brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah Ministries
Monday, August 20, 2012 Elul 2, 5772 First day, Sixth biblical month, 6012 August 18th-20th_Anticipated New moon sighting in Jerusalem |
Greetings to the Hebrew
Nation community! Every week, I keep holding my breath, wondering if
this is the week that the Middle East war is finally going to break out.
They have been in "readiness" mode for months. Yet, it seems that if we
are soon going to see the fulfillment of the prophesied war described
in Ezekiel 38/39, Abba has HIS PERFECT timing as to WHEN that will be.
stakes are high. Very high. And the ramifications and ripples of such a
war breaking out are HUGE. The world will never be the same. The window
of time for Israel to do a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear
facilities is rapidly closing. One news headline below indicates that Iran will be able to build a nuclear bomb by October 1st.
I don't believe that it will be Israel that does the pre-emptive
strike. If Iran believes it is going to be hit, Iran could decide to
strike first. I believe it will be Iran and a group of nations who will
come against Israel and strike first. Then, Israel, in self defense,
would strike back, and possibly take out Damascus, fulfilling Isaiah 17.
And then, we see the Ezekiel 38 war unfold.
Will it be this
Fall in early October when this happens? And, when the Ezekiel 38 war
does break out, what could very well happen is that DURING that war or
immediately AFTER the war, our Jewish brothers could take the Temple
Mount back, set up an altar and begin doing the daily sacrifice. That
could last for....a day, a week, a month...but we do know that at a
certain point, the daily sacrifice will be STOPPED, and an "abomination
that causes desolation" will be set up in its place on the Temple Mount.
"And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to
sacrifices and meal offering. And on the wing of abominations he shall
lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is
poured out on the one who lays waste." Daniel 9: 27
When we
see that, we will know EXACTLY where we are on the timeline to the
return of Messiah Yeshua. That event will be the "trigger point" marking
the MIDDLE of the final "week" (7 years), spoken of in Daniel 9: 27.
Yeshua gave us instructions as to what to do when we see this:
when you see the "abomination that lays waste, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, set up in the Holy place--he who reads, let him
understand--then let those who are in Judah FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS." Matthew 24: 15
is truly a "marker event" that will begin a period of time known as
the "Great Tribulation", or "Jacob's Trouble"; it takes us across the
threshold to the final 3 and 1/2 years (42 months or 1260 days) prior to
the return of Yeshua Messiah. At this point, we begin "The Greater
Exodus to Come" journey. Here is a passage from Ezekiel 20 that reveals
more to us about that time:
I live," declares the Master Yahweh, "do not I, with a mighty hand,
with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out, reign over you? And
I SHALL BRING YOU OUT from the peoples and GATHER YOU out of the lands
where you are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched
arm, and with wrath poured out.
And I shall BRING YOU INTO the wilderness of the peoples, and shall enter into judgment with you face to face there,
As I entered into judgment with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I shall enter into judgment with you," declares the Master Yahweh. "and I shall make you pass under the rod, and shall bring you into the bond of the covenant, and purge the rebels from among you, and those who transgress against Me.
the land where they sojourn I bring them out, but they shall NOT come
into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am Yahweh. Ezekiel 20: 33-38 Please be sure to read Monte Judah's outstanding article, Preparing Your Sukkah,
to learn more about the Greater Exodus to Come and to learn practical
nuts and bolts for what to bring and how to prepare for Sukkot.
Have you made Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) plans yet? If not, I invite you to come to
OneNation Sukkot, at Canby Grove, Oregon, October 1 -9. Details are below! I hope to see you there!
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Please note:
There will be NO HN News Alert for the next 2 weeks as I will be
traveling both of these weekends. The next News Alert will be Monday,
September 10, 2012. In the meantime, please keep listening to The 1260
Report on Hebrew Nation Radio!
