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Monday, April 25, 2011

Nazis, CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood

Those who assert that Islam strives after a world power of predominance find themselves all too quickly confronted with the accusation of being a conspiracy theorist. However, there are truly currents in Islam that didn’t just start yesterday to strive for precisely that: a global super caliphate. One organization for whom this is without question is the Muslim Brotherhood.
There is an interesting WELT-Online article about their history, even in Germany, and the reading of this information in its entirety is recommended.

How Nazis and CIA made a pact with the Muslim Brotherhood
The Who’s Who of Political Islam has gone back and forth for years in Munich. Here is where the Muslim Brotherhood has been able to plan without interruption and infiltrate other countries.
For years, Germany has been part of the closely meshed network spread over the whole world by the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood. The first contacts withe the Islamists were made by the National Socialists, and furthermore by defense head Admiral Wilhelm Canaris for them. His objective at the beginning of the forties was to support the resistance against the Britons in Arab countries with weapons and money. During the Second World War he occupied himself with aid from the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, in partisan actions against the Britons. Reports are constantly surfacing in which al-Husseini (1893-1974) is to have included the founder and leader of the Muslin Brotherhood at that time, Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949) in to these plans.

Read the rest of this article on:  Politically Incorrect

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