Vimeo by El Shaddai Ministries
Yisroel Stefansky visits El Shaddai Ministries
1 Jun 2011, 6:26 pm

Official PA Media: Jews Have no Connection with Israel
Spain holds Moroccan for 'recruiting children for terrorism'
01/06/2011Spain holds Moroccan for 'recruiting children for terrorism'
Shomron Celebrates Jerusalem Day near Tomb of Joseph
Video: Jerusalem Day Rikudgalim (Flag Dance)
Earth Passing Into the Cosmic "Energy Cloud"

On Christmas Eve, 2009, the startling hypothesis that our Solar System, the Sun and all its planets, are moving into a potentially dangerous and destabilizing interstellar energy cloud, was resoundingly sustained. In their research paper, "A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System," published the December 24, 2009 issue of Nature, a highly respected scientific journal, M. Opher et al report on data transmitted from Voyager, the twin spacecraft that have been exploring the outer reaches of the Solar System since 1977.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Newsletter! for Wednesday June 1, 2011
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Etz Chayim - Tree of Life Messianic Congregation?
'Killer Cucumbers' not guilty: Mystery E.coli super-bug spreads
Jerusalem: The Media Myth of Two Cities
Video: Geert Wilders Final Words at The Amsterdam Trial - English Subtitles
Palestinians gear for Sunday march on Israel's borders
Report: Hamas Smuggling a Rocket a Day from ‘Friendly Egypt’
New Egyptian govt tortures protesters, forces virginity tests on girls
Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'
22-page brief filed with FBI claims 'irrefutable proof' document a fraud
Final remarks of Geert Wilders at his trial in Amsterdam, June 1, 2011

woensdag, 01 juni 2011 Mister President, members of the Court, I am here because of what I have said. I am here for having spoken. I have spoken, I speak and I shall continue to speak. Many have kept silent, but not Pim Fortuyn, not Theo Van Gogh, and not I. |
EU''s Van Rompuy says no contradiction between Islam and democracy
Religion 5/30/2011 3:47:00 PM | ||
Monday, May 30, 2011
Jerusalem: 4000 years in 5 minutes
Libya: 'Forced to rape in Misrata'
Authorities confirm that EHEC infection intestinal bacterial bio-terrorist attack is
Amazing waterspout 'tornado' caught on camera off Australia
Video: 1967 Lines Were Never a Border
“I think the prime minister laid out something very fundamental and very important for the future of any talks. There’s an expectation that Israel withdraws to the 1967 lines, which were never a border for the State of Israel.
U.S. itself is laying the ground for reign of Islam in world: Basij commander
Brotherhood sheikh to run for president

Video: IDF Escorts Massive Prayer Rally at Joseph’s Tomb
ביקור בקבר יוסף הצדיק זכותו יגן עלינו כ"ו אייר תשע"א
Ephraim when are you coming all together with us to Kever Yosef Avinu (The grave of our father Yosef?