OneNation Sukkot at Canby Grove, Oregon, October 1-9
Theme: the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom become ONE NATION! HalleluYAH!
will be two campuses to afford every possible style of camping and
price range. The main campus is "Northern Kingdom," and includes
Riverfront Lodge, the Plaza, the cabins, and RV/tenting with power.
other campus, "Southern Kingdom,"(Rustic Camp) is across the street and
affords RV/tenting without power. The price for Southern Kingdom is
only $60 for the entire week. Southern Kingdom has 6 flushing commodes
and 6 showers. Additional porta-potties will be rented for this area.
There will be a large community tent set up for sharing Oneg meals.
gather with your mishpocah as we keep this important Biblical Feast
together out of our of love for Yahweh. Bring your home
group/fellowship. Make new friends and reconnect with old friends!
Featured speakers include: Bill Cloud, Hollisa Alewine, Phil Elmore, Nehemia Gordon, Keith Johnson, Grant Lutton
Registration rates are: $50/individual; $75/couple; $100/family up to 4; $125/family 5 and over.
Preparing Your Sukkah: Feature Article by Monte Judah
Questions on how to prepare for Sukkot? Practical nuts and bolts for WHAT to bring, HOW to prepare and WHY to prepare
the children of Israel left Egypt, they camped first in a place they
called Sukkot. Sukkot means tents, tabernacles, huts, or booths. It is
the temporary shelter that each family used as they journeyed through
the wilderness on their way to the promised land. Sukkot is also the
title of the seventh Feast of the Lord held each year in the fall,
beginning on the 15th of Tishri (late September/October time frame). The
feast is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths). At the
Feast of Tabernacles we commemorate our ancestors living in sukkot (a
single dwelling is known as a sukkah) while they traveled in the
wilderness. Yet the Feast of Tabernacles teaches us another lesson that
will affect the last generation of the ages.
Jeremiah, and Ezekiel specifically prophesied of another exodus at the
end of the ages. This exodus will be much greater than the one from
Egypt. For those who have never heard of these prophecies, let me review
them. (Read Deuteronomy 30:1-6, Jeremiah 16: 14-15, Jeremiah 23: 5-8, Ezekiel 20:33-38)
believers are not familiar with a sukkah (tent, hut, or booth), the
Feast of Tabernacles, or the prophesies of the Greater Exodus, but the
Scripture says that the last generation will experience the same tests
and transition that the generation which left Egypt did. God's
deliverance will be through believers escaping their homes and cities
and journeying in the wilderness of the peoples using a sukkah. The
Apostle Paul says as much to the Corinthians:
"Now these
things happened to them (the children of Israel in the wilderness) as an
EXAMPLE, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends
of the ages have come." 1 Cor 10:11
With this in mind, let's
begin by assessing what the world (all of us) will be experiencing at
the end with the Great Tribulation (the final 1260 days, the last 3 and 1/2 years) and then let us plan our sukkahs (sukkot) to meet the need for God's deliverance.
Finish the article (August 2012 issue of Yahvoh, by Monte Judah, MUST READ!)
Wardrums for Israel and Iran?
Watch excellent
interview between Bret Baier of Fox News Special Report and Israeli
Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren.
Iran Will Be Able To Build A Nuclear Bomb by October 1st
There is that CRITICAL DATE Popping up in the News Again: This is also DAY 1 of Sukkot 2012
its present rate of enrichment, Iran will have 250 kilograms of
20-percent grade uranium, exactly enough to build its first nuclear
bomb, in roughly six weeks, and two-to- four bombs by early 2013,
debkafile's military and intelligence sources report. Hence the leak by
an unnamed Israeli security source Sunday, Aug. 12, disclosing Iran's
progress in developing the detonator and fuses for a nuclear warhead
which can be fitted onto Shehab-3 ballistic missiles capable of reaching
Israel. Since 20 percent refined uranium is a short jump
to weapons grade fuel, Iran will have the capability and materials for
building an operational nuclear bomb by approximately October 1.
knowledge is not news to US President Barack Obama, Saudi King
Abdullah, Syrian ruler Bashar Assad, or Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin
Netanyahu - and certainly not to Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Netanyahu's comment at the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting Sunday:
"All threats against the home front are dwarfed by one - Iran must not
be allowed to have nuclear arms!" - was prompted by that deadline.
