Maulana Fazlur Rehman is a leading religious figure
News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.
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Friday, August 3, 2012
Pakistani Religious Leaders Promote Antisemitism, Say: 'When The Jews Are Wiped Out... The Sun Of Peace Would Begin To Rise On The Entire World'
Maulana Fazlur Rehman is a leading religious figure
Syria's Christians Arm Against Jihadists ""After the regime is toppled this will be the first stone in building the Islamic Caliphate and Syria must adopt Islamic law"
... "We saw what happened to the Christians in Iraq," Abu George, a Christian resident of Aleppo's Aziza district told GlobalPost. "What is going on in Aleppo is not a popular revolution for democracy and freedom. The fighters of the so-called Free Syrian Army are radical Sunnis who want to establish an Islamic state."... (more here)I have warned repeatedly of the genocide of Christians should Syria fall to the jihadists which increasingly appears to be the inevtiable outcome particularly since Obama is secretly supporting the jihadiss:
Report: Syria moves missiles to Lebanese border
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he does not preclude the possibility of military intervention in Syria and Defense Minister Ehud Barak stressed that Israel will consider action.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Obama secretly authorizes support for Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda jihadists in Syria, **Graphic Video** shows Syrian jihadists execute pro-Assad soldiers
In keeping with Obama's consistent anti-freedom, pro-jihad foreign policy, he is authorizing support to the jihadist opposition in Syria.
The clueless RINO crowd is down with it: Weekly Standard pushes Obama to aid Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda militarily in Syria, but that's to be expected. They are cool with Muslim Brotherhood operatives in their ranks, like Grover Norquist.
America in Crisis: Intelligence Briefing On The Muslim Brotherhood In America
please forgive the video quality, the first 30 seconds have a video error, but the rest is fine. The United West, a group led by Tom Trento, held a seminar on the threat to the United States by Islamists, specifically, the Muslim Brotherhood, with a series of sessions led by Tom Trento and John Guandolo, former Marine and FBI Agent of 12 years. This is an excellent series. This video is approximately 2 hours long. There are two more videos to follow. COPY this video and distribute it to all your church members, friends and family.
Germany: Muslim sprays tear gas into face of two women wearing the Star of David
Islamic antisemitism on the rise in Eurabia: "Muslim attacks on women because of Star of David," translated from "Moslem greift Frauen wegen Davidstern an," from Politically Incorrect, August 1 (thanks to Lachlan):
Islam at the Olympics
"The Muslim community have taken it upon themselves to rid the streets of evil. This is just how the Taliban started in Afghanistan. For all intents and purposes, you are witnessing the emergence of the Taliban in Walthamstow." — Website, Islam4UK

American Christians' Shocking Support of the Islamists

The Spring of Islamic Fundamentalism

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, right, meets the Hamas Prime Minister of Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh in Cairo
Photo Credit: Mohammed al-Ostaz/Flash 90
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Dr.Dell F. Sanchez and his ministry?
So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Video: The rest of the show on sexual harassment in Belgium
Iran preparing now for Armageddon

Select fighters being described as 'Soldiers of Imam Mahdi'
By Reza KahliliIran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has held several secret meetings with his economic and military advisers in recent days to prepare for the possibility of war with the United States.
Video: Khamenei Warns Iran's Top Leaders: WAR IN WEEKS
Britain: Muslim Polygamists to Get More Welfare Benefits
August 1, 2012 at 5:00 am
"Treating second and subsequent partners in polygamous relationships as separate claimants could mean that polygamous households receive more under Universal Credit than under the current rules for means-tested benefits and tax credits." — House of Commons legal brief, July 19, 2012Muslim immigrants with more than one wife will see an increase in their social welfare benefits beginning in 2013, when reforms to the British welfare system come into effect.
Although polygamy is illegal in Britain, the state effectively recognizes the practice for Muslim men, who often have up to four wives (and in some instances five or more) in a harem.
Currently the state pays extra wives in polygamous households reduced amounts of individual income support, in addition to the normal amount received by the husband and his first spouse.
Under the new rules, however, the extra wives will be eligible to claim a full single person's allowance (despite being married), while the original married couple will still receive the standard married person's allowance.
Video: Jewish Groups Document Canadian 'Anti-Semitic Hate Rally'

‘Racist’ to Remember the Victims of the 1972 Olympic Jihad Attacks?

