September 14, 2011 By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell
Earthquake overview : At 4:04 AM Chile local time, a strong moderate earthquake occurred close to Valparaiso, Chile. Strong MMI VI shaking has been experienced near the epicenter.
"I have Felt it" Reports –> see below + Let us know how you have felt this earthquake
To read the full story as it happened, we advise our readers to start at the lower part of the page (earthquake data).
Keep this page open or return regularly as we will be back with more details when they become available
Update 10:02 UTC : after screening our many various sources, we are happy to report that this earthquake made NO damage or did NOT injure people (published 3 hours after the earthquake struck).Update 08:04 UTC : Our Chile readers are fading away from our screens, which means that most of them went back to their beds after looking into the details of this earthquake. It is 05:04 AM in the Chile night.
Update 08:03 UTC : Some people report 2 weak aftershocks.
Update 07:59 UTC : ONEMI Chile (which is extremely well organized to cope with disaster situations and has a great network to cope with it) has NOT found any damage or injuries yet.
Based on the revised parameters, expect NO change in this situation. Update 07:55 UTC : ONEMI Chile has released a new bulletin with corresponding MMI values :
Región: Coquimbo
Coquimbo: IV
Illapel: III
La Serena: IV
Los Vilos: II
Salamanca: IV
Región: Valparaíso
Quillota: IV
San Felipe: IV
Valparaíso: VI
Viña del Mar: VI
Región: Metropolitana de Santiago
Melipilla: V
Puente Alto: IV
San Bernardo: IV
Santiago: IV
Talagante: IV
Tiltil: IV
Región: Libertador Bernardo O`Higgins
La Estrella: III
Las Cabras: III
Navidad: III
Región: Maule
Constitución: III
Parral: II
Talca: II

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