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Sunday, November 27, 2011


I don't see the biblical reason to do 'Christmas' but, it 'shows' the 'hunters' are coming after you. You have to do real teshuvah. In Yeshuah Rabbeinu our Messiah is that possible.

Grinch dhimmis strike again
A dear friend of the Tundra Tabloids mentioned the following concerning this story in the FPN.DK. We were both aghast at the ease in which portions of society, in the willingness to be tolerant, would so brazenly discriminate against members of its own society. KGS
NOTE: Remember folks, rejection of Islam, just the saying no to it, is tantamount to charges of discriminationa and bigotry….islamophobia.

Chipping away at the host society’s foundation, one little piece at a time, until that society finally accepts that it has no right to be different to the immigrants to whom it has extended a helping hand out of sheer naivity and well-intentioned but ultimately self-destructive sincerity.
I just don’t get it. We’re Jewish – and Zionist – and proud of both. When our kids were at school and the autumn term came to an end, there was the traditional end of term celebration in the church. It is merely TRADITION, not forced conversion, for heaven’s sake. Our kids survived, and survived very well. They are still Jewish, very much so. We have chosen to live in a nominally Christian country, where people celebrate things like Easter, Christmas, Midsummer, even Crayfish Premiere. Jews don’t eat crayfish – should we insist that the nation change its tradition to accommodate us? Absurd beyond belief. Read the rest on: 

Tundra Tabloids

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