Read more (DebKa file)
US Message to Israel--Don't Rely on US to Finish the Job in Iran
That's Okay! Ezekiel 38 and 39 Tells us that Yahweh Will Finish the Job! And We Know Who Wins...Israel!
US would not necessarily join in were Israel to launch a military
strike against Iran's nuclear program, an unnamed source in the Obama
Administration told Israel's Channel 2 News on Monday.
US feels a profound commitment to the defense of Israel, and so could
be relied upon to protect Israel defensively from the consequences of an
Israeli attack on Iran, the TV channel quoted the source as saying. But
the thrust of the US source's message to Israel, the TV report said,
was "don't rely on us to finish the job."
Israeli media has been
full of reports in recent days, based on leaks and off-the-record
briefings by senior figures, suggesting that Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are close to deciding on an
Israeli attack to thwart Iran - despite opposition from the US, and from
current and former domestic security chiefs.
Read more (Times of Israel)
Muslim Brotherhood Ousts Military Leaders, Seizes Power in Egypt
Watching Morsi's Power Play Unfold
Arab revolution that began on 18 December 2010 and swept rulers from
power in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen (and now threatening to do so
in Syria as well), was touted by the West as "Arab Spring" and lauded by
the POS in the White House.
More and more, however, Arab Spring
is turning into an Islamic Winter in hell, specifically a triumph for
the radical politico-religious movement called the Muslim Brotherhood,
whose goal is a pan-Islamic (uniting all the world's Muslim countries)
theocracy. Kareem Fahim reports for the New York Times, August 12,
2012, that President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt forced the retirement on
Sunday of his powerful defense minister, the army chief of staff and
several senior generals, in a stunning purge that seemed for the moment
to reclaim for civilian leaders much of the political power the Egyptian
military had seized since the fall of Hosni Mubarak last year.
also nullified a constitutional declaration, issued by the military
before he was elected, that eviscerated the powers of the presidency and
arrogated to the military the right to enact laws. It was not
immediately clear whether he had the constitutional authority to cancel
that decree.
Morsi also replaced the commanders of the Navy, Air
Force and air defense, and named a senior judge, Mahmoud Mekki, as his
vice president. The current chief of military intelligence, Abdul Fattah
el-Sisi, would become the country's new defense minister. Neither the White House nor the State Department offered any immediate reaction to Morsi's actions on Sunday.
Read more (Before its News)
What does it mean? Commentary by HN News editor The
Sinai peninsula has been a "demilitarized zone" since the peace treaty
was put into place between Israel and Egypt during the days of Anwar
Sadat. Last week, a 35-man seemingly bedouin terrorist team invaded an
Egyptian army base in eastern Sinai, stole a truck and armored personnel
carrier, and tried to crash the Israel border gate. They killed about
16 Egyptian soldiers but those who tried to cross the border-at least
five-were quickly wiped out by Israeli forces. At least, that is the
"cover story".
One speculation put forward by Kimberly Rogers is that last week's skirmish in the Sinai was a staged false flag event
to provide a reason to put Muslim Brotherhood troops with boots on the
ground in the Sinai. This "staging" manuever makes Egypt ready to
attack Israel on a moment's notice if/when war breaks out on her
northern border with Syria or Iran. I agree with her analysis.
Assad Regime is Near Collapse
Will Fill the Power Vacuum? One big guess: the Muslim Brotherhood, so
they can take another step in re-establishing the regional Caliphate!
Jordon: The former Syrian prime minister who fled to Jordan says Bashar
al-Assad's regime is near collapse and has urged other political and
military leaders to tip the scales and join the rebel side.
regime is on the verge of collapse morally and economically,'' Riad
Hijab told a news conference yesterday in his first public comments
since leaving his post and fleeing with his family last week.
Mr Hijab is the highest-ranking political figure to defect from the Assad regime. He
said he felt ''pain in his soul'' over the regime's shelling and other
attacks on rebel strongholds as the government stepped up its military
offensive. Activists say more than 20,000 people been killed in the
struggle since March 2011.
''I was powerless to stop the injustice,'' he said, speaking in front of the rebel flag.
