brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah Ministries
December 9, 2012 Kislev 24, 5773 24th day, Ninth biblical month, 6012 December 14/ 15_Anticipated New moon sighting in Jerusalem |
Greetings to the Hebrew Nation
Community! We are keeping a close eye on Syria this week. Assad has
ordered the highly toxic Sarin gas to come off the shelf. The precursor
chemicals have been "mixed", and once mixed, the deadly gas must be used
within 60 days. The sarin has been loaded onto missile warheads and the
warheads have been loaded onto multiple planes, its deadly payload
ready to be delivered on Assad's orders.
What targets does Assad
have his sights on? Will he use them against his own people? Consider
this possible scenario: What if Assad decides to use the chemical
weapons against Israel? Assad would go down in flames, but would win the
respect and support of the Muslim world as he takes down as many Jews
with him as possible!
Truly, the region is on the brink of war. Please keep Israel and the Jewish people MUCH in your prayers!
week, we also saw tens of thousands of people demonstrating in Tahrir
Square in Cairo. People are protesting over the sweeping and near
absolute powers that President Morsi has granted to himself; they are
also protesting against the draft Constitution that was written up over a
weekend which basically makes Sharia law the law of the land. The
protests turned violent, and he was forced to leave the Presidential
Palace for a day. Upon his return he vowed that he would go ahead with
the Constitutional Referendum and would not tolerate an overthrow. Are
we beginning to see the fulfillment of Isaiah 19? Take time to look at
this chapter, then compare to what is happening in Egypt!
And, in
the midst of all of this we have Israel. Egypt, Libya, and now Syria
have undergone the "Arab Spring" (or should we say "revolution"?). Kings
have been toppled and replaced with new leaders, and the power void has
been filled with Muslim Brotherhood leaders. Leaders who are deep
seated enemies with Israel and who do not recognize her right to exist
as a Jewish state. Who is pulling the strings behind the scenes? Who is
orchestrating this? Listen to this week's 1260 Report to hear this discussion!
now for some GOOD NEWS! I have written a short piece that I believe
you will find very encouraging and uplifting, titled....."I Look Forward to the Day".
It captures some of the visions/dreams of what lies ahead in our future
as we get closer and closer to the final 1260 days prior to the return
of Messiah Yeshua and then beyond, when we will finally see Him face to
face! Please enjoy this article and be encouraged and strengthened in
your walk!
And now I close with prayer, based on 2 Cor. 2:14-15 thru 2 Cor 3:1-3:
may each one of us this week, truly be a living letter, known and read
by all that we come into contact with. May we each be a letter from
Yeshua, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the Living Yahweh, not
on tablets of stone but with the Torah written upon the tablet of our
hearts. May we walk in obedience to what is written upon our hearts,
because the Love of Messiah compels us. May the sweet and precious
fragrance of Messiah Yeshua perfume the atmosphere of all places where
we go. May we carry His presence, the very fragrance of life. Thankyou,
Abba, that your Spirit that we walk in carries LIFE, and abundant life!
In Yeshua's blessed name,
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Syria Loads Chemical Weapons into Bombs; Military Awaits Assad's Order
Assad Close to Using Chemical Weapons: Mixed, Locked and Loaded onto Missile Warheads and Loaded onto Planes
The Syrian military is
prepared to use chemical weapons against its own people and is awaiting
final orders from President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials told NBC News
on Wednesday. The military has loaded the precursor chemicals for sarin,
a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs that could be dropped onto the
Syrian people from dozens of fighter-bombers, the officials said.
As recently as Tuesday,
officials had said there was as yet no evidence that the process of
mixing the "precursor" chemicals had begun. But Wednesday, they said
their worst fears had been confirmed: The nerve agents were locked and
loaded inside the bombs.
Sarin is an extraordinarily
lethal agent. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's forces killed 5,000 Kurds
with a single sarin attack on Halabja in 1988.
U.S. officials stressed that
as of now, the sarin bombs hadn't been loaded onto planes and that
Assad hadn't issued a final order to use them. But if he does, one of
the officials said, "there's little the outside world can do to stop
Read more and watch news clip (NBC News)
NBC: Syrians Loading Chemical Weapons onto Planes
NBC News is reporting
that the Syrian military is preparing to use chemical weapons,
apparently against rebels in its own country, and is awaiting the
go-ahead from embattled President Basher Assad.
