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So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah Ministries
Monday,July 30th, 2012 10th of Av, 5772 10th day, Fifth biblical month, 6012 July 21tst_New moon sighted in Jerusalem |
Greetings to the Hebrew Nation community! This week I would like to draw your attention to the Hebrew Nation
Morning show interview with Joel Richardson, best selling author of
newly released book, "Mideast Beast". Please take time to listen to this
interview! He shares great insights into how Islam fits in to End of
Days biblical prophesy.
course, many pundits are discussing the Batman Massacre tragedy. This
has all the signs of a "false flag event", staged and manipulated. What
is a false flag attack? What was the purpose of this attack? Don't miss
the excellent article from Natural News,
Truly, I am being strongly
impressed through the summer months, that this is a time for each one of
us to soberly assess; this is a time to repent; this is a time to
return to Yahweh and to His ways; this is a time return to walking on
the pathway of His commands. Hear Abba's heart as He speaks to us
through His word:
"Return, faithless
people" declares Yahweh, "for I am your husband. I will choose you--one
from a town and two from a clan--and bring you to Zion. Then I will give
you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and
In those days, when your numbers
have increased greatly in the land" declares Yahweh, "men will no
longer say, "The ark of the covenant of Yahweh." It will never enter
their minds or be remembered; it will not be missed, nor will another
one be made.
At that time they will call Jerusalem "The Throne of Yahweh, and all nations will agather in Jerusalem to honor the name of Yahweh. No l0nger will they follow the stubbornness of their evil hearts.
In those days,
the house of Judah will JOIN the house of Israel and TOGETHER they will
come from a northern land to the land I gave your forefathers as an
Jeremiah 3:14-18
we do our part in returning to Him, I look forward to those days when
Abba will bring this to pass, when He brings together and joins the
House of Judah with the house of Israel and brings us to the land that
was promised to our forefathers!
May you have a blessed week as you press in to seek Him!
Blessings and shalom,
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Joel Richardson Interviewed on Hebrew Nation Morning Show!
Don't Miss this Fascinating Interview with Joel Richardson, author of best selling book, "Mideast Beast"
wondering about End Times prophecy, and how it relates to our day? Have
you considered that Islam could be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy
concerning the Anti-Messiah and the "Beast" system? Our own Chadbourne
Zitek and Amy Dent Beebe interview bestselling author Joel Richardson,
as he discusses Islam and its place in the latter days.
New York Times Best Selling book: "Mideast Beast" by Joel Richardson
Watch the trailer about this new book: "Mideast Beast" |
Mideast Beast by Joel Richardson Official Full Trailer |
SUPPORT THE MINISTRY by ordering the book, Mideast Beast through Hebrew Nation Bookstore. The book sells for $19.95. Order by calling 503-316-1220 or emailing us at:
New York Times Admits that Every Major News Organization Allows the News to be Censored by Govt Officials
But NOT Alternative Media Like Hebrew Nation News Alerts, Beastwatch News, Paradigm Shift, or Mark Call Daily News!
In one of the most
shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York
Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream
news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials
to censor their stories. For example, almost every major news
organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes
from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to
gatekeepers for "quote approval" before they will be published. If
the gatekeeper in the Obama campaign does not want a certain quote to
get out, the American people will not see it, and the same thing applies
to the Romney campaign.
The goal is to keep
the campaigns as "on message" as possible and to avoid gaffes at all
cost. But this kind of thing is not just happening with political
campaigns. According to the New York Times, "quote approval" has become
"commonplace throughout Washington". In other words, if you see a
quote in the newspaper from someone in the federal government then it is
safe to say that a gatekeeper has almost certainly reviewed that quote
and has approved it. This is another sign that "the free and
independent media" in this country is a joke. What we get from the
mainstream media is a very highly filtered form of propaganda, and that
is one reason why Americans are turning away from the mainstream media
in droves. People want the truth, and more Americans than ever realize
that they are not getting it from the mainstream media.