When the International Olympic Committee turned down a request to hold a moment of silence for the Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian jihadists at the 1972 Munich Olympics, unnoticed in the furor was the shocking moral inversion in the statement from Jibril Rajoub, President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee. In explaining why he opposed the moment of silence, Rajoub said: “Sports are meant for peace, not for racism… Sports are a bridge to love, interconnection, and spreading of peace among nations; it must not be a cause of division and spreading of racism between them [nations].”
"Moderate" Indonesia: 62 arrested as Muslim youths armed with Samurai swords, sickles and golf clubs destroy bars, shattering windows, doors, smashing bottles to insure Ramadan respect
And note the word "blitz." Were it any marauders other than Muslims, would such a almost comical word be used?
Muslim American Owner of Santa Monica Shangra-La hotel: “Get the [expletive] Jews out of my pool!”
Muslim American Owner of Santa Monica Shangra-La hotel: “Get the [expletive] Jews out of my pool!”
If it were anyone other than a Muslim supremacist Jew-hater, people would be going to jail. Hamas-CAIR would be demanding jail time under hate crime laws if it had been a Muslim in the pool.Why wasn't this plastered all over the newspapers and cable news networks two years ago? Why have we just heard about it? Why? If these were Muslims, it would still be on the frontpages. We were would have been publicly caned. Seriously, imagine the fallout, but Jews don't even rate an column inch. That's the sharia infused into the culture.
I expect his defense will be that Islamic Jew-hatred is in the quran. Obama say "respect it!"
James M. Arlandson: Slavery In the Quran, Traditions, and Classical Law
5 Slavery In the Quran, Traditions, and Classical Law
What Does Modern Islam Practice?
by James M. Arlandson, Ph.D.
This series of articles is intended for educators, journalists, legislators, city council members, judges, government bureaucrats, think tank fellows, TV and radio talk show hosts, and others who occupy “check points” in society. They initiate dialogues and shape (not to say control) the flow of the conversation. They are the policy and decision makers.
Government argues that Islam is 'political'
Exclusive: Pamela Geller gives blow-by-blow account of trial over Detroit ads

What began as a clear First Amendment issue has exploded into a landmark case regarding the status of Islam as a political entity. Last Thursday the Detroit Transit Authority (SMART), a government entity, argued before the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals that my organization’s “Leaving Islam?” ad was political because Islam is political. At least two of the three judges seemed to go along.
If the court rules against us, it will be ruling that Islam is political and that Shariah is a political program – something other government agencies have strenuously denied. If that happens, will Islam and Shariah deserve the protection of a religion?
What is Sharia: Where Does it Come From, What Does it Mean
What is Sharia, where does it come from, and why does it matter so much?
What is ShaInside the Brussels Conference on Free Speech and Human Rights
Iran, Hamas united in hate
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Iran preparing Mahdi's Special Forces

Iran preparing Mahdi's Special Forces
Army of operatives planning for terror, destruction of the West
The Quds Forces, a special Iranian unit of thousands of operatives tasked with exporting Iran’s Islamic revolution, are being told to step up preparations for terrorism for the coming of the last Islamic messiah and the destruction of the West.Ali Saeedi, the Iranian supreme leader’s representative to the Revolutionary Guards, emphasized during a Friday sermon in Tehran that the Islamic republic must directly confront America so that the necessary environment is created for the reappearance of Mahdi, the Shiite’s 12th imam, who will kill all infidels and raise the flag of Islam in all corners of the world.
Israel Revealed: A State of Mercy and Strength
Pastor Umar's message to the Jews requires serious reflection. As a former Muslim Pastor Umar understands the Islamic theology and doctrine better than anyone - believe his words because they are true. Pastor Umar gives you the reality despite all the good deeds Israel does that are illustrated in this Video. Special thanks to the Clarion Fund for all their work behind the scenes in saving Pastor Umar's life.
High Ranking DOJ Official Refuses to Affirm 1st Amendment Rights
Turkey's Press Freedom Day: 95 Journalists Behind Bars
July 31, 2012 at 4:45 am
The courts sentenced eight suspects to nine years in jail and five suspects to pay fines in the amount of 29,880 TL [$16,580], three of them directly to the person of Prime Minister Tayyip Recep Ergogan.Turkish courts have sentenced 24 people, including six journalists, to a total of 91 years, nine months and 18 days in prison, as well as to pay 40,000 Turkish Liras in fines during the second quarter of 2012. They now stand among the ranks of some 95 journalists and 35 distributors who spent those three months behind bars. Below you can find the links to our last press release on this report, which we will continue to send regularly in the future
Turkish Armed Forces Press the Button
100,000 troops put on standby, army units moving toward Syrian border
July 30, 2012 at 1:35 pm
I apologize if there are errors in my translation--I'm not sure how some of these military terms are properly rendered in English--but I think this is roughly what he wrote:
Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdoğan, responding to Assad's threat to use chemical weapons and the Kurdish takeover of towns in Northern Syria, has said military preparations are proceeding "full steam ahead."
Haftorah - Parshas Vaeschanan & Shabbos Nachamu
Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Rabbi Dovid Siegel and
So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
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