According to NBC,
Syrian planes have been loaded with the precursor chemicals for sarin, a
lethal nerve gas, that could be deployed from dozens of aircraft. The
network quotes unnamed officials.
Assad is already using chemical weapons, Syrian opposition claims
and mustard gas utilized tactically in battle, says defecting officer;
last week's internet blackout used as cover for transport of arms to
Damascus, according to opposition
As fears
grow that Syrian President Bashar Assad may use chemical weapons in a
desperate move to quell a 22-month uprising, members of the opposition
claimed Friday that the regime is already using internationally-banned
chemical agents in the war.
The Local Coordination Committees, an opposition group active inside Syria, reported that on Thursday the military "threw toxic gases" in Daraya, southwest of Damascus, and attacked the towns of Mohasan and Buomar with phosphorus bombs.
A senior opposition member told told A-Sharq Al-Awsat, a Saudi-owned daily with close ties to the Syrian opposition, that Assad cut internet and mobile communications to Syria last week
in order to prepare and transport chemical weapons for use in Damascus,
expecting a crucial battle with the Free Syrian Army in the capital.
US Military Practicing Actions In Case of Military Action in Syria
world media is bursting with the news that the US military are
practicing actions in case of a military intervention in Syria.
Washington and the NATO
leadership state that if the regime of Bashar al-Assad uses chemical
weapons against the armed units of the opposition, it may serve as a
cause of war. The German "Frankfurter Rundschau" with reference to
American sources writes that the Pentagon conducted war games practicing
actions in case of a military intervention in Syria, and CIA agents on
Syrian territory coordinate actions of the opposition's detachments.
At the same time, German
anti-aircraft missile complexes Patriot are being deployed on the
Turkish-Syrian border.In an interview with the Voice of Russia, Deputy
Chairman of the German Left Party and expert on foreign policy of this
party's faction in the Bundestag Jan van Aken called the departure of
the Patriot complexes to Turkey a "sheer madness".
He believes that NATO's
intervention in Syria will very quickly grow into a war. This will
inevitably provoke a situation like in Iraq, where the civil war lasts
for years. Any military intervention in the Syrian conflict will be an
utter catastrophe for Syria, the German expert stressed.
Israeli Cabinet 'Rejects' Palestinian UN Statehood Vote
Following decision to approve
3,000 new units in J'lem, West Bank, cabinet says UN move "doesn't
change status of disputed areas"; Steinitz says he won't transfer taxes
collected on PA's behalf
The cabinet on Sunday unanimously passed a resolution completely rejecting the UN decision Thursday to upgrade the Palestinians to non-state observer status.
Jewish people have natural, historical and legal rights to its homeland
with its eternal capital Jerusalem," the resolution stated. "The State
of Israel as the state of the Jewish people has rights and claims to
areas are under dispute in the land of Israel."
cabinet decision says that the UN resolution does not change the status
of disputed areas and does not detract in any way from Israel and the
Jewish people's right to those areas.
Furthermore the resolution said that the UN resolution will not be a basis for future negotiations. Read more (Jerusalem Post)
Cabinet passes resolution rejecting UN 'Palestine' decision |
Abbas: We'll Take Jerusalem Too
Declares: "One day a young Palestinian will
raise the Palestinian flag over Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the
state of Palestine"
a victory ceremony in Ramallah following his successful bid to gain UN
recognition for the "State of Palestine," Palestinian leader Mahmoud
Abbas on Sunday promised his followers that they would one day control
Jerusalem, too.
gathered in Ramallah just days after the UN General Assembly voted
138-9 in favor of upgrading the Palestinian Authority to non-member
state observer status, a move that implicitly recognized "Palestine" as a
sovereign state.
victorious Abbas shouted from the podium: "Raise your hands high,
because you are Palestinians! You have proof that you are strong than
the occupation!"
But UN recognition of Palestine is not the end of the road, Abbas vowed.
