News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Joined To HaShem Newsletter April 29, 2011

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Mike Clayton and his ministry?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

April 29, 2011
Joined To Hashem Newsletter
In this issue...

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Streaming Video
I am working on changes to the Streaming VIdeo. Hope to have an announcement next week.

Torah Commentary
K'doshim (Holy People)
Leviticus 19:1-20:27
Ezekiel 20:2-20; 22:1-19
This week's Torah portion begins and ends with similar words. HaShem tells the people they are to be holy because He is holy and they belong to Him. Simply put, He was telling the people to have the same heart and actions that He has.
They are to be like Him, a reflection of His character and personality on the earth. In doing so they would be a light to the nations and attract others to become part of His family. Sounds like quite familiar words, which were repeated a few thousand years later through the life of Yeshua.
Holiness, sanctification, being like God. What comes to your mind when you think of these terms? What images appear when you meditate on the word holiness? For many it may bring up thoughts of churches you have attended, places where holiness was defined by the length of a dress, lack of makeup and how somber you could look and sound when singing or praying. Is this what holiness is all about? I think not. To define holiness let us simply allow the One who is holy to tell us how to be holy.
Read through this week's Torah portion. Do so with a highlighter, either a physical one or a mental one. Look at the do's and don'ts listed. Herein lies the true definition of Holiness. Herein lies how our Father desires for us to live. Herein is how He would live if He were on the earth to show us a life of holiness. (He did so later, you know!)
Here are just a few of the things He desires for us to do.
Honor His Shabbat.
Honor our Father and Mother. (Let us not forget our spiritual Father and Mother.)
Honor our elders.
Remember the poor.
Here are a few things He desires for us not to do.
Do not hate your brother.
Do not eat blood.
Do not tattoo yourself. Do not slander.
See, God did not leave us to define what holiness is. He did not leave it as a concept for us to have to debate and come to our own opinions and conclusions. He simply gave us a command to be holy and then told us what holiness is. HaShem has given us the answers to life. In the Torah we have the answer to every situation in life. It may take some digging, but for certain there is not a situation in which you or I find ourselves that can not be answered by the same clause Yeshua used, "It is written!"
As a final note, what about the commandments we read and do not understand how to apply today? Why not first look to the ones we can apply and dwell on them? We may find that walking out the revelation He has given will give way to new revelation in the days to come. Simply put, let us be like little children when it comes to Torah. Find the commands that will help us crawl, then when we get that down, look for those that will help us to walk. Come as a little child, a little child that wants to grow up into a mature adult. .
Shabbat Shalom,

phone: 405 257 6277

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