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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Egypt honor killing sees murderer, torturer get weak sentence

 | 25 March 2011
A man who tortured and killed his wife after tying her to the bed for 17 days, was sentenced to 7 years in prison in al-Arish, northeast of Cairo, reported al-Dostour newspaper. The man tortured and killed his wife after she had hung her undergarments in an area of the house that made it visible for outsiders to see.

The husband, a street salesman named Ahmed Saleh Eryan, 26, a Palestinian resident of al-Arish – some 20 minutes from the Gaza border – tied his Egyptian wife Ghada Ibrahim Abdel Mon’em, 16, to the bed after stripping her naked after he saw her wet underwear drying in a discernible spot inside their apartment. He kept her naked, starving for 17 days while he repeatedly hit her with a “sharp metal tool” according to the medical examination.
He also beat her and put out cigarettes on her body.
He lied to her parents and told them “she was sick because he punished her.”
When her parents finally arrived after 17 days, they found her tied up in bed and covered in “rotten” untreated wounds, dried blood and cigarettes burns all over her 16-year-old body. They rushed her to a hospital, but she died before arriving.
The cause of death was later determined as “fractured scull due to the use of sharp metal tool.”
The husband was arrested and put on trial, where he earlier this month received the sentence.
There are no estimates of honor killing victims in Egypt due to the lack of reporting these crimes to the police. Read the rest on: 
Crisis in Tahrir

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