brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah Ministries
Monday,July 23rd, 2012 Av 3, 5772 3rd day, Fifth biblical month, 6012 July 20/21tst_New moon sighted in Jerusalem |
Greetings to the Hebrew
Nation community! This week we learned of the tragedy of another
terrorist attack bus bombing perpetrated against Jewish tourists in
Bulgaria. We saw the civil war in Syria continue to unfold with
explosive attacks now happening in Damascus and Aleppo. We continue to
hear reports that the great drought of 2012 in the US is being compared
to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. We hear about a coming global food
shortage this fall because of this US drought that is withering up the
corn and soy crops. We continue to hear reports of the Big Bankster
shenanigans, with a concise list of bank frauds being posted. We hear
banksters declaring that the US and Europe are "conquered" and we hear
CNBC admitting that we are all now "slaves" to the central bankers.
War Drought Food shortages Economic exploitation and plundering Big bank corruption Exploding personal and national debt
When will this all end?
Let's look to the word for some wisdom and hope:
this is a people robbed and plundered, all of them are snared in holes,
and they are hidden in prison houses. They have become a prey, with
none to deliver-for plunder, and no one to say "Send them back!"
Who among you gives ear to this, pays attention and hears for the time
to come? Who gave Jacob for plunder, and Israel to the robbers? Was it not Yahweh, He against whom we sinned? For they would not walk in His ways, and they did not obey His Torah! So He has poured on him His burning displeasure and the violence of war. It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart." Isaiah 42:22-25
we understand! May we take these things to heart! May we do our teshuva
repentance and return to Yahweh and return to the ancient paths, in the
keeping of His Torah (all of the book from cover to cover)! May we no
longer be just "New Testament Christians" but may we become BOTH
Testament believers and followers of Messiah Yeshua who keep and WALK
out His commands as we are led by His Ruach (Holy Spirit).
And so, when we do this Abba promises to redeem and rescue us, to regather us, His people, Israel, and return us to the land of promise. Our exile will soon come to an end:
"But now, this is what Yahweh, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who form you, O Israel,
"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name,
you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I am with you; and
through rivers, they do not overflow you. When you walk through fire,
you are not scorched, and a flame does not burn you.
For I am Yahweh your Elohim, the Set apart one of Israel, your Savior; I
gave Egypt for your ransom, Kush and Seba in your place. Since you were
precious in My eyes, you have been esteemed, and I have loved you. And I
give men in your place, and peoples for your life. Do not fear, for I
am with you.
I shall bring your seed from the east, and gather you from the west. I
shall say to the north, "Give them up!" And to the south, "Do not keep
them back!" Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of
the earth-all those who are called my My Name, whom I have created, formed, even made for My esteem." Isaiah 43: 1-7
Let it be so! Yes and Amein!
Blessings and shalom,
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Heavy Casualties in Damascus After Syrian Government Deploys Helicopter Gunships Against Rebels
- Government forces launch attacks in neighbourhoods of capital which had once been held by rebels
- Syrian state TV denied the government was using helicopters and said the capital was calm
- News
of the helicopter attacks emerged as Syrian rebels launched an
offensive to 'liberate' the country's largest city of Aleppo
- Death toll has now risen to more than 19,000 since the uprising began in March last year
gunships have been deployed by the Syrian government against rebel
fighters causing heavy casualties in the war-torn country's capital.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported heavy attacks by
government forces in neighbourhoods in Damascus which had once been held
by rebels.
It said troops used helicopters gunships in Mazzeh and Barzeh, causing heavy casualties. The helicopter attacks appear to have helped the regime forces regain control of the capital after days of bloody street battles.
Let the Bombings Begin: Two Key Developments in Syria Suggest that it is "Go Time"
last week headlines across the world raised the alert level even
higher. According to intelligence reports President Assad has begun mobilizing his weapons of mass destruction
arsenal. Though Colon Powell may not be available to show us the
location of the WMDs this time around, "intelligence" reports from
western agencies indicate that Assad is preparing to deploy chemical weapons, including sarin, cyanida and mustard gas, on the rebellious population of Syria.