Tisha B'Av: The Children Are Ready
"Kids Build Temple" Clip Viral with 73,000 Views in 5 Days! They are ready! Are we?
A new video released
on You Tube by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem definitely qualifies as
viral, with 73 thousand views only 5 days after its release.
press release from the TI says "The Children Are Ready" is a 90 second
clip made in an attempt to positively refocus people's attention during
the period of the Nine Days and Tisha B'Av.
"The upbeat video
articulates the irony, that people have become entrenched in mourning
for the sake of mourning, instead of contemplating the true meaning of
the day: the loss of the Beit HaMikdash, a universal house of prayer and
peace for all nations."
Tisha B'Av - The Children are Ready |
UN Arms Treaty Aims at Terror, but Puts Second Amendment in Crosshairs
UN Gun Control Measure is Temporarily Stalled but Not Dead
Opponents arrayed against the United Nations'
anti-gun effort prematurely celebrated on Friday as the treaty stalled
due to member states failing to reach an agreement on revised language
in the text. The treaty went into limbo after the United States, Russia
and China called for more time to consider revisions.
NGOs and
gun-grabber groups portrayed the stall as "stunning cowardice" and a
"staggering abdication of leadership" and attributed the supposed
failure to the Obama administration. A nameless diplomat went so far as
to claim the U.S. had "derailed the process" and complained that there
is little hope the treaty will be revived after the U.S. election.
The U.S. State
Department, however, said in a statement released at the conclusion of
the negotiating conference that the effort will indeed be revived after
the election in November.
What does it mean?
Commentary from Beast Watch News: That's what this staged,
orchestrated, government/UN coordinated, false flag event was meant to
do! And what a co-inky-dinky that THIS WEEK is when it is rumored Obama
will sign the UN Small Arms Treaty!
Netanyahu On Dangerous Times in the Middle East
Hints at September-October war to neutralize Iran's nuclear weapons program
report in the Israeli media suggests Netanyahu is planning a
September-October war to neutralize Iran's nuclear weapons program. The
economic sanctions against Iran are clearly having a serious effect, but
there is no evidence they are persuading the mullahs to abandon their
nuclear program. To the contrary, Tehran seems to be accelerating their
efforts. Netanyahu commented on the Syrian and Iranian threats on Fox
News Sunday, an interview worth watching given the current climate.
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Worship Song: Let us Adore and Sing Halleluyah Medley |
Take a few moments to enjoy this Brad Grooman Worship Song!
said the El, Yahweh, who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, who gives
breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk on it." Isaiah
you shall know today and shall recall to your heart that Yahweh Himself
is Elohim in the heavens above and on the earth beneath; there is none
else." Deuteronomy 4:39
Let us Adore - Sing Hallelu-Yah Latin version |
The 1260 Report: Two Watchers on the Wall_7.27.12 edition
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
Join us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the return of Messiah Yeshua!
Stories covered in this broadcast:
*Will Americans Receive RFID chip per ObamaCare? Discussion: the facts, the rumors, the speculations: you decide *Batman Movie Massacre Discussion: Staged, manipulated false flag event *Purpose of the attack? Control over population: US/UN gun control * New York Mayor Bloomberg: Police should "Strike" until citizens disarm! *Another False Flag Attack appears imminent: How to protect yourself *NY Times admits that Virtually Every Major News Organization Allows News to be Censored by Govt officials *Mainstream media censorship and the role of alternative media: discussion *Obama's New Islamic World Order *Syria threatens to use WMD if attacked by "foreign aggressors" *IDF: Syrian chemical threat targets Israel. Obama warns Assad against "tragic mistake" * Syria's Biggest Cities Seeing Fighting Now, Including battle for Aleppo *9th of Av approaching on Saturday night at sundown: please pray over Jewish brethren in Israel! *Nibiru Youtube: "heads up" to be on watch *Wrap up/close in prayer: Zephaniah 3:14-20
(Hebrew Nation radio)
on the go! Do you have a Smart phone with internet? Do you have an
iPad? Go to the apps store on your device, download "TuneIn", then
search for HebrewNation radio. You can listen live anytime! The 1260 Report airs live on Fridays at 9am and 5pm
Pacific time or listen later by podcast.
