brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah
16, 2012
Tevet 2, 5773
2nd day, Tenth biblical month, 6012
December 14_Sliver New moon sighted in Jerusalem
to the Hebrew Nation Community! We are coming towards the end of
the Feast of Dedication, the Festival of Lights, remembering back to the
time when the Maccabees overthrew the Syrian/Greek occupiers of
Jerusalem. In the height of arrogance, Antiochus Epiphanes, (a
shadow picture of the coming anti-messiah), defiled the Holy Temple by
slaying a pig on the altar in the temple and setting up a statue of Zeus.
It was a time of great persecution against the Jews; more than 100,000
were slaughtered between 168-165 b.c.
Then a rag-tag group of Jews, known as the Maccabees, fought back and
reclaimed the Holy Temple. They rededicated and cleansed the
temple which had been defiled. Josephus tells the story that the one-day
supply of olive oil for the menorah miraculously lasted for 8 days. And
hence, the Festival of Lights, or Hanukkah, was born.
Rededicating the temple: rededicating our lives
Do you not know that you are a Temple (Dwelling place) of Elohim and
that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you? If anyone destroys the
Temple of Elohim, Elohim shall destroy him. For the Temple of Elohim is
holy, which you are. 1Cor 3:16-17
So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow
citizens of the set-apart ones, and members of the household of Elohim,
having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Yeshuah Messiah Himself being chief cornerstone, in whom all the
building, being joined together, grows into a holy Temple in Yahweh, in
whom you also are bring built together into a dwelling of Elohim in the
Ephesians 2: 19-22
Our body is a house, a dwelling place, a temple for the spirit of Yahweh.
May we each take time to rededicate our bodies, our mind, our soul, our
whole being back to Yahweh. May we be a set-apart people, walking before
Him with clean hands and a pure heart. May we not become defiled in the
polluted waters of the world swirling all around us, but may we walk in
purity and in the fervent love of Messiah Yeshua.
The riches of the treasure of Yeshua is hidden in our bodily
"tent"; may His bright light, His joy, His love, and His peace
shine through us during this season of the year! May we walk in
simplicity, uncluttered, unfettered, and utterly focused on shining His
love and light out towards others.
In Yeshua's blessed name,
Amein and amein!
Laura Densmore
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Video Shows Traces of Chemical Weapons Used Against
Civilians in Syria
concerns over Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles grew after U.S.
officials this week privately said the regime had begun mixing chemicals
that could be used for the lethal nerve agent sarin.
On Saturday, Syrian told the United Nations that it would never use
chemical weapons against its peoples and warned that opposition fighters
are the ones who could use chemical weapons.
But videos uploaded on the web by activists proved otherwise.
The video showed the destruction caused by what they identified as
chemical weapons. They said the fire was caused by a tank dropped from a
Syrian warplane and was uncontainable by either water or dirt and was
releasing toxic substance as it was bubbling underneath the ground.
Syrian Opposition: Assad is Already Using Chemical Weapons
Sarin and mustard gas utilized tactically in battle,
says defecting officer; last week's internet blackout used as cover for
transport of arms to Damascus, according to opposition
fears grow that Syrian President Bashar Assad may use chemical weapons in
a desperate move to quell a 22-month uprising, members of the opposition
claimed Friday that the regime is already using internationally-banned
chemical agents in the war.
Local Coordination Committees, an opposition group active inside
Syria, reported that on Thursday the military "threw toxic
gases" in Daraya, southwest of Damascus, and attacked the towns of
Mohasan and Buomar with phosphorus bombs.
senior opposition member told told A-Sharq Al-Awsat, a Saudi-owned
daily with close ties to the Syrian opposition, that Assad cut internet
and mobile communications to Syria last week in order to prepare and
transport chemical weapons for use in Damascus, expecting a crucial battle
with the Free Syrian Army in the capital.
IDF to Begin Giving its Medics Chemical Weapons
Amid Growing Concern Over Syrian Nerve Gas, Army
Acquires Tens of Thousands of Doses of Diazepam
IDF has acquired tens of thousands of doses of a drug used to combat
nerve agent chemical poisoning and will distribute them to all combat
medics in the coming months, according to a report in the new issue of
the army's Bamahane weekly magazine.
drug, diazepam, is an anti-convulsant, halting seizures caused by nerve
agents such as VX and sarin. Until now, the IDF supplied all medics with
atropine, a drug that counters attacks on the respiratory system, but
diazepam, which protects the central nervous system, was available only
in intravenous form and was distributed only to rear echelon battalion
medical centers.
the medics receive auto injectors, enabling treatment half an hour to an
hour earlier than before, and also enabling treatment to 10 times more
people," the head of nonconventional warfare medicine in the IDF's
medical corps, Lt. Col. Dr. Micah Ksirer, told this week Bamahane.