The situation is now at a head, and two key developments in the last 24 hours
indicate that whatever NATO has planned for Syria - be it a Libyan
style no-fly zone or a full on Iraqiesque invasion - will soon come to
a final warning was reportedly sent to the Assad government through
intelligence back channels that threatened airstrikes on his weapons
...today, the Syrian
ruler was given a "last warning" through intelligence channels in the
West to leave the warheads and shells loaded with mustard gas, sarin and
cyanide where they are. If he dared move them out of the northern and
central locations where he deployed them last week, they would be
destroyed from the air.
likely a tell-tale sign that NATO military action will soon be
initiated in Syria, several of Assad's top generals and key security
figures have fled the country with their families.
high-placed generals bolted Bashar Assad's inner circle Sunday, July
17, including such key figures as two security services chiefs who were
operations commanders of the Alawite Shabiha militia plus the former
head of Syria's chemical and biological administration who took six
other generals with him. They all fled to Turkey and defected. A fourth senior general from another security service was assassinated in Aleppo.
Hezbollah is Preparing a "Big Surprise" for Israel, Nasrallah Says
Hezbollah's "Big Surprise", Obama's "October Surprise": But Let us Not Forget "Yahweh's October Surprise"! |
is preparing a "big surprise" for Israel, the Shiite organization's
secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah, said on Wednesday in a speech
marking the sixth anniversary of the Second Lebanon War.
the speech, delivered via video feed to a crowd of Hezbollah supporters
in Beirut, Nasrallah proudly revealed that Syria had been arming
Hezbollah, as well as groups in the Gaza Strip, with long-range missiles
capable of reaching all of central Israel, including Tel Aviv.
is a big problem for the Americans and Israelis because Syria is the
real supporter for the resistance and especially at the military level,"
Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar television quoted Nasrallah as saying.
"Syria was not only a passageway for the resistance, but also a real
military supporter of the resistance. For example, the most important
missiles that fell on Haifa and central Israel [during the Second
Lebanon War] were Syrian-made missiles."
Hezbollah leader also said Syrian weapons were being used by Gaza
terrorists against Israel. "The most important weapons we fought with
during the July war were from Syria, not only in Lebanon but also in the
Gaza Strip. The missiles delivered to Gaza managed to force more than a
million settlers to stay in bunkers and frightened Tel Aviv. When the
Arab regimes were barring bread and moneyfrom entering Gaza, Syria was
sending weapons along with food to Gaza."
Read more (Israel Hayom)
What does it mean? (commentary from HN News editor): I
find it interesting that the word "Surprise" keeps popping up in
headline news: "Obama's October Surprise", "Hezbollah's Big
Surprise". So, Hezbollah is rattling its saber and making threats?
Let us not forget that Yahweh Has His October Surprise! Israel, you do NOT need to be afraid. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is backing you up!
Syria to Escalate into WW3?
This is a MUST SEE YouTube clip that gives you a visual understanding of the military
buildup in the Middle East and what the Syria/Isran end game might be:
Netanyahu "Rock Solid" About Iran/Hezbollah Terror Connection |
Repeats His Assertion that Iran and its "terrorist proxy" Hezbollah are Behind the Recent Suicide Attack in Bulgaria
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday repeated his assertion that
Iran and its "terrorist proxy" Hezbollah are behind the recent suicide
attack in Bulgaria and other similar efforts, but avoided commenting on
the U.S. presidential race and Mitt Romney's upcoming visit.
said his assertion that Hezbollah is behind the attack last week at a
Bulgarian bus station that killed five Israeli tourists is based on
"rock solid" intelligence and its resemblance to other, recent attempted
attacks across the world, included an attempt in Cyprus.
the same modus operandi," he said on "Fox News Sunday." "It's them and
we know it."Netanyahu also called the Iran government "the world's most
dangerous regime."