Read more (Sunday Morning Herald)
Russia Moves Nuclear Missiles to Cuba
the Cuban Missile Crisis with JFK? This is Cuban Missile Crisis Part
TWO! What is the response of the US Govt in Round 2? Absolutely NOTHING!
missile crisis part two? A report out of Pravda quotes President
Vladimir Putin as saying that Russia has moved strategic nuclear
missiles to Cuba in response to the United States' continuing efforts to
encircle Russia in Eastern Europe.
article, written by Lyuba Lulko, explains how Russia is reviving its
military operations in Vietnam, Cuba and the Seychelles. In October
2001, President Vladimir Putin announced that the Lourdes
radio-electronic center on the island had been shut down as a "gift" to
President George W. Bush on the basis of promises given by Bush that the
U.S. missile defense system would never be deployed in Eastern Europe.
with the missile defense system under the auspices of NATO now reaching
"interim operational capability" in Europe at the end of May, that
promise has been shattered.
Russian Federation has fulfilled all terms of the agreement. And even
more. I shut down not only the Cuban Lourdes but also Kamran in Vietnam.
I shut them down because I gave my word of honor. I, like a man, has
kept my word. What have the Americans done? The Americans are not
responsible for their own words. Read more (InfoWars)
Russian Attack Submarine Sailed in Gulf for Weeks
US did not become of aware of its presence until AFTER the submarine LEFT
Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine armed with long-range cruise
missiles operated undetected in the Gulf of Mexico for several weeks and
its travel in strategic U.S. waters was only confirmed after it left
the region, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. It is only the
second time since 2009 that a Russian attack submarine has patrolled so
close to U.S. shores. The stealth underwater incursion in the Gulf took
place at the same time Russian strategic bombers made incursions into
restricted U.S. airspace near Alaska and California in June and July,
and highlights a growing military assertiveness by Moscow.
submarine patrol also exposed what U.S. officials said were deficiencies
in U.S. anti-submarine warfare capabilities-forces that are facing cuts
under the Obama
plan to reduce defense spending by $487 billion over the next 10 years.
The Navy is in charge of detecting submarines, especially those that
sail near U.S. nuclear missile submarines, and uses undersea sensors and
satellites to locate and track them. The fact that the Akula was not
detected in the Gulf is cause for concern, U.S. officials said. The
officials who are familiar with reports of the submarine patrol in the
Gulf of Mexico said the vessel was a nuclear-powered Akula-class attack
submarine, one of Russia's quietest submarines.
Russia Warns Aftereffects from April 2010 BP Oil Spill Disaster are "Beyond Catastrophic" and Borders on the "Truly Apocalyptic."
The BP Oil Spill Coverup: We Learn from the Russians what our own government won't tell us
A shocking report from Russian Northern Fleet scientists aboard the Gepard Akula
II, which just completed its maiden voyage off the United States
coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, warns the aftereffects from the 20
April 2010 BP Oil Spill Disaster are "beyond catastrophic" and borders on the "truly apocalyptic."
ordering of the Gepard Akula II to the Gulf of Mexico, and a potential
confrontation with US Naval Forces, this report says, was based on
Russian scientists belief that the damage done to the sea floor was not
reparable and that for the last over two years the Americans have
continued to use chemicals to disperse the still leaking oil.
to this report, these fears were confirmed when the Gepard Akula II
detected US Naval Forces delivering hundreds of thousands of gallons of
oil chemical dispersements to the leaking BP wellhead which,
unfortunately, were carried off their scheduled course by Hurricane Ernesto causing the deaths of millions of fish that washed up on the beaches in Galveston, Texas this past weekend.
Remake of the movie, "Red Dawn" Coming this November
Imitates Reality? Is this a warning for us to pay heed to? Forget
about the North Koreans, (red herring), think Iran, Russia and China for
possible invading forces!
city in Washington state awakens to the surreal sight of foreign
paratroopers dropping from the sky - shockingly, the U.S. has been
invaded and their hometown is the initial target. Quickly and without
warning, the citizens find themselves prisoners and their town under
enemy occupation. Determined to fight back, a group of young patriots
seek refuge in the surrounding woods, training and reorganizing
themselves into a guerilla group of fighters. Taking inspiration from
their high school mascot, they call themselves the Wolverines, banding
together to protect one another, liberate their town from its captors,
and take back their freedom.