Torah Portion for Shabbat, 7/28/12
 Read more (Hebrew for Christians)
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Another False Flag Event Seems Imminent |
Here's How to Protect Yourself and Your Family
Definitions: False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations
designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though
they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from
the military concept of flying false colors; that is: flying the flag
of a country other than one's own. Generally speaking, a false
flag event is designed to inflict maximum fear on a group of people,
causing them to rally around a specific cause. Basically, things are not
what they seem. (Wikipedia)
Keep your eyes on the Wizard of Oz up there on the big screen! Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain, Toto!
the tragic aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting which has all the
earmarks of a staged "false flag" event, a follow-up false flag now
appears imminent. To be effective in achieving its political aim, it
will have to be orders of magnitude larger and more deadly than what
took place in Colorado. This article is largely focused on the safety
solutions for you and your family, because above all I want people to be
safe. But before we get that part, let's explore the logical reasoning
behind why another false flag attack appears imminent. Here are the
highlights of the article:
*For starters, the Batman movie theater shooting was obviously staged
*What was the purpose of the attack? Once
you realize the attack was planned, funded and carried out for a
deliberate purpose, the obvious question becomes: For what purpose was
it carried out?
The answer to that question is found in many places, including the novel 1984 by George Orwell, in which the nation
state is locked in a perpetual state of fabricated war in order for the
government to maintain total control over its population
*The lower Obama gets in the polls, the greater the risk of a large-scale staged event
*Why the next false flag may be orders of magnitude larger
Because of this, you can expect the next false flag to be:
* Very large, killing not just a dozen people but thousands.
* Very bloody, for the purpose of showing such images on the news.
*False flag timing: Before the election or after the election?
*False flags are used to stop the rise of liberty
*How to protect yourself from the next false flag attack
Warning! America, Don't Give up your guns!
Take a Look at How Gun Control is working in United Kingdom! What Does a Disarmed Country Look Like?
Warning America: Don't give up your guns! |
Fool Me Twice -- Obama's Devastating 2nd Term Plans Revealed! |
Investigative Report reveals Obama's Plans for a 2nd term...Obama Surprise Revealed! May We NOT be Fooled TWICE!
A game changing
investigative report from New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein
and Brenda Elliot exclusively reveals the plans for Barack Obama's 2nd
term. This explosive book unveils all the main areas of Obama's
second-term domestic policy onslaught -- phony jobs, amnesty for
illegals, gutting national defense, and much
more. This book is based on exhaustive research into Obama's upcoming
detailed plans and policies, as well as the specific second-term
recommendations of major "progressive" groups behind Obama and the
Democratic leadership --the organizations that help craft legislation
and set the political and rhetorical agenda for the president and his
Fool Me Twice -- Obama's Devastating 2nd Term Plans Revealed! |
Hebrew Nation Radio Ministry
3190 Lancaster Dr
Salem, OR 97305
News tip? Comments?
email Laura Densmore
The burden which
Habakuk HaNavi (the prophet) did see, long time ago.
What is happening today….
Hab 1:2 Until when,
Yahweh, must I cry for help, and Thou wilt not hear? Even cry out unto Thee,
Chamas (violence!), and Thou wilt not save?
Hab 1:3 Why dost Thou
show me iniquity, and cause me to behold trouble? For plundering and chamas
(violence) are before me; and there are those that rise up strife and
Hab 1:4 Therefore the
Torah is not followed, and mishpat (ordinance) doth never prevail; for the
rasha (bat one) doth hem in the tzadik (righteous one); therefore mishpat
(justice) proceeded perverted.