Russian Arms Syria with Powerful Ballistic Missiles
Iskanders carry 1,500-pound warhead at 1.3 miles per
after NATO agreed on Tuesday to send Patriot missiles to Turkey because
of the crisis in Syria, Russia delivered its first shipment of Iskander
missiles to Syria.
superior Iskander can travel at hypersonic speed of over 1.3 miles per
second (Mach 6-7) and has a range of over 280 miles with pinpoint
accuracy of destroying targets with its 1,500-pound warhead, a nightmare
for any missile defense system.
to Mashregh, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard media outlet, Russia
had warned Turkey not to escalate the situation, but with Turkey's
request for Patriot missiles, it delivered its first shipment of
Iskanders to Syria.
today, Mashregh said the handover occurred when Russian naval logistic
vessels docked at Tartus in Syria.
Iskandar is a surface-to-surface missile that no missile defense system
can trace or destroy, Mashregh said.
Palestinians Place Signs Delineating New State
Palestinians have begun posting signs on roads throughout
Judea and Samaria delineating the new "State of
to turn their victory at the United Nations last month into facts on the
ground, Palestinian Arabs have begun posting official-looking signs on
roads throughout Judea and Samaria delineating the new "State of
a bold headline of "Warning" the signs state in English, Arabic
and Hebrew that the visitor is now standing on "illegally occupied
land. State of Palestine." Included is the date this new state was
internationally recognized - November 29, 2012.
UN General Assembly vote last month merely upgraded the Palestinian
Authority to the status of a non-member observer, and is not legally
binding. But the Palestinian Authority has been busy transforming that
small achievement into something much larger.
We Just Called to Say We LOVE Israel!
Don't Miss this DELIGHTFUL GEM of a song!
Stevie Wonder agreed to perform at the 2012 winter gala of the Friends of
the Israel Defense Forces, until anti-Israel groups pressured him to
cancel. Stevie caved to their lies and propaganda and backed out. Stevie,
this one is for you.
We Just Called to Say We LOVE Israel!
Egypt Under Martial Law, 9 Hurt in Cairo Clashes
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has declared martial law
until after the December 15 referendum on his new Sharia law constitution
President Mohammed Morsi has declared martial law until after
the December 15 referendum on his new constitution. Nine people were hurt
on Tuesday when masked gunmen attacked Egyptians camped out in Cairo to
protest Morsi's dictatorial measures.
Saturday, Morsi rescinded an earlier decree granting him sweeping powers and immunity
to court oversight. But he refused to reverse the drafting of a new
constitution by his own Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups.
say the new constitution will impose strict Sharia Law on Egypt, and will
complete the religious hijacking of their pro-democracy revolution.
opposition groups have refused to vote in the referendum in order to deny
legitimacy to the process. But that also means the Islamist constitution
is all but certain to pass. Until that happens, Morsi has granted the
army the right to arrest and detain anyone seen as a threat to
"public security."
US Sends Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi 20 F-16
Outrage Grows at 20 F-16s For Egypt; Set to Arrive
on Israeli Election Day, 1/22/13

lawmakers expressing concerns about the Obama administration's plan to
send 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt, where new President Mohamed Morsi's
allegiances are as uncertain as his grip on power.
Florida Rep.Vern Buchanan, who recently called for ending foreign aid to
Egypt altogether, said the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Morsi government has
been sending increasingly troubling signals to Washington, and giving it
state-of-the-art fighter jets is a dangerous idea. "American tax
dollars must not be used to aid and abet any dictatorial regime that
stands with terrorists," Buchanan said.
Rep. Mac Thornberry, (R-Texas), vice chairman of the House Armed Services
Committee, told Egypt is a wild card under Morsi. "At
this point, we don't know where Egypt is headed," Thornberry said.
"We should be cautious about driving them away, but we should also
be cautious about the arms we provide."