Police Suspect Terrorist From Bulgarian Bus Bomb Could be on the Way to London Olympics
Five Killed and Dozens Injured
- The man is believed to be carrying a U.S. passport under the name of David Jefferson
- He is a top target for Israeli security agents who fear their athletes will be attacked by Iranian terror squad
- MI5 and Scotland Yard are thought to have raised their threat assessment against the Israeli delegation
- Israel fears a repeat of the 1972 Olympic Games when 11 of its athletes and coaches were murdered
terrorist believed to have been involved in a horrific suicide bomb
attack in Bulgaria last week has emerged as one of the biggest security
threats to the Olympics. The man is thought to be carrying a U.S.
passport under the name of David Jefferson and fled following the attack
which killed six people last Wednesday in the resort of Burgas.
has emerged as a top target for Israeli security agents who fear their
athletes will be attacked by an Iranian terror squad operating in
Europe. The terrorist, who is suspected of helping the suicide bomber,
is thought to have another powerful bomb similar to the one which
destroyed the Israeli tourist bus. Following the Israeli concerns,
security has been stepped up around its athletes taking part in the
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Worship Song: Ma Navu (How Beautiful) by Barry and Batya Segal
Enjoy this beautiful music video: Lyrics based on Isaiah 52:7
pleasant upon the mountains are the feet of hm who brings good news,
who procalims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims deliverance,
who says to Zion, "Your Elohim reigns!" Isaiah 52:7
Ma Navu (How Beautiful) |
The 1260 Report: Two Watchers on the Wall_7.20.12 edition
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
Join us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the return of Messiah Yeshua!
Stories covered in this broadcast:
* Let the Bombings Begin: Two Key Developments in Syria Suggest It's Go Time * Syrian Defense Minister General Daoud Rajiha was killed on Wednesday after a suicide bomber struck a government building * Assad receives last warning to stop moving his WMD: Top generals defect *Israel on high alert for possible Syria action: IDF soldiers leave cancelled for the weekend *After Syria: Then Iran? Discussion about possible scenarios and timelines *Iran Prepares to Shut Down Strait of Hormuz * US Won't Allow Iran to Close Strait of Hormuz * Obamas October Surprise: Yahwehs October Surprise*Mexico Slaughters 3.8 million chickens to stem bird flu outbreak *The Dust Bowl Drought of 2012: Drought covers Majority of US and Might be a 50 billion dollar Event for the Economy *Corn and GMO foods: What you need to know * Army Manual Outlines Plan to Kill Rioters, Demonstrators in America * Army Course Trains Soldiers to Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Firearms *Wrap up and close in prayer: Isaiah 49: 6-12
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Torah Portion for Shabbat, 7/28/12
Read more(Hebrew for Christians)
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Concise List of Recent Bankster Frauds |
Note from HN News editor: This well researched article has
links to all the sources from where the main points are listed below.
Truly, we are seeing the depravity, the selfishness, and the greed of
the banksters on full display. Praise Abba that He will soon be setting
up His own Kingdom economy!
Here are some recent improprieties by the big banks:
money for drug cartels. (indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system
afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis). *Laundering money for terrorists. *Engaging in mafia-style big-rigging fraud against local governments. *Shaving
money off of virtually every pension transaction they handled over the
course of decades, stealing collectively billions of dollars from
pensions worldwide. *Charging "storage fees" to store gold bullion ... without even buying or storing any gold . And raiding allocated gold accounts *Committing massive and pervasive fraud both when they initiated mortgage loans and when they foreclosed on them. *Pledging
the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers. This would be
like selling your car, and collecting money from 10 different buyers for
the same car. *Cheating homeowners by gaming laws meant to protect people from unfair foreclosure *Committing
massive fraud in an $800 trillion dollar market which effects
everything from mortgages, student loans, small business loans and city
financing. *Engaging in insider trading of the most important financial information. *Pushing
investments which they knew were terrible, and then betting against the
same investments to make money for themselves. See this, this, this,
this and this * Engaging in unlawful "frontrunning" to manipulate markets. *Engaging in unlawful "Wash Trades" to manipulate asset prices. *Otherwise manipulating markets. *Participating in various Ponzi schemes. *Charging veterans unlawful mortgage fees/overcharging for property taxes *Cooking their books *Bribing and bullying ratings agencies to inflate ratings on their risky investments
executives of the big banks invariably pretend that the hanky-panky was
only committed by a couple of low-level rogue employees. But studies
show that most of the fraud is committed by management.