"One day, a young Palestinian will raise the Palestinian flag over Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the state of Palestine," declared Israel's ostensible peace partner.
several Israeli leaders have been willing to divide Jerusalem in the
past, a vast majority of Israelis reject the idea, and insist the city
must remain united under Israeli sovereignty. For both Israelis and
Palestinians, the issue has become a red line and a major stumbling
block to the world's efforts to solve the Middle East conflict.
This stumbling block has been foretold:
that day I will make Jerusalem a stumbling block for all people; all
that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the
people of the earth gather against it." Zechariah 12:3
Netanyahu Pushes Back Against Pressure to Rescind Settlement Plans
Refuses to Rescind Settlement Decision
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pushed back on Monday against intense international pressure to reconsider plans for building 3,000 housing units
in east Jerusalem and the West Bank and stepping up the planning of the
controversial E1 site, saying no one should expect Israel to sit on its
hands in light of Palestinian unilateral steps at the UN.
As one European country after the next called in their Israeli
ambassadors to protest the settlement plans, a source in the Prime
Minister's Office issued a statement saying Israel would "continue to
stand up for its vital interests even in the face of international
The official said there would be no change in the
decision made Friday to build 3,000 housing units in the large
settlement blocs, and Israel would go ahead with planning and zoning
work for the E1 area linking Jerusalem to Ma'aleh Adumim northeast of
the capital.
"The Palestinian unilateral moves at the UN are a
blatant and fundamental violation of agreements to which the
international community was a guarantor," the official said. "No one
should be surprised that Israel is not sitting with its arms folded in
response to the unilateral Palestinian steps."
The source added that Israel would take further steps if the Palestinians went ahead with more unilateral moves of their own.
The plans, however, triggered what one Israeli source described as the
worst diplomatic crisis Israel has faced in the last 20 years.
Israel Accuses US of Backing European Settlement Backlash
has accused its closest ally, the United States, of endorsing a
concerted European backlash against its plans to expand communities in
east Jerusalem and the West Bank.
European countries, including Britain, have registered formal protests
with Israeli ambassadors over last week's decision by Benjamin
Netanyahu's government to build 3,000 settlers' homes and develop an
area of the West Bank that could render a Palestinian state unviable.
Along with Australia and Brazil, they were joined by Egypt, threatening
to destabilise its fragile regional relations. The Egyptian foreign
minister said it had registered a "strong protest" with Israel's Cairo
ambassador over the proposals.
the mounting international protest however, Mr. Netanyahu's office
indicated there would be no backing down over its settlement plans. An
official in Mr. Netanyahu's office told the AFP news agency: "There will
be no change in the decision that has been made."
Netanyahu: "The Palestinians Want a State Without Peace"
In interview, Netanyahu states Israel will respond accordingly to Palestinian unilateral actions
an interview with German newspaper Die Welt, Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu stated, "We have strategic interests and we'll maintain those
strategic interests under all international pressure. As far as our
future action is concerned, it depends on the Palestinians. If they
continue to act unilaterally, then we'll respond accordingly. If they
act in a more restrained way, we'll respond accordingly as well."
Netanyahu reiterated again in response to another question, "...We
have strategic interests and well maintain those strategic interests
under all international pressure. As far as our future action is
concerned, it depends on the Palestinians. If they continue to act
unilaterally, then we'll respond accordingly. If they act in a more
restrained way, we'll respond accordingly as well.
In the interview, Netanyahu stated, "I
suppose Israelis should have become used to the fact that we don't get a
fair hearing in Europe, but we expect otherwise. Because every fair
minded person knows that Israel is a beleaguered country, under attack.
We're the only country threatened with genocide. We vacated territory
right next to our cities, territory that has been taken over by the
proxies of Iran, territory from which they've fired thousand of rockets
on our cities and from which they openly call for our destruction.
Later in the interview, Netanyahu stated, "I think the one-sided
criticism of Israel just tells the Palestinians that they can get away
with violating their solemn pledges for peace, and I don't think it
advances peace. Israel is prepared to have peace with a Palestinian
state. The Palestinians want a Palestinian state without peace..."