Chris Hemsworth (Thor, The Avengers), Josh Peck, Josh Hutcherson (The
Hunger Games), Adrianne Palicki, Isabel Lucas, Connor Cruise, Jeffrey
Dean Morgan (Supernatural, Watchmen), Edwin Hodge, Will Yun Lee
(Elektra, The Wolverine)
 |
Red Dawn Theatrical Trailer |
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Worship song: Bo, Ruach Elohim (Come Spirit of God) |
Take a few moments to enjoy this Worship Song!
of the Holy Spirit taken from various sources on the web and set to a
beautiful messianic worship song. Lyrics in Hebrew: Bo Ruach Elohim,
u'male et nafshi. Hadrech otanu k'yeladim, rak b'cha anu chafetzim.
Anachnu mazminim otcha lavo.
in English: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Come and fill us now. For you are
welcome in this place. Show your mercy and your grace. Come and fill us,
Holy Spirit come. Baruch haba, baruch haba. Welcome Spirit of God.
 |
Bo, Ruach Elohim(Come, Spirit of God) |
The 1260 Report: Two Watchers on the Wall_8.17.12 edition
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
Join us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the return of Messiah Yeshua!
Stories covered in this broadcast:
False flag skirmish in
Egyptian Sinai: Formerly "demilitarized zone" has military boots on the
ground in preparation for war with Israel *Morsi Ousts Military leaders, seizes power in Egypt: Watching his power play unfold *Time is running out for Israel: will she do a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nukes before November elections? *Assad regime is crumbling: who will fill the power vacuum? *Discussion: Rise of the Islamic caliphate/sharia law, the end of days Beast system *Hezbollah General Says Iran Is Building A Nuke To 'Finish Off' The Israeli 'Enterprise * Decision by Netanyahu, Barak to strike Iran is almost final *Obama wants to delay...delay...delay...wants to meet with Netanyahu in September for more "talks" * Russian Attack Submarine Sailed in Gulf for Weeks *Cuban Missile Crisis Part 2? Russia Has Moved Nuclear Missiles to Cuba: our response? NOTHING! *Thousands of Russian troops positioned in Canada near US border *Art imitates reality: Remake of movie, "Red Dawn" coming out in November *Eye
witness report from Todd n Tamara Gatza: US Military Has 'Taken Over' A
Small Cokedale, Colorado Border Town: What Are They Preparing For? * Obama Administration Paves the Way for Sharia Law *MUST LISTEN! Torah portion teaching this week from Kimberly: Reeh 2012: The Connection between discernment and getting to the land*Wrap up and close in prayer: Psalm 126
Listen on the go!
Do you have a Smart phone with internet? Do you have an iPad? Go to the
apps store on your device, download "TuneIn", then search for
HebrewNation radio. You can listen live anytime! The 1260 Report airs live on Fridays at 9am and 5pm
Pacific time or listen later by podcast.
Torah Portion for Shabbat, 8.25.12
Read more (Hebrew for Christians)
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Trapwire: Big Brother Now Monitors Your Every Move |
reveals that government now has ability to grab video from far-flung
surveillance cameras located in stores, casinos and other businesses
around the country
The latest Wikileaks
data-dump reveals that the government now has the ability to grab video
from far-flung surveillance cameras located in stores, casinos and other
businesses around the country. It uses sophisticated facial recognition
software to identify people of interest captured by the ubiquitous
cameras numbering in the millions. The software, Trapwire, is a
significant breakthrough for the surveillance state. It was uncovered by
security researcher Justin Ferguson. He delved into the massive pile of
emails hacked from Stratfor - regarded as a shadow CIA - on Christmas
of 2011. In response to Ferguson's discovery and the Trapwire
revelation, Wikileaks was recently hit with a large scale distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Read more (InfoWars) Former
senior intelligence officials have created a detailed surveillance
system more accurate than modern facial recognition technology - and
have installed it across the US under the radar of most Americans,
according to emails hacked by Anonymous. RT's Andrew Blake briefly
Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system |
US Military Has 'Taken Over' A Small Colorado Border Town: What Are They Preparing For? Economic Collapse and Martial Law?
