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Monday, November 19, 2012

HN News_11.19.12

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Hebrew Nation?

So that through them The האור Light, The רפואה Healing and The אהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

  HebrewNation news alert  
brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and

Walking in Torah Ministries 
 November 19, 2012
Kislev 4, 5773
4th day, Ninth biblical month, 6012
November 15_Sliver New moon sighting in Jerusalem 

Greetings to the Hebrew Nation community! It has begun. War has broken out in the Middle East. After enduring over 150 rockets hitting communities across southern Israel in a 36 hour period,  Israel has risen in self defense and has launched "Operation Pillar of Cloud".  Prior to launching this campaign, Bibi Netanyahu called all the international ambassadors to Ashkelon this past Monday, and showed them the evidence; announcing to them that this aggression by the Palestinians had gone too far.  Israel has the right to protect her own at the time of her choosing.

We have an incredible prophetic sign.  The operation has been called "Pillar of Cloud": it refers to the pillar of cloud that guided the Children of Israel out of  Egypt during their exodus.

Here is a quick summary of what has happened so far:

*Operation Pillar of Cloud launched on Wed 11/14/12
*IAF Kills Hamas Chief of Staff, Ahmed Jabari in pinpoint strike
*Israel strikes  Hamas PM's Headquarters
*IAF  takes out Hamas Rocket Chief on 11/18/12
* the IDF has hit some 1,000 targets in the Gaza Strip: Palestinians reporting 52 dead
* Gaza terrorists have fired some 750 rockets at Israel
*Israel's Iron Dome Defense has shot down nearly 270 rockets, including three aimed at Tel Aviv.

Will this war escalate? Will Iran step in to back up its proxy terrorist group, Hamas?  Will the Jews storm the temple mount during the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah, Dec 10-17) and rededicate the temple? Will they set up the altar and begin doing the daily sacrifices on the temple mount?

These are all things we are closely watching. Truly we are living in EXTRAORDINARY days.  How close are we to the final 1260 days, the final 42 months, the final 3 and 1/2 years prior to the return of Messiah Yeshua? How close are we to stepping over the threshold into the time known as "The Great Tribulation", or "Jacob's trouble"?  I believe we are CLOSE! 

On the U.S front, we now have all 50 states who have filed petitions at the White House website requesting to peacefully SECEDE from the union. People want OUT. They don't like the direction the US government is going.  And, the Steven Spielberg movie, Lincoln, comes out on 11/16/12. Could this be yet another prophetic sign?

Revelation 13:10 tells us that there are three possible fates of end of days tribulation saints:

"He who brings into captivity shall go into captivity, he who kills with the sword has to be killed with the sword. Here is the endurance and the belief of the set-apart ones."
There may be some who hope and believe they can somehow "take the Republic back",  reconstitute our dead Republic and return us back to the original foundations of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Many who follow Alex Jones hope this can be done.

 However, I give you a strong warning:  those who would pick up the sword to try and restore the Republic, will die by it.  Civil war is NOT the answer!

These things MUST COME. They have been prophesied. The End of Days Beast System is RISING! We aren't going to stop it. It must be so. In my own view, we are TOO FAR GONE to reconstitute our republic.

From these two twin prophetic signs, I see a message from Abba:

*Operation Pillar of Cloud (Israel's Self- Defense initiative)
*The Movie Lincoln, and the Secede from the Union movement

I believe these prophetic signs are out there now to get our ATTENTION and to get us READY for the GREATER EXODUS TO COME. Operation Pillar of Cloud in the news reminds us that He is GOING TO LEAD US AGAIN by a Pillar of Cloud during the Greater Exodus to come when He regathers His scattered people and leads them on a journey of return to the land of Israel.  (Deut 30:1-6, Jer. 23: 7-8, Isaiah 4: 4-6, Ezekiel 39: 23-28,
Ezekiel 20: 33-43)

The Secede from the Union movement reminds us that ABBA Has a BETTER PLACE He wants to take us:  BACK to LAND of Israel. And HE promises to GET US THERE during our 42 month journey! And, we will be under the headship rule of Messiah Yeshua!

There is a longing in our hearts, and I believe Abba has put it there. He has to make us UNCOMFORTABLE enough in our current Egypt/Babylon, so that when it is TIME TO GO, WE WILL BE OBEDIENT TO GO! 

I have news for you. There is not going to be a "pre-tribulation" rapture. No, we will be going THROUGH the 42 month period known as the "Great Tribulation". And, Abba DOES have an Escape plan!  We have three possible destinies:  Be Killed, Be Captured, or Escape.

