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Sunday, November 28, 2010

British Schools, Islamic Rules (1/2)

Two short video clips about teaching in England.

*Investigation which uncovers disturbing evidence that some Muslim children are being exposed to extremist preachers and fundamentalist Islamic groups. It also exposes the part-time schools where hate is on the curriculum. It asks why school inspectors have missed the warning signs and examines the impact this could have on young Muslims' ability to integrate into mainstream British life.*

**That fine journalist John Ware has performed yet another important public service with his expose on BBC One's Panorama tonight of the hatred and sedition with which children are being indoctrinated in some British Muslim schools. In some of these schools, even very young children are being taught to regard the country of which they are citizens as an enemy to be fought and defeated; how to murder homosexuals and where to cut off hands or feet of others who have transgressed sharia law; and to hate all unbelievers but especially the Jews about whom these children are taught monstrous lies and libels.**

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