Hab 1:5 [Yahweh says:]
Behold ye the Goyim (peoples), and regard, and wonder marvelously; for I will
work a work in your yamim (days) which, though it be told you, of it ye will
have no emunah (faith).
Hab 1:6 For, hineni
(behold), I raise up the Kasdim (Chaldeans), that Goy (people) bitter and
impetuous, which shall march far and wide over the earth, to confiscate the
mishkanot (dwelling places) that are not their own.
Hab 1:7 They are
terrible and dreadful; their mishpat (justice) and their dignity shall proceed
from themselves.
Hab 1:8 Their susim
(horses) also are swifter than the leopards, keener than the evening wolves;
and their parash (horseman) shall charge ahead, and their parash (horseman)
shall come from afar; they shall fly as the nesher (eagle), swooping to devour.
Hab 1:9 They shall
come all for chamas (violence); the swarm of their faces is directed forward,
and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.
Hab 1:10 And they shall
scoff at the melachim (kings), and the roznim (princes) shall be a scorn unto
them; they shall laugh at every stronghold; for they shall heap dirt, and take
Hab 1:11 Then they
sweep on like the ruach (wind), guilty men whose
elohim is his own koach (power).
Hab 1:12 Art thou not
mikedem (from everlasting),
(Also said of
Moshiach, indicating Moshiach’s divine nature:
Mic 5:2 [5:1] But thou,
Beitlechem Ephratah, though thou be little among the Alphei Yehudah (Thousands
of Yehudah), yet out of thee shall He [Moshiach] come forth unto Me [Yahweh]
that is to be Moshel (governor) Yisroel; whose goings forth have been mikedem,
(from everlasting), mimei olam (from the days of eternity).
Dan 7:13 I was
beholding in visions of the night, and, hinei (behold), one like a Bar Enosh
(Ben Adam, i.e., Moshiach) came with the clouds of Shomayim (heaven), and came
to the Atik Yomin (Ancient of Days, i.e., Yahweh), and before Him He was
Dan 7:14 And there was
given Him (Moshiach) dominion, and honor, and sovereignty, that all people,
Goyim, tongues, should pey-lammed-chet. [i] (worship as deity) (see Dan 3:12, serve,
reverence as deity Him (Moshiach). His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away, and His (Messianic) Kingdom that which shall not be
Yahweh Elohai (my Elohim) Kedoshi (my Holy One)? We shall not die. Yahweh, Thou
hast appointed them (these Chaldean) for mishpat (justice); O Tzur (Rock), Thou
hast ordained them (these Chaldean) for reproof.
See: The Beast of
Scripture, Anti-Christ
Unveiled?, Walid Shoebat
- Mark of the Beast
To say No to the mark of the beast is to say:
(And not to hate them!)
No too
two states in the Land. Not to give a big part to these 'Chaldean'.
The world shall pay a big 'prize' for that!
Receive judgment!
No too
all the laws that goes against the commandments of Abba YHWH. No choice than to
say No to Sharia law!
Not to
look to the other side or to say, it’s Peace, when they try to put sharia law
in your country.
But to say Yes to Abba Yahweh and His Laws special in this time when Abba Yahweh is
'testing' us:
Hab 1:12 Art thou not mikedem (‘everlasting’) also said of
Moshiach, indicating Moshiach’s eternal divine nature) Yahweh Elohai (my
Elohim) Kedoshi (my Holy One)? We shall not die. Yahweh, Thou hast appointed
them (these Chaldean) for mishpat (ordinance); O Tzur (Rock), Thou hast
ordained them (these Chaldean) for reproof.
Please take it serious what Abba Yahweh is telling us in:
Deu 18:15 Yahweh Eloheicha
(your Elohim) will raise up unto thee a Navi (prophet) from among thee, of thy
achim (bretheren), kamoni (like me [Moshe, Ex 32:30]); unto him ye must listen;
Deu 18:16
According to all that thou desired of Yahweh Eloheicha (your Elohim) Chorev in
the Yom HaKahal (day of the congregation), saying, Let me not hear again the
voice of Yahweh Elohav (your Elohim), neither let me see this eish hagedolah
(‘great fire’) any more, that I die not.
