Can we do תפילות prayers for:
**Daily Zohar**?
So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?The Daily Zohar is published and sent out to you when the first light appears over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is the best time to connect to the energy of Chessed that comes from the place of the Holy Temple and inject it into the Daily Zohar that you read below. | ||
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2012-08-06 22:01:00-04
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One minute or more everyday can make a big difference in your life and the world. Click here ->to read commentary on this section and add your comments... Click here to view list of previous Daily Zohars Zion Nefesh |
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*** NEW ***
"I recommend these great writing and thought provoking novels by a long time friend of the Daily Zohar,Stephen Geller's -
His Adventures and Struggles with a Jealous God, His Torah, and that
tragic and most terrible war between the States (also called the War of
Northern Aggression).
Both are for sale at
$3.33 for Kindle versions of JEWS ON THE MOON; $8.00 for NATHAN FEIST.
Click on the books above for direct links to ![]() Coupon code: dailyzohar18 Listen to the reading of special Zohar sectionsClick HereHOW DOES THE HOLY ZOHAR PURIFY THE SOUL? Regardless of whether or not the reader understands what he sees or says, the Zohar purifies the soul in the same way that a person who enters a perfumery leaves with the smell attached to him even if he doesn’t buy any perfume. (Degel Machane Ephraim to the Likutim, 5) THE ONE WITH LITTLE TIME TO STUDY SHOULD STUDY THE ZOHAR A person who toils all day with his business dealings should dedicate most of his study time to the Holy Zohar, even if he doesn’t understand, because it is of great benefit to him (Short sayings of the Alter Rebbe 571) A GREAT CORRECTION TO THE SHECHINA One should read the book of the Zohar even when he does not know what it says, because it is a great correction to the Shechina and to his own soul, as it is known for various reasons. (Tikkun Leil Shavuot Le ha Ramaz at the end of the book 'Tov ha Aretz' of the Moharnash) | |
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Scarsdale, NY 10583
It is written in the Koran:
‘1. Surah
2. All the praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)
5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).
6. Guide us to the Straight Way
7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).
This is the 'start' in the Koran......
For more, what the Koran is teaching about: ‘Muslims Hate Jews,
Christians all other faiths’ ‘Their Guide Book says to kill,
behead and burn all non-believers’ click:
Index of The Quran (Satanic Verses of violence to us)
Please read the Mitzvoth go to: Positive Commandments and the Negative Commandments), easy to read. It is very important to know them. I don’t ask you this to become a good Jew! But to learn who you really are. That you can find your real identity. In a good understanding of the rest of The Scriptures. And that you understand that Rabbi Shaul is talking to a real Israel,
1Co 10:1 I do not want you to be without da'as (knowledge), Achim (brothers) b(in) 'Moshiach, that Avoteinu (our fore Fathers, you Yehudah and Ephraim!) all were under the anan (cloud),
Exo 13:21 And Yahweh went before them by day in an ammud anan (‘Pillar of a cloud), to guide them haderech (the Way); and by lailah (night) in an ammud eish (‘Pillar of fire), to give them ohr (light); so they could travel yomam valailah (day or night);
Exo 14:22 And the Bnei Yisroel (Yehudah and Ephraim) then went into the middle of the yam (sea) upon the yabashah (dry land); and the mayim (waters) were a chomah (wall) unto them on their right, and on their left.
Hab 2:3 For the chazon (vision) is yet for a mo’ed (an appointed time); it speaks of HaKetz (the End), and does not lie; though it tarry, wait for him
Moshiach— see: Sanhedrin 97b, ‘It has been taught; R. Nathan said: This verse pierces and descends to the very abyss:11 For the Vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though he tarry, wait for him (Moshiach); because it will surely come, it will not tarry.12]; because he (Moshiach) will surely come, and will not tarry.
(11) Just as the bottom of an abyss cannot be reached, so is it impossible to grasp the full purport of this verse (Rashi).
(12) Hab. II, 3.
Through Moshiach, Yeshuah from Yahweh who give you emunah (believe)…..
Gen 15:6 And he believed in Yahweh; and He credited emunah (faith)] to him as tzedakah (righteousness).
Please read the whole book of HaNavi Habakuk?
The Koran teaches us that you have to die…….
But, please Yudah (Jews) and Ephraim (most Christians) Listen to His Voice:
Deu 5:27 Go thou near, and hear all that Yahweh Eloheinu (our Elohim) shall say; and speak thou unto us all that Yahweh Eloheinu shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it.
But don’t ‘make’ from one of them Rabbeinu Yeshuah, Rabbeinu Shaul or Rabbeinu Mosheh another ‘mighty one’ but accept them in your live for what they really are….
Please take it serious what Abba Yahweh is telling us in:
Deu 18:15 Yahweh Eloheicha (your Elohim) will raise up unto thee a Navi (prophet) from among thee, of thy achim (bretheren), kamoni (like me.....
Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiah Yeshuah – is Yeshuah Yahweh. Like it is said in:
Gen_49:18 I have waited for Thy Yeshuah (Salvation), Yahweh.
And not a half-god, or another mighty-one who came between HaShem and us! (Not, ‘It Suph’!) I believe many of us (Jews and Ephraimites!) have to learn that!
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