Google Translation from German:
Gerhard Wisnewski
Are braver than Swiss German? In particular, Swiss politicians, academics and journalists? It looks like this. For while the political and scientific nomenclature in this country to the state crime of iron 11.9.2001 silent and hisses down any dissenters as "conspiracy theorists", Swiss politicians and celebrities to openly confess their doubts. A new website for the 10th time they ask Anniversary of the attacks on 11.9.2001, a new study.
The whole world believes in the lies of 09/11/2001? No! There is a little inflexible people in the mountains, where people openly admit their doubts about the official conspiracy theory of 11.9.2001. In Switzerland, rehearse National Councils, professors, prominent journalists and moderators of the revolt against the lies of the U.S. government and its allies. Just in time before the tenth anniversary of the attacks on 11.9.2001, prominent Swiss put on the public into a new investigation into the attacks stuff.
As example would be Roland Jeanneret, one of the most famous and most dedicated journalists and presenters Switzerland.
Top Moderator Jeanneret: "Too many > facts < are wobbly, explanations "not credible
Jeanneret "was for decades one of the best known voices in moderating Swiss Radio DRS" (3sat) and is an institution for decades, he hosted radio and television, the national fundraising "The
Solidarity, "about the aftermath of the Tsunami disaster in 2004 in the Pacific gathered up no less than CHF 227 million in donations. On 11.09.2001, he says: "Too many 'facts' are shaky, unreliable statements, incomplete investigations. On the other hand, the event, with around 3,000 deaths and countless helpers become diseased, so gigantic that you - even just from a historical credibility -. Must not be business as usual "
"I do a lot of questions I would like," I have clarified, says the world-renowned strategy expert Stahel, Albert A., Professor of Strategic Studies at the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. As an acknowledged expert on geopolitics and former lecturer at the Military Academy at ETH Zurich Stahel is exactly the right man for the analysis of 9/11-Attentate. Because its geostrategic significance is ultimately incalculable.
expert, Stahel: "I do a lot of questions, which I would have answered," I "It was unbelievable from the beginning that would be the official version of the Bush administration, the truth and nothing but the truth," says the award-winning Swiss writer Maja Beutler: "9 / 11 was such a precisely executed surprise attack, as he was previously have expected at most to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad or the CIA had. "
Beutler writer: attacks gave the Bush administration a free hand
Should instead be truly "near-fighter pilots of Al-Qaeda, the entire U.S. air surveillance tricked" and "the CIA have" gone through the net? Sure was only: "From the attacks of 9 / 11 there were facts that gave the Bush administration virtually free hand militarily and politically."
The well-known management consultant and public relations expert Klaus J. Stöhlker lists the phony reasons for war in the U.S. - the sinking of the "Maine" to the incident of Tonkin - on and says: "The moral squalor of the 'guiding force' USA is obvious. To complete the picture we are missing today really just proof that the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was right when he said at the UN, the attack on the World Trade Center in New York is done with the knowledge of U.S. government . "
And so it goes on forever. It is "indisputable that the official story (only) a conspiracy theory," Dr. Peter Loelliger used by the ETH Zurich against the official version of events. It was "high time that will finally be investigated independently of what really happened," says the National Council Geri Müller. "There must be a> Historians debate < come. To assume the version of the Bush administration would blindly, "contradict the basic principles of truth seeking, says historian and lecturer at the University of Basel, Dr. Daniele Ganser.
"There are exactly three in the architectural history of high-rise buildings with steel frame construction, which have collapsed in a fire: WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7," says the publisher of the magazine " time"Christoph Pfluger. "Everyone who knows that the temperature of a kerosene fire under the melting point of steel is quickly recognize that the towers of the World Trade Center were blown up and vote in the official version of the sequence of events can not." Conspiracy theory? Not at all: "This term has become a dirty word has become successful, be punished with all those who have the official version of the events of 11 September 2001 into doubt. "
Available by Gerhard Wisnewski soon here in the shop: "Operation 9 / 11 - The Truth" on the track.
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