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Friday, September 30, 2011

IDF delivers 5,087 truckloads of goods to Gaza in August

Goods include clothing, food, construction materials, electric products, and agricultural inputs
In August, 5,087 truckloads of goods (138,029 tons) entered the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom Crossing, marking a two percent increase from the previous month. The goods included 81 truckloads of clothing and footwear, 149 truckloads of electric products, 1,609 truckloads of food, 1,408 truckloads of construction materials and 155 truckloads of inputs for agriculture.

The transfer of goods to Gaza is coordinated by the Israeli government and IDF as well as Palestinian and international organizations.
During August, 2,705 Palestinians exited the Gaza Strip through Erez Crossing. Overall, 2,853 permits were issued to Palestinians, allowing them to pass through the Erez Crossing. These included 1,201 permits for medical purposes, enabling Palestinians to receive medical treatment in Israel, the West Bank and abroad.
1,130 businessmen exited Gaza via the Erez Crossing in August.
Coordination with representatives of the Palestinian Authority continued in August, with 44 meetings taking place.
701 truckloads of goods were delivered to Gaza for international organizations.
Until now, 163 projects created by the international community have been approved, of which 35 have been completed and 62 are under implementation. These projects include infrastructure, housing, education, agriculture, health, and transportation projects.
Israel continues to supply electricity and water to the Gaza Strip and transferred 3,351 tons of cooking gas during the month of August.

IDF / Photo: IDF

29.09.2011 Source: 


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