Banksters Declare US and Europe "Conquered"
recent CNBC clip in which financial analysts admit to viewers that
America is under the control of a group of central bankers who are
building a world government is a damning insight into how the
establishment has dispensed with any pretense of trying to hide their
agenda as it is finalized.
During the video,
the host asks guests, "Do we all work for central bankers - is this
global governance at last - is it one world - the central bankers in
charge....aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks
"To answer your
question, we are absolutely slaves to central banks," responds the
guest." We are beholden to what central bankers and policy makers do
rather than the fundamentals in the economy," adds another. This is just
one of a deluge of examples where it is now being thrown in our faces
that a banking elite is building a world government at the expense of
the American people.
treating the issue as a "conspiracy theory" for decades, the
establishment is now tearing away the veil in an effort to force
Americans to blithely accept what has been planned all along.
Read more (Infowars)
Drought Covers Majority Of U.S. And 'Might Be A $50 Billion Event For The Economy' |
The Dust Bowl of 2012
year's drought ranks as one of the top 10 worst U.S. droughts for the
last century. With more than half the country (54 percent) experiencing
drought conditions, it's the single worst drought since the 1950s.
It is hot all over. NOAA said in its June "State of the Climate Global Analysis": This is the second month in a row that the global land temperature was the warmest on record for that month. While
it has been hotter than the 1930s in many places in this country, the
drought hasn't been quite as bad as the worst of the original Dust Bowl.
Price of Corn Hits Record High as Global Food Crisis Looms |
you ready for the next major global food crisis? The price of corn hit
an all-time record high on Thursday. So did the price of soybeans. The
price of corn is up about 50 percent since the middle of last month, and
the price of wheat has risen by about 50 percent over the past five
weeks. On Thursday, corn for September delivery reached $8.166 per
bushel, and many analysts believe that it could hit $10 a bushel before
this crisis is over. The worst drought in the United States in more
than 50 years is projected to continue well into August, and more than
1,300 counties in the United States have been declared to be official
natural disaster areas. So how is this crisis going to affect the
average person on the street? Well, most Americans and most Europeans
are going to notice their grocery bills go up significantly over the
coming months. That will not be pleasant. But in other areas of the
world this crisis could mean the difference between life and death for
some people. You see, half of all global corn exports come from the
United States. Read more (Activist Post)
Corn and GMO Foods: What You Need to Know: The GMO Threat |
Listen to Researcher, Jeffrey Smith, author of "Seeds of Deception"
Smith documents how
consumption of genetically modified foods has been directly linked with
reproductive problems, immune system deficiencies, accelerated aging,
organ damage and gastrointestinal problems. The immune system problem
has been seen consistently in mice and rats who are fed GMO food,
explains Smith, and now since humans have started consuming genetically
modified foods, auto-immune diseases and allergies have increased.
Jeffrey M. Smith: The GMO Threat (Full Length ??? HD) |
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed |
food crops with "Roundup" herbicide genetically inserted into plant
DNA indicate deliberate poisoning of the food supply in US
Alex Jones addresses
one of the darkest modes of power the globalists have used to control
the population-- food. The adulteration of the planet's staple crops,
genetically-altered species and intentionally-altered water, food and
air all amount to a Eugenics operation to weaken the masses and achieve
full spectrum domination.
People the world over,
but especially in the United States are under chemical attack. Deadly
and dangerous toxins ranging from Aspartame to Fluoride, GMO,
Mercury-tainting, pesticides, cross-species chimeras, plastic compounds
in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new
aggressive GM species of salmon have all entered into our diets and
environments-- whether we want it or not.
