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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flash Mobs are racial and media keeps quiet

Riots are breaking out in London and America. But you wont hear about race when speaking of the violence. National media is speechless.
White women, children and men were all targets of this racial attack at the state fair in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
London is ablaze with fire and looting. America is having issues with race riots, and yet the media is silent. Only local channels and small papers have covered the race riots in Peoria, Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
During the 4th of July fireworks display in Peoria, Illinois a mob of black people began screaming “Kill Whitey” and disrupted traffic by pulling people out of cars and not letting people drive by blocking the highway.The attackers also took fireworks and pointed them at police and firefighters-helping those who were attacked. Many of them, were burned and injured.  The mob left black people alone and beat up as many white people they could find. According to eye-witness, the attack was racially motivated, however many local news papers refuse to acknowledge race.
Black mob in Peoria, Illinois yelling "kill whitey" as they beat up white people, including women and children.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, another race riot broke out. A  black mob walked through the state fair and starting beating up white people. Eyewitnesses explained that the mob ignored all black people and and targeted whites:
“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, and Iraq war veteran. Read the rest on: 

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