Bennett: This is E1 - its the Suburbs of Jerusalem
Naftali Bennett, of Israel National News, reporting from Mt Scopus in Jerusalem, surveys the E1 region, "A Suburb of Jerusalem"
notion that building here should be controlled by America or any other
capitol in the world doesn't make any sense but it's a result of a
schizophrenic policy from the government of Israel. On the one hand,
Netanyahu says that he supports a Palestinian state, but on the other
hand, they are suprised when the whole world attacks us when we try to
build here. There's only one solution. We have to come back and say that
we oppose a Palestinian state on this land.
Bennett: This is E1 - the Suburbs of Jerusalem |
Likud Hopeful Prays on Temple Mount, Breaking Taboo
Nationalist Politician Moshe Feiglin Ignores Unwritten Rule Prohibiting Jews From Worshiping at the Site
politician Moshe Feiglin on Monday violated the unwritten rule that
prohibits Jews from practicing religion on the Temple Mount, as he
prayed at the holy site.
a political hard-liner, is No. 15 on the Likud list for the upcoming
elections and head of the Jewish Leadership faction within the
right-wing party, a nationalist group defined by many as extreme.
Footage obtained by Channel 10 showed a group of Jews, including the likely future MK, as they prayed on the Temple Mount.
recently wrote his political vision on Facebook, remarking that the
mission would be over when "we build the [Jewish] Temple on top of the
Temple Mount and fulfill our purpose in the land."
there is no law against Jews praying on the Temple Mount, for years
both Israeli officials and the Islamic Wakf - the religious group in
charge of managing the site - have told Jews not to carry out religious
ceremonies or prayers at the site, for fear of violence and a potential
outbreak of riots.
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) In
preliminary voting, Moshe Feiglin has been voted in as a Knesset
representative through the Likud party. Final voting in January 2013.
WHY is this significant? Because he wants to take the Temple Mount area
back and rebuild the Temple. He and others like him may soon take up
representative seats in the Knesset, and will wield power and authority.
And, if the opportunity presents itself (e.g. Round 2 of a military
conflict with Hamas/Syria/Iran), there is growing political support for
the Jews to take back the Temple mount by force and set up an altar
Will this happen this coming Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), December 10-17?
Will the Jews have an opportunity to rededicate the Temple Mount this year DURING Feast of Dedication? Time will tell!
Gazans Thank Iran With Billboard
The Messages Were Written in Arabic, English, Hebrew and Farsi.
Gazans offered very public thanks to Iran on Tuesday for helping them in this month's fight against Israel.
"Thank you Iran", said large billboards on three major road junctions in the Gaza Strip.
The message was written in
Arabic, English, Hebrew and Farsi. The posters also depicted the Iranian
Fajr 5 rockets that were used for the first time to target two large
population centers. No one was injured in the attacks.
The billboards were not
signed, but a senior official with Islamic Jihad, Khader Habib, said it
was only natural to show gratitude for Iran's role in the conflict.
"Iranian rockets struck at
Tel Aviv. They reached out to Jerusalem. Therefore it was our duty to
thank those who helped our people," he told Reuters.
"We Strapped Ourselves With Explosives... and Praised Allah for the Martyrdom" - Song on PA Radio
Listen to the Heart and Spirit of "Esau" that Wants to Destroy the Seed of Jacob!
on PA radio Voice of Palestine glorifies suicide bombings targeting
Israelis. The song also glorifies Martyrdom (Shahada - death for Allah)
in general, and praises Allah for the opportunity to die for Him.
Introductory narration of song:
"We have accepted [our] death, so that Jerusalem will return
We are bombs, friends, when the homeland calls
My heart, with fury, exploded and scattered
The shrapnel of this life flew, and the enemies were beheaded
Grieve not, Mother, shed no tears over my torn flesh
Gather [my] bones, Mother, return them to the earth.
"We strapped ourselves with explosives... and praised [Allah] for the Martyrdom" - song on PA radio |
Twentyfive Million in the last 24 hrs Take to the Streets in Cairo and Alexandria to Protest President's Sweeping Power Grab
At least
100,000 Egyptians forced Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi out of the
presidential palace on Tuesday to protest his assumption of nearly
unrestricted powers and a draft constitution hurriedly adopted by his
Police fired
tear gas at protesters who attempted to get past the barbed wire-topped
barricade cordoning off the palace in Cairo's Heliopolis neighborhood,
but the protesters broke through nonetheless. With the barricade
crossed, protesters moved closer to the palace's walls, and the police
apparently chose not to try and push the crowds back.