Witness Report from Todd and Tamara Gatza of Paradigm Shift: Cokedale
Colorado Town of 132 - Military Takeover for Staging and Operations
Colorado is a small town 8 miles west of Trinidad Colorado. Population
132 with about 50 houses. 5 military flat beds are parked there, having
brought in 3-4 dozers, 2-3 graders, a couple of front end loaders, 6-8
dump trucks, a bobcat, a handful of hum v's, and a tanker truck,
probably for fuel. They arrived about 7-14 days ago.
Cokedale is situated approximately 10 miles north of the New Mexico border. They
are installing culverts, reworking the dirt roads in the town, all of
them at once, and have a post at the entrance of the little town.
Trinidad Ambulance District vehicles and volunteer fire department
vehicles were on scene as well.
appears the town is being reworked for quartering troops and there will
probably be tents up near the small school very soon, which looks to be
where the headquarters will be. This is a major operation. Every road
in town is being prepared with a road base intended for heavy traffic.
location is perfect for up-river operations into the mountains or
down-river 8 miles to the town of Trinidad Colorado. Cokedale is at the
back of Trinidad Lake and has a live stream flowing through to the lake.
Water and infrastructure is provided for in this small little town.
Upon entering or leaving the town, you must pass a guard shack manned by
one guy sitting on his duff like he is bored out of his mind, just
sitting there next to his alice pack.
Friday of last week, the government, military, and banks said they are
preparing for collapse. Tanks, APC's, Troops, Hum V's, Helicopters,
Camps, Drones, and Checkpoints are being reported in cities across the
nation. The Department of Homeland Security has just ordered another 750
million rounds of ammunition, for a total of 1.4 BILLION rounds in the
past year. That's enough ammo for our military to fight a 14 year war.
Read more (Before its News)
Genetic Roulette: Movie Trailer
Modified Foods: Do you know what you are eating and what health effects
it has on your body? Watch this trailer to learn more!
This seminal documentary
provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of
Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for
protecting ourselves and our future. Visit Genetic Roulette Movie web site
 |
Genetic Roulette Movie Trailer |
WHY in the World Are They Spraying? Full length documentary
about those Chemtrails in the Sky? WHY are they spraying? Who pays for
this? Who GAINS from it? Watch this documentary to learn more!
around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically
changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails
left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of
chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between
the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas
associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which
proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather.
In this documentary you
will learn how the chemtrail aerosols being sprayed into our sky are
used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather.
While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the
mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a
way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political
power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives
certain corporations over the Earth's natural systems. This of course,
is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.
 |
"Why in the World are They Spraying?" Full Length Documentary HD |
Obama Edict: Exempts Presidential Appointees from Senate Vetting and Confirmation Process |
Another dictator decree rolls off the desk from the man who occupies the Oval Office
President Barack Obama signed a
bill Friday evening that would exempt some senior-level presidential
appointees from Senate confirmation. Sponsored by Democratic Sen. Chuck
Schumer and cosponsored by Republicans and Democrats, the bill, now law,
weakens the power of the legislature and strengthens the executive
branch, critics have warned. The bill skated through the Senate three
months after being introduced in 2011 and was passed by the
Republican-controlled House 216-116 in July. The law now allows Obama
and future presidents to name appointees to senior positions in every
branch of the administration, from the Department of the Treasury to the
Department of Homeland Security. The law now sidesteps that process, with Congress willingly giving up oversight of these appointees. " The
United States Constitution does not bestow kingly powers on the
President to appoint the senior officers of the government with no
process," wrote Thomas McClusky, senior vice president for
the Family Research Council's legislative arm, in a memo to lawmakers
last week. The positions exempted from Senate confirmation
include high-level posts like the treasurer of the United States and
chief scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
and mid-level posts like the assistant secretary for management at the
Department of Education. The bill also seeks to streamline the paperwork
involved in a presidential nomination. Read more (Daily Caller)
ANOTHER Obama Edict: Hands Over Total Control of Internet to DHS
Executive Order 13618 -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions
In an event that was devoid of
the usual pomp and circumstance, President Obama issued an Executive
Order, (EO) that effectively handed the Department of Homeland Security,
(DHS) the ability to take complete control over the internet, according
to reports from VPNReviewz. According to privacy advocates like
the EFF, EPIC, UsenetReviewz, and many others, this order gives the DHS
the authority to take complete control of public, private, and
non-profit facilities... giving them the ability to close off or limit
any and all civilian communications. On the National
Communications Systems official website, the order is further elaborated
on, saying that the infrastructure, "includes wireline, wireless,
satellite, cable, and broadcasting, and provides the transport networks
that support the Internet and other key information systems." CEO
of VPNReviewz, Michael Maxstead, agrees that the existing "Emergency
Alert System" used in the US probably does need to be brought up to date
to reflect existing technologies, but that, "This EO allows too much
control over such a large entity." He further goes on to wonder
"And, what will the system be used for once it is completely in place?"