Many of these
substances knowingly cause or are linked with sterility, low birth
weight, miscarriages, smaller or deformed offspring, as well as organ
failure, cancer, brain tumors and Death itself, what you DON'T know
about on your grocery shelves can hurt you. Further, Alex demonstrates
that a pattern of buried studies, fraudulent statistics and a will
reduce global population all point to the deliberate criminal poisoning
of the food and water supply.
Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed full version |
New GMO "Agent Orange Soy" Quietly Backed by USDA |
of pounds of herbicides are applied to crops around the nation each
year. In one single year, 2006, 96.7 million pounds of glyphosate was
sprayed on soybeans alone; this is a 20-fold increase from the 4.9
million pounds in 1994, the year before Monsanto's Roundup Ready seeds
were introducedM
now, biotechnology giant and creator of pesticides and herbicides, Dow
AgroSciences is bringing forth brand new GMO soybeans and GMO corn to
the market that will ultimately cause more herbicides than ever to be
sprayed across the nation. What's more, the USDA is all over the idea.
2,4-D Herbicide and Super GMO crops
perhaps even more startling than the drastic increase in herbicide
usage is the fact that Dow AgroSciences' new genetically modified soy is
actually specifically designed to resist an especially toxic herbicide
known as 2,4-D, a toxic compound used in the well-known Vitetnam War
defoliant Agent Orange. Known to have killed or maimed at least 400,000,
and causing an additional 500,000 birth defects according to
conservative Viatnamese estimates, Agent Orange is one of the deadliest
concoctions on record.
Non GMO Shopping Guide: Quick Tips |
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Certified organic
products cannot intentionally include any GMO ingredients. Buy products
labeled "100% organic," "organic," or "made with organic ingredients."
You can be doubly sure if the product also has a Non-GMO Project
Verified Seal. Read more about organic standards...
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seals
Products that carry
the Non-GMO Project Seal are independently verified to be in compliance
with North America's only third party standard for GMO avoidance,
including testing of at-risk ingredients. The Non-GMO Project is a
non-profit organization committed to providing consumers with clearly
labeled and independently verified non-GMO choices. Look for dairy
products labeled "No rBGH or rBST," or "artificial hormone-free."
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
If it's not labeled
organic or verified non-GMO: Avoid products made with ingredients that
might be derived from GMOs (see list). The eight GM food crops are Corn,
Soybeans, Canola, Cottonseed, Sugar Beets, Hawaiian Papaya (most) and a
small amount of Zucchini and Yellow Squash.
Tip #4: Download our Shopping Guides
Use either IRT's new
Non-GMO Shopping Tips brochure or redesigned Non-GMO Shopping Guide to
help you identify and avoid GM foods. We devote an entire page in each
guide to help you uncover hidden GM ingredients on food labels that
often read more like a chemical periodic table. If you have an iPhone,
download our ShopNoGMO guide for free from the iTunes store.
Hebrew Nation Radio Ministry
3190 Lancaster Dr
Salem, OR 97305
News tip? Comments?
email Laura Densmore
The burden which
Habakuk HaNavi (the prophet) did see, long time ago.
What is happening today….
Hab 1:2 Until when,
Yahweh, must I cry for help, and Thou wilt not hear? Even cry out unto Thee,
Chamas (violence!), and Thou wilt not save?
Hab 1:3 Why dost Thou
show me iniquity, and cause me to behold trouble? For plundering and chamas
(violence) are before me; and there are those that rise up strife and
Hab 1:4 Therefore the
Torah is not followed, and mishpat (ordinance) doth never prevail; for the
rasha (bat one) doth hem in the tzadik (righteous one); therefore mishpat
(justice) proceeded perverted.
Hab 1:5 [Yahweh says:]
Behold ye the Goyim (peoples), and regard, and wonder marvelously; for I will
work a work in your yamim (days) which, though it be told you, of it ye will
have no emunah (faith).