The brief
outburst of violence left 18 people injured, none seriously, according
to the official MENA news agency. Demonstrators clanged incessantly on
lampposts, waved Egyptian flags and held aloft images of Morsi clad in a
turban and Nazi uniform with the word "void" written in Arabic
Twenty five million people
took to the streets of Egypt over the last twenty-four hours and
violence erupted with unconfirmed reports of people being killed as well
as many injured, in fighting between the Islamists and the secularists.
There has never been a civil war in Egypt and certainly not in the
context of what Isaiah 19 describes in the opening verse:
burden of Egypt. Behold the Lord comes riding on a swift cloud, and
shall come into Egypt; The Idols of Egypt will totter at His presence,
and the heart of Egypt shall melt in its midst."
Isaiah 19:1
This verse,
the first of the chapter, describes what happens at the end, with the
rest of Isaiah 19 describing what happens up to the time that the Lord
will come and destroy Egypt. The very same prophecy is repeated in Ezekiel 29.
Mass Protests ACROSS Egypt Against President Mursi |
The report said tens of thousands of people but the real figure was actually many millions all over Egypt.
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The Divided States of America, by Monte Judah
if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And
if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to
stand." Mark 3:24-25
election is over and the United States is in deep trouble. We are no
longer "United;" instead we are "Divided." Our division runs deep -
deeper than people realize. The division in America is not just along
racial lines or conservatives versus liberals. It is more than union
members versus business owners; or, those who receive government
benefits versus those who pay the taxes. It's not about the economics of
bloated entitlement programs and massive government debt. There is a
deep unseen division in America that goes beyond the visible elements
for polling data.
The country called "The United States of America" is in the process of collapse.
We, the citizens and the government of the country are tearing it down
and stripping it like looters going through a shopping mall. The only
question is how long can it teeter back and forth before it is shattered
into pieces.
The division of the United States can be directly linked to policies that have been used against Israel.
This month of November 2012, the Palestinians are petitioning the
United Nations General Assembly based on President Obama's declaration
in May of 2011. The date of the vote is scheduled for November 29 (the
anniversary of the UN petition to establish a Jewish homeland in 1948).
This is the marker of the final generation for many students of
prophecy. The coincidence of this date and its historical meaning is as
significant as 9/11 is to Americans.
There are many in this country who saw the airplane strikes on 9/11 as a warning of judgment on America.
We saw our enemies striking us. Jonathan Cahn's book The Harbinger
succinctly makes that argument. There are now many who see our newly
elected President as another judgment from God. God judged Israel this
way in the past; He gave them bad kings who did more harm than their
enemies could do. I believe God showed us what our President would do to
us and to Israel in his previous term and now in 2012 we have voted for
him again.
on the promise of God to Abraham and his descendants, we know that what
is done to Israel will be done to us. As we have threatened and brought
Israel to a crisis of division, so it is happening to us. If we act as
tyrants against Israel then we will suffer under a tyrant ourselves.
Monster Sinkholes Indicate Major Earth Changes on The New Madrid Fault?
Will the US Be Divided Along the New Madrid Fault Line as a Judgment for Pressuring Israel to Divide their Land?
most powerful earthquakes in the history of the United States happened
along the New Madrid Fault in 1811 and 1812. Those earthquakes were
reportedly felt more than 1,000 miles away. Scientists assure us that
one day we will once again see very powerful earthquakes along the New
Madrid fault. It is only a question of when it will happen.
the New Madrid fault zone covers portions of Illinois, Indiana,
Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. However, a
major earthquake of magnitude-8.0 or greater would likely have a
dramatic effect all the way from the Great Lakes all the way down to the
Gulf of Mexico. When most Americans speak of the "big one", they think
of what may happen along the coast of California someday, but the truth
is that a New Madrid earthquake could potentially do far more damage. So
is there evidence that the New Madrid fault zone is waking up? Yes,
there is. According to Bloomberg, there has been "a sixfold increase in the number of earthquakes that have shaken the central part of the U.S. from 2000 to 2011.
of that increase is being blamed on human activity such as mining,
drilling and fracking. So could human activity aggravate the fault zone
so much that it could set off a truly history-making earthquake at some
point? Well, the potential is certainly there. That is why so many
people are so concerned about the monster sinkholes that have appeared
in the region in recent months. For example, a massive sinkhole down in
Louisiana is now over 8 acres in size and it has forced hundreds of
people to flee from their homes.