And now, I want to STRONGLY EXHORT you to get this 3 DVD teaching from Monte Judah,  Escape, Survive, Endure.  It will provide you with VITAL information that you need NOW to prepare you for the days ahead. In short, you will learn:
Esacpe, Survive, Endure

 1. the WHAT? what are we watching for? (the main marker event we are watching for is the altar to be set up on the Temple Mount, the daily sacrifices started, then the sacrifices stopped, and shortly after that, then the abomination put in its place on the Temple Mount.)

2. the WHEN?  when to flee? (Timing is critical, not too soon, not too late. Big hint: be keeping Passover with your mishpocah)

3. the WHERE? where to flee? (Big hint: where did you go for Sukkot last year? Go there!)

You can order this 3 DVD Teaching (which he shared LIVE during Sukkot 2012) online from  Hebrew Nation Radio bookstore. Or, if you prefer, you can call Hebrew Nation at 503-316-1220 or email them at to order your set.

Watch this with your home group, with your mishpocah, with your loved ones and family. And, after you have watched it, I guarantee you will want to have discussions, you will want to pray, and you will want to make your plans as the Ruach HaKodesh leads you.

Get ready for the journey of a lifetime, tribulation saints! 

In Yeshua's blessed name,

Amein and amein!

Laura Densmore
HN News editor   
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip? 
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:

Operation Pillar of Cloud Launched on Wednesday, 11/14/12 
IAF Makes Brilliant, Pinpoint Accurate Hit on the Number One, Most Wanted Terrorist in Israel: Hamas Commander, Ahmed Jabari.
Jabari strike   
The IAF struck and killed Hamas armed wing Izzadin Kassam Brigades commander Ahmed Jabari in central Gaza on Wednesday. The strike marked the beginning of Operation Pillar of Defense to target Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organizations in Gaza, IDF spokesman Yoav Mordechai announced.

Following the assassination, the IAF struck over 20 underground rocket launchers belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The airstrikes targeted long-range rockets in the possession of terror organizations, such as the Fajr-5 and other rockets that are capable of striking Tel Aviv from Gaza. Palestinian sources said that six Gazans were killed in the IDF strikes.
The IDF said it believes it has eliminated the majority of the long-range threat.

"The first aim of this operation is to bring back quiet to southern Israel, and the second target is to strike at terror organizations," Mordechai said. "The homefront must brace itself resiliently," he added, describing Jabari as a man with "a lot of blood on his hands."

Read more (Jerusalem Post, see 30 second Video of strike) 

Pillar of Cloud to Guide the Way  
Israel Launches Self Defense Initiative: "Operation Pillar of Cloud"  
PIllar of cloud   
Israel's military spokespeople have labeled the current military operation in Gaza as "Operation Pillar of Defense" in English and other foreign languages. But in Hebrew, the operation is actually codenamed "Pillar of Cloud."

The reason for the discrepancy may be that the IDF doesn't think most foreigners will catch the biblical reference. But, of course, that is not true of Israel Today readers.

As nearly all are aware, Pillar of Cloud is a reference to the divine pillar of cloud that guided the Children of Israel during their exodus from Egypt, as described in the Book of Exodus.

It is the hope and prayer of many Israelis, and many of those supporting Israel from abroad, that our government and army will have similar guidance in waging an effective war against the enemy in Gaza, while avoiding as much as possible the inflicting of pain and suffering on the civilians of Gaza.

Read more (Israel Today)

Personal note from Intercessor with boots on the ground in Israel:

Then again ... yesterday, on a trip in the South, I had a very supernatural experience.  With three other people in the car, I saw a pillar of white cloud that arose over Ein Bokek (a community situated near the southern end of the Dead Sea.  I first saw this odd column of white as we approached Masada from the north.  My comments, regarding what I was seeing, caused the attention of my friends to be directed toward this strange column of cloud. They all saw it too.  It truly was a huge, white, straight, column of cloud that arose from the ground and arose straight up, high into the sky. My discernment was that this was something VERY significant. Actually, it was hard for me to take my eyes off of this phenomenon.  

Finally, today in the early evening, I received a phone call from a dear friend  from on the southern, Mediterranean coast of Israel.  She reported that Israel had just announced a military engagement with Gaza that was being called: Operation AMUD ANAN defense (PILLAR OF CLOUD defense).  I nearly jumped out of my skin.  That is not a coincidence!  It is a message from YHVH ...