Deu 18:17 And Yahweh said unto
me, ‘they have well-spoken that which they have spoken.
Deu 18:18 I will raise them up
a Navi (prophet) from among their achim (brethren), like unto thee, and will
put My words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him [Yn 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my
own accord. I have samchut (authority) to lay it down, and I have samchut to
receive it again. This mitzvah I received from HaAv of me.
(Isa 52:13 Hinei, Avdi [Moshiach, see Zecharyah 3:8]
shall act wisely, he shall be raised and be lifted up, and be highly exalted.
Isa 52:14 As rabbim (many) were appalled at thee
[Moshiach]; his appearance was so disfigured more than any man, and his form
more than the bnei adam;
Isa 52:15 So yazzeh Goyim rabbim (he [Moshiach] will
sprinkle many nations); the melachim (kings) shall shut their mouths because of
him; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and of that which
they had not heard shall they have binah. (understanding))
Deu 18:19 and it shall come to
pass, that whosoever will not listen unto My words which he shall speak Bishmi
(in My Name), I will require it of him.
8:28 Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to
them, When you perform the hagbah (lifting up) of the Ben HaAdam, you
will have da'as (knowledge) that Ani Hu [YESHAYAH 41:4; SHEMOT 3:14-16],
and from myself I do nothing, but as HaAv (the Father) of me taught me, these
things I speak.
[i] Dictionary of the Talmud. M. Jastrow p. 1178 פלח
have to make your choice…….
Hab 1:5 [Yahweh
says:] Behold ye the Goyim (people), and regard, and wonder marvelously; for I
will work a work in your yamim (days) which, though it be told you, of it ye
will have no emunah (faith).
1:6 For, hineni
(behold), I raise up the Kasdim (Chaldeans), that Goy (people) bitter and
impetuous, which shall march far and wide over the earth, to confiscate the
mishkanot (dwelling places) that are not their own.
1:9 They shall
come all for chamas (violence); the swarm of their faces is directed forward,
and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.
need to read the whole book of the navy HABAKUK….. [From: חבק – to embrace, press, fasten.
M.Jastrow p. 421] is that not what the ‘west’, their governments are doing?
If you find it not right what I’m telling you, about Islam, please press the
next link to see what you are doing when you ‘embrace’ ‘Islam’: Religion of Peace? I'm not so sure!
Hab 1:12 Art thou not mikedem (from
everlasting, [also said of Moshiach, indicating Moshiach’s coeternal divine
nature: see Michoh 5:1[2]; see Dan 7:13-14; 3:12), Yahweh Elohai (my Elohim)
Kedoshi (my Holy One)?
We shall not die Yahweh, Thou hast appointed them
for mishpat (judgement); O Tzur (Rock), Thou hast ordained them for reproof.
‘I (Yahweh) will work a work in your yamim (days)’, ‘for Mishpath’ and
‘for reproof’. This is coming from Yahweh......
We have to look in the Torah to find an answer.
read the Mitzvoth go to: Positive Commandments and the Negative Commandments), easy to
read. Very important to know them. Than you understand the rest of Scriptures
much, much better!
O Israel, Yudah and Ephraim, Abba Yahweh chose You and not these Chaldean!
These Chaldean are ‘working’ to have a ‘Caliphate’ with Jerusalem….. in the
center. A ‘world-Caliphate’…… ‘Clean’ from: Jews and Christians …..!
It is written in the Koran:
Surah Al-Fatihah:
1. In the
Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
2. All the praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of
'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day
of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)
5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help
(for each and everything).
6. Guide us to the Straight Way
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those
who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as
the Christians).
For more, what the Koran is teaching about: ‘Muslims Hate Jews,
Christians all other faiths’ ‘Their Guide Book says to kill,
behead and burn all non-believers’ click:
Index of The Quran (Satanic Verses of violence to us)
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