Earlier this week, On the fast day of Tish'a b'Av, (Tuesday, August 9th) some five hundred Jews visited the Temple Mount, site of the first and second Holy Temples. This is the day of mourning and fasting to commemorate the destruction of both Holy Temples. These visits passed peacefully; the only headlines made were the large number of Jews who made the ascent, and the physical assault upon one group of Jews by passing Moslems and Wakf officials.
Recent days have seen a dramatic increase in Jewish visits to the Temple Mount. On the eve of the fast day, the entire Yeshiva of the community of Otniel, (located in the southern Hevron Hills region), ascended the Mount together. On the following morning, on Tish'a b'Av itself, large groups of fasting Jews, including members of the Temple Institute, spent the entire morning on the Mount. These visits were marked by teachings about the Holy Temple and its destruction, and moving testimony from eyewitnesses of the Mount's liberation in the 1967 Six Day War... as well as a great deal of quiet prayer and meditation.
However, according to the Arabic language website, PALESTINE TODAY, these were groups of extremist Jews engaging in usurption and provocation. The image of the PALESTINE TODAY website and the Arabic text is followed by a Google translation into English (The translation is somewhat garbled by the automatic software, but the overall message is clear). Read the rest on:

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