Hab 1:6 For, hineni
(behold), I raise up the Kasdim (Chaldeans), that Goy (people) bitter and
impetuous, which shall march far and wide over the earth, to confiscate the
mishkanot (dwelling places) that are not their own.
Hab 1:7 They are
terrible and dreadful; their mishpat (justice) and their dignity shall proceed
from themselves.
Hab 1:8 Their susim
(horses) also are swifter than the leopards, keener than the evening wolves;
and their parash (horseman) shall charge ahead, and their parash (horseman)
shall come from afar; they shall fly as the nesher (eagle), swooping to devour.
Hab 1:9 They shall
come all for chamas (violence); the swarm of their faces is directed forward,
and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.
Hab 1:10 And they shall
scoff at the melachim (kings), and the roznim (princes) shall be a scorn unto
them; they shall laugh at every stronghold; for they shall heap dirt, and take
Hab 1:11 Then they
sweep on like the ruach (wind), guilty men whose
elohim is his own koach (power).
Hab 1:12 Art thou not
mikedem (from everlasting),
(Also said of
Moshiach, indicating Moshiach’s divine nature:
Mic 5:2 [5:1] But thou,
Beitlechem Ephratah, though thou be little among the Alphei Yehudah (Thousands
of Yehudah), yet out of thee shall He [Moshiach] come forth unto Me [Yahweh]
that is to be Moshel (governor) Yisroel; whose goings forth have been mikedem,
(from everlasting), mimei olam (from the days of eternity).
Dan 7:13 I was
beholding in visions of the night, and, hinei (behold), one like a Bar Enosh
(Ben Adam, i.e., Moshiach) came with the clouds of Shomayim (heaven), and came
to the Atik Yomin (Ancient of Days, i.e., Yahweh), and before Him He was
Dan 7:14 And there was
given Him (Moshiach) dominion, and honor, and sovereignty, that all people,
Goyim, tongues, should pey-lammed-chet. [i] (worship as deity) (see Dan 3:12, serve,
reverence as deity Him (Moshiach). His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away, and His (Messianic) Kingdom that which shall not be
Yahweh Elohai (my Elohim) Kedoshi (my Holy One)? We shall not die. Yahweh, Thou
hast appointed them (these Chaldean) for mishpat (justice); O Tzur (Rock), Thou
hast ordained them (these Chaldean) for reproof.
See: The Beast of
Scripture, Anti-Christ
Unveiled?, Walid Shoebat
- Mark of the Beast
To say No to the mark of the beast is to say:
(And not to hate them!)
No too
two states in the Land. Not to give a big part to these 'Chaldean'.
The world shall pay a big 'prize' for that!
Receive judgment!
No too
all the laws that goes against the commandments of Abba YHWH. No choice than to
say No to Sharia law!
Not to
look to the other side or to say, it’s Peace, when they try to put sharia law
in your country.
But to say Yes to Abba Yahweh and His Laws special in this time when Abba Yahweh is
'testing' us:
Hab 1:12 Art thou not mikedem (‘everlasting’) also said of
Moshiach, indicating Moshiach’s eternal divine nature) Yahweh Elohai (my
Elohim) Kedoshi (my Holy One)? We shall not die. Yahweh, Thou hast appointed
them (these Chaldean) for mishpat (ordinance); O Tzur (Rock), Thou hast
ordained them (these Chaldean) for reproof.
Please take it serious what Abba Yahweh is telling us in:
Deu 18:15 Yahweh Eloheicha
(your Elohim) will raise up unto thee a Navi (prophet) from among thee, of thy
achim (bretheren), kamoni (like me [Moshe, Ex 32:30]); unto him ye must listen;
Deu 18:16
According to all that thou desired of Yahweh Eloheicha (your Elohim) Chorev in
the Yom HaKahal (day of the congregation), saying, Let me not hear again the
voice of Yahweh Elohav (your Elohim), neither let me see this eish hagedolah
(‘great fire’) any more, that I die not.