You can see video of the Ohio sinkhole below (1 min, ASTOUNDING footage)
in Ohio, a giant sinkhole has suddenly formed that is more than 30 feet
deep and that is the size of four football fields. That sinkhole caused
part of State Route 516 to collapse and authorities
say that it will likely be closed for many months. Are these monster
sinkholes an indication that major earth changes are coming along the
New Madrid fault? Has reckless human activity awoken a sleeping giant
that we should never have messed with?
The 1260 Report_Two Watchers on the Wall_12.7.12
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
Join us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the return of Messiah Yeshua!
Stories covered in this broadcast:
*On the brink of war: Syria locks and loads chemical weapons into warheads; military awaits Assad's order
*Precursor chemicals have been mixed for Sarin gas, loaded onto warheads, and loaded onto planes
*Where will Assad send the sarin missiles to? On his own people? On Israel? Both?
*US and Russia to have top level talks on Syria
*Discussion: US and Israeli response; possible outcomes and scenarios
*What's really going on in Syria behind the scenes: another Muslim Brotherhood takeover? Who is pulling the strings?
*European backlash against Netanyahu on the Settlement plan
*Netanyahu pushes back against pressure to rescind settlement plans;stands firm on 3,0000 housing units in E1 zone of Jerusalem
*Egypt: Masses of Egyptian protesters force Morsi to flee presidential palace
*Morsi says he won't tolerate overthrow; says he's unwilling to give up sweeping and near absolute powers
*Likud party member Moshe Feiglin breaks taboo, prays on Temple Mount
*Senator: Increasingly clear that Obama is comfortable going off the fiscal cliff in January
*The Divided States of America, article by Monte Judah
*NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in USA is under virtual surveillance
*Monster Sinkholes Indicate Major Earth Changes on New Madrid Fault Line?
*Close in scripture/prayer: 2 Cor. 6: 3-10
Listen on the go! Do you have a Smart phone with
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live anytime! The 1260 Report airs live on Fridays at 9am and 5pm
Pacific time or listen later by podcast.
Torah Portion for Shabbat, 12.15.12
Read more (Hebrew for Christians)
Brad Grooman Worship Song: Face to Face
Melody is based on "I Dream of You"
Note from HN News editor: This is an AWESOME
prophetic song about our soon coming future based on Ezekiel 20: 33-42.
As it was, so shall it be. As it was with the fathers, so it shall be
with their children. History becomes prophecy.
Even as the
children of Israel were delivered out of Egypt and met with Yahweh in
the wilderness, so shall we be gathered out of the nations, and be
brought into the wilderness of the peoples by Abba's own hand, and
there, we will meet with Him face to face.
Scripture ref: Ezekiel 20:33-38 "As
I live" declares the Master Yahweh, "do not I, with a mighty hand, with
an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out, reign over you? And I
shall bring you out from the peoples and gather you of the lands where
you are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and
with wrath poured out.
"And I shall bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and shall enter into judgment with you face to face there,
I entered into judgment with your fathers in the wilderness of the
land of Egypt, so I shall enter into judgment with you" declares the
Master Yahweh.
And I shall make you pass under the rod, and shall
bring you into the bond of the covenant, and purge the rebels from among
you, and those who transgress against Me.
From the land where they
sojourn I bring them out, but they shall not come into the land of
Israel. And you shall know that I am Yahweh." Ezekiel 20:33-38
Face to Face.wmv |
based on the haunting melody from Jim Croce's song, "Time in a bottle",
scripture reference, Psalm 103: 11-18, words sung in Hebrew.
Psalm 103:11-18.wmv |
I Look Forward to the Day....
Yearnings From the Heart as I Look Forward to That Day....
