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Friday, July 29, 2011

When The Arabs Became The "Palestinians" - The Invention of a People

By Michelle Cohen
The biggest mistake Israelis make, is agreeing to call regional Arabs "Palestinians."  
It is exactly the same as supplying Arabs with ammunition with which to delegitimise Israel.  It is exactly like saying, "We agree with you — you were here first, this is your land and we stole it." 

This is the Arab narrative anyway and we, as Israelis, are justifying this claim by agreeing to call regional Arabs by the name they have stolen.  If we wish to be taken seriously by the "international community", it is high time and highly recommended that we go back to calling "Palestinians" Arabs and make certain our voices are heard across the land, in Government, in Media and around the world.

Arabs from the region of modern-day Israel would have us all believe that they are direct descendants of the Canaanites and/or the Philistines, but as of yet they have not been able to make up their minds of which group they are descendants.  In any event, they could not possibly be descendants of either because neither peoples exists anymore and have not for over 5000 years. It is actually not necessary to go into a whole lot of historical detail in order to discover that the reason Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" is because they actually lack solid identity. The letter 'p' does not exist in the Arabic language, much less the name Palestine, which originates from the Roman name Judæa-Palæstina in order to humiliate Jews after the Roman conquest. The name Palæstina is in reference to the name Philistines (sea people) who invaded Judæa — in which case, if Arabs have chosen to use a name that refers to invaders, it is actually quite appropriate. 
Read the rest on her blog: ISRAELI FRONTLINE

The Case of Palestinian Jews

by  on Jan 31, 2010
The following video shows the genetic evidence, the social remains of Judaic traditions, as well as interviews with Palestinians openly discussing the matter of Palestinian Jews.
It is well known, and genetically proven, that many Palestinians are from Jewish decent - Jews who stayed in the land of Israel and converted to Islam over the centuries. Some maintained customs and knowledge that tied them to Judaism. A few are openly declaring their Jewish origins. Some actually want to return to the Jewish people.

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