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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Killer words: Muslims text death threats to Christians

WND Exclusive


Killer words: Muslims text death threats to Christians

'We must kill the infidels and destroy their churches'

Posted: September 13, 2011
9:24 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Muslim extremists are using a relatively new tool in their attempt to intimidate and bully Christians, with death threats sent by text-messaging to Christian church leaders, a new report confirms.
The report comes fromCompass Direct,which monitors and reports on Christian issues around the globe. The situation has developed in Sudan.
"We want this country to be purely an Islamic state, so we must kill the infidels and destroy their churches all over Sudan," Compass Direct sources in the African nation have reported that one text message said.
See what happens with Islam is the law of the land, in "Cruel and Usual Punishment"
The texts were dispatched to leaders of at least 10 churches in the Khartoum area, and came in recent weeks, the report said.
Christian church leaders in the region have been at risk for years, even with the recent declaration of a new nation, South Sudan, which suggests some small level of separation from the Muslim-dominated north Sudan.
But sources for the ministry organization say that Islamists have continued to make targets out of Christians.

Read more:Killer words: Muslims text death threats to Christians

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