I look forward
to a soon coming Passover meal celebrated with my mishpocah when it
will not be a rehearsal or a remembrance but it will be the TIME to
begin our Greater Exodus journey! When it will be TIME to walk away
from this Babylon/Egypt that we are now living in and gather with our
mishpocah, living in a tent in the camp of the righteous.
I look forward to the day
when Abba "whistles for me" and when He tells me to "come out of her my
people". I can't wait to leave! I am sooooooo ready to go! I am
heartsick at what this country has become! I am READY to leave!
I look forward to the day
when I will see the altar built on the Temple Mount, the altar
rededicated, and the daily sacrifices begin. Then, I will know that we
are getting very very close to the time known as "The Greater Exodus to
I look forward to the day,
(I WILL NOT be afraid) when I see the daily sacrifices stopped, and
soon afterwards, the abomination set up in its place on the Temple
Mount. Then, I will know it is time for those in Judea to flee
IMMEDIATELY, and, for the rest of us, we will get up boldly and WALK
OUT, and begin our journey during Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread. I
I look forward to the day when DAY 1 of the final 1260 days begins...and
The 1260 Report will BE NO will have served its purpose! I
hope to be gathered in a camp in the wilderness and I can put my laptop
away, lose my cell phone, and stop doing the news...I will have other
things to do instead!
What do YOU look forward to? How would YOU complete this thought?
I look forward to the day........
Share your response at, join The 1260 Report Discussion group, and post your responses there!
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Sen John Barrasso: "Increasingly Clear Obama Is Comfortable Going Off the Cliff"
John Barrasso of Wyoming believes President Barack Obama is
"comfortable going off the [fiscal] cliff." "I think the president is
increasingly showing his hand that he is comfortable going off the
cliff," Barrasso tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD, in response to a question
about President Obama's negotiation strategy. "He's not involving
Republicans in the process. He was playing golf this weekend with Bill
Clinton, Ron Kirk, and ex-DNC chair Terry McAuliffe. He's not seeming to
be one to work together. He seems to be lecturing more than listening.
And I just think that it's increasingly clear he's comfortable going off
the cliff."
Graham: I Think We're Going Over Fiscal Cliff
"I think we are going over the cliff. I dont' think they are serious about finding a deal."
Graham: I think we're going over fiscal cliff |
Budget Sacrifice
I'm going to bite the bullet, too!!!! Will you join me?
Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from
the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.
so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing
with my personal budget. I spend about $2,000 a month on groceries,
household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc., but it's time to get out
the budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back.
going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio (1/35,000) of my
total budget. After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending
$2,000 a month, I'm going to have to cut that number by six cents. Yes,
I'm going to have to get by with $1999.94, but that's what sacrifice is
all about.
I'll just have to do without some things, that are, frankly, luxuries - six cents worth.
(submitted by HN News Alert reader)
Everyone in US Under Virtual Surveillance' - NSA Whistleblower
William Binney, Former NSA Employee, Says That NSA Records Nearly ALL Emails of US Citizens |
FBI records the emails of nearly all US citizens, including members of
congress, according to NSA whistleblower William Binney. In an interview
with RT, he warned that the government can use this information against
one of the best mathematicians and code breakers in the history of the
National Security Agency, resigned in 2001. He claimed he no longer
wanted to be associated with alleged violations of the Constitution,
such as how the FBI engages in widespread and pervasive surveillance
through powerful devices called 'Naris.'
year, Binney received the Callaway award, an annual prize that
recognizes those who champion constitutional rights and American values
at great risk to their personal or professional lives. When questioned
about privacy in a surveillance state, William Binney stated:
"Yes, that's what I've been basically saying for quite some time, is
that the FBI has access to the data collected, which is basically the
emails of virtually everybody in the country. And the FBI has access to
it. All the congressional members are on the surveillance too, no one is
excluded. They are all included. So, yes, this can happen to anyone. If
they become a target for whatever reason - they are targeted by the
government, the government can go in, or the FBI, or other agencies of
the government, they can go into their database, pull all that data
collected on them over the years, and we analyze it all. So, we have to
actively analyze everything they've done for the last 10 years at least.
And it's not just about those, who could be planning, who could be a
threat to national security, but also those, who could be just...
WB: It's everybody....
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