Deu 18:17 And Yahweh said unto
me, ‘they have well-spoken that which they have spoken.
Deu 18:18 I will raise them up
a Navi (prophet) from among their achim (brethren), like unto thee, and will
put My words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him [Yn 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my
own accord. I have samchut (authority) to lay it down, and I have samchut to
receive it again. This mitzvah I received from HaAv of me.
(Isa 52:13 Hinei, Avdi [Moshiach, see Zecharyah 3:8]
shall act wisely, he shall be raised and be lifted up, and be highly exalted.
Isa 52:14 As rabbim (many) were appalled at thee
[Moshiach]; his appearance was so disfigured more than any man, and his form
more than the bnei adam;
Isa 52:15 So yazzeh Goyim rabbim (he [Moshiach] will
sprinkle many nations); the melachim (kings) shall shut their mouths because of
him; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and of that which
they had not heard shall they have binah. (understanding))
Deu 18:19 and it shall come to
pass, that whosoever will not listen unto My words which he shall speak Bishmi
(in My Name), I will require it of him.
8:28 Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to
them, When you perform the hagbah (lifting up) of the Ben HaAdam, you
will have da'as (knowledge) that Ani Hu [YESHAYAH 41:4; SHEMOT 3:14-16],
and from myself I do nothing, but as HaAv (the Father) of me taught me, these
things I speak.
[i] Dictionary of the Talmud. M. Jastrow p. 1178 פלח
have to make your choice…….
Hab 1:5 [Yahweh
says:] Behold ye the Goyim (people), and regard, and wonder marvelously; for I
will work a work in your yamim (days) which, though it be told you, of it ye
will have no emunah (faith).
1:6 For, hineni
(behold), I raise up the Kasdim (Chaldeans), that Goy (people) bitter and
impetuous, which shall march far and wide over the earth, to confiscate the
mishkanot (dwelling places) that are not their own.
1:9 They shall
come all for chamas (violence); the swarm of their faces is directed forward,
and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.
need to read the whole book of the navy HABAKUK….. [From: חבק – to embrace, press, fasten.
M.Jastrow p. 421] is that not what the ‘west’, their governments are doing?
If you find it not right what I’m telling you, about Islam, please press the
next link to see what you are doing when you ‘embrace’ ‘Islam’: Religion of Peace? I'm not so sure!
Hab 1:12 Art thou not mikedem (from
everlasting, [also said of Moshiach, indicating Moshiach’s coeternal divine
nature: see Michoh 5:1[2]; see Dan 7:13-14; 3:12), Yahweh Elohai (my Elohim)
Kedoshi (my Holy One)?
We shall not die Yahweh, Thou hast appointed them
for mishpat (judgement); O Tzur (Rock), Thou hast ordained them for reproof.
‘I (Yahweh) will work a work in your yamim (days)’, ‘for Mishpath’ and
‘for reproof’. This is coming from Yahweh......
We have to look in the Torah to find an answer.
read the Mitzvoth go to: Positive Commandments and the Negative Commandments), easy to
read. Very important to know them. Than you understand the rest of Scriptures
much, much better!
O Israel, Yudah and Ephraim, Abba Yahweh chose You and not these Chaldean!
These Chaldean are ‘working’ to have a ‘Caliphate’ with Jerusalem….. in the
center. A ‘world-Caliphate’…… ‘Clean’ from: Jews and Christians …..!
See: http://youtu.be/cumc46B2umc
and http://youtu.be/CftifoIw7QI
It is written in the Koran:
Surah Al-Fatihah:
1. In the
Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
2. All the praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of
'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day
of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)
5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help
(for each and everything).
6. Guide us to the Straight Way
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those
who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as
the Christians).
For more, what the Koran is teaching about: ‘Muslims Hate Jews,
Christians all other faiths’ ‘Their Guide Book says to kill,
behead and burn all non-believers’ click:
Index of The Quran (Satanic Verses of violence to us)
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