He asks this because the order allows the DHS to "prioritize" internet
traffic. In order to prioritize the traffic effectively,
the controlling and monitoring agency would have to know the
origination point, destination, identification, and type of traffic.
Essentially everything about the communication.Read more (Know the Lies) Read the Executive OrderWhat does it mean? Commentary from HN News editor
you want the red pill or the blue pill? Do you want to WAKE UP or go
BACK TO SLEEP? Do you want to pretend that everything is normal, all
systems go, that all is well? STOP READING NOW.
you want the reality and the truth? We are ALREADY in SILENT
UNDECLARED martial law RIGHT NOW. We have a functioning dictator in the
Oval Office. Let me see...I will quote a famous quote from one of my
favorite leaders, Bibi Netanyahu..
"If it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck...ITS A DUCK!"
And I would add: "It's a DICTATOR duck!"
This duck SIGNS dictatorial decrees just about every Friday afternoon late in the day.
have military movements all over the country, US and Russian troops
being positioned on US soil, military equipment and staging areas being
set up, small towns of 130 in Cokedale Colorado being taken over by US
military, CCTV cameras on freeways and city intersections of every major
city, Trapwire surveillance now in use, cell phone conversations and
email messages being monitored, 1.4 billion rounds of bullets purchased
by DHS... What more evidence do you need?
are LIVING IN A POLICE STATE NOW. It is only short time away (possibly
this Fall) before the SILENT Martial law becomes an OFFICIALLY
ANNOUNCED martial law with road blocks, checkpoints, and "relocation
Abba that He does indeed have an ESCAPE PLAN! And I am NOT talking
about getting on the rapture bus! Read the featured article by Monte
Judah, Preparing Your Sukkah
to learn more about the Greater Exodus to Come and what you can do now
to prepare! Be sure to keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) this
When the feathers hit the fan, you will be under Abba's protection in a Sukkot gathering with other believers!
Terrorists Waging Economic Warfare by Setting Fires All Over the US
William Scott Sounds The Alarm to Expose Fire Warfare Happening NOW
Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado was very likely arson. 32,000 people
were evacuated, 346 homes were destroyed, there have been 15 million in
costs, it will cost 100 million to rebuild the 346 homes, revenues from
summer tourism is down 40-60%, insurance rates have risen, and there
have been job layoffs due to this fire. There is ample evidence
and every reason to believe that the US is under attack and that
terrorists are waging fire wars right now, but we as a people, are not
fighting back. We should be treating this as a national security issue,
not a land management issue. Unless we admit this truth, Americans will
suffer intolerable and completely unnecessary loss of life and property.
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Economic Warfare Super Panel - William Scott |
New! The Great Deception PART 2 by Jim Staley
How to have victory
in the spiritual battles we go through! Learn about how to get set free
from things you have struggled with for years!
Click here to watch The Great Deception Part 2 now!
Hebrew Nation Radio Ministry
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Salem, OR 97305
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