Read more (Fox News)
Read more (Unity
Coalition for Israel)
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News Editor) The man who
occupies the Oval office is very cunning indeed. To the public and on
camera, he states that he has a "strong and enduring bond of
friendship" with Israel. That is fine. How to undermine and sabotage
Israel without LOOKING like he is doing it? Why, become friends
with Israel's enemies; in particular, the Muslim Brotherhood.
Install them into power in neighboring Muslim nations (e.g. Libya, Egypt,
and Syria). Give them political power: Libya, check, Egypt, check,
Syria, in process....
Then, give them lots of money and then, worst of all, give them the
ARMS and the MEANS to destroy Israel. So, the US didn't attack or hurt
Israel, right? No, those radical islamists over there in Egypt and Syria,
THEY are the bad guys right? That's what it looks like. Who ENABLED
The US is funtioning as the godfather and sugar daddy to the Muslim
Brotherhood and radical jihadists in Egypt, Libya, and right now, even in
Syria. They will do the "dirty work" for the mamser who occupies
the Oval Office!
Experience Hanukkah in Jerusalem
Enjoy this most enchanting time of year as Jewish
Worshippers celebrate the Festival of Lights!
stone in Jerusalem abounds with historic and spiritual significance, and
the religious diversity of the city means that almost every day is a
holiday. One of the most enchanting of these is Hanukkah, when Jewish
worshippers celebrate the military and spiritual triumph over Antiochus
IV Epiphanes.
The Splendor of a Jerusalem
Hanukkah in 60 Seconds |
Netanyahu: Where is the Outrage as Hamas Openly Seeks our
PM Netanyahu met with representatives of the foreign media
in Israel on Monday, denouncing the hypocrisy of the international
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with representatives of the foreign media
in Israel on Monday, denouncing the hypocrisy that has come to dominate
the international community's handling of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
weekend Hamas leaders openly called for Israel's destruction. Where was
the outrage? Where was the UN? Where was Abbas?" Netanyahu demanded.
"Why did Palestinian diplomats not only remain silent in the face of
these calls, but spoke of the intention to unite with Hamas?"
was only deafening silence," asserted the prime minister.
cannot accept that the international community has no problem denouncing
Israeli intentions of building Jewish homes in the nation's historic
capital of Jerusalem but remains silent as Palestinian leaders openly
call for Israel's destruction," Netanyahu said.
Europe's Policy on Israel Like Jewish Policy of 1930s &
"When Jews are sacrificed, ask yourself who will be
Minister Avigdor Lieberman also touched on the EU's condemnation, telling
Israel Radio on Tuesday: "I'm not happy with Europe's stance, which
once again in history is ignoring the calls to destroy the State of
Israel, as well as the fact that Hamas' leaders in Gaza have repeatedly
voiced their clear goal - to destroy Israel. Europe is silent. We have already
been through this with Europe, in the late 1930s and the 40s. The
Europeans sacrifice all their values for the sake of interests. They knew
at the beginning of the 1940s exactly what was happening with the refugee
camps, with the concentration camps, and they didn't exactly take action.
Jews are sacrificed, you have to ask yourself who will be next. In
Toulouse, the terrorist who killed Jewish children also killed French
was referring to Mohamed Merah, who killed three Jewish schoolchildren
and a teacher in the French city of Toulouse in March, days after killing
three French troops.
attacks Jews but it targets all countries and Western values. Israel is
just the hors d'oeuvre," he said.
Hanukkah: Rock of Ages
Enjoy this AWESOME Youtube musical medley to celebrate
Chanukah Jewish Rock of Ages -
Official Hanukkah Song (Video)
Hanukkah new to you?
is a CRASH COURSE on Hanukkah!
Best Chanukah
Video - 2011
What Christmas is All About Charlie Brown
Understanding the Roots of Christmas
you have not yet "crossed over" to return to your Hebrew Roots,
this Charlie Brown cartoon below may step on your toes a bit. I ask that
you read this with an open mind and heart and ask Abba to reveal truth to
you. Beloved, I share this with much love in my heart for
you. There are a lot of emotional strings attached to
Christmas; your flesh may become offended. Please, bear with me. Will you
choose and decide to listen, read, learn, and seek the truth with ALL
your heart?

does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) Yeshua was
most certainly NOT born on December 25th. However, an ancient pagan god,
Tammuz, WAS born on this day. He was reportedly killed by a wild boar,
hence the tradition of serving up a Christmas ham every year. Yeshua was
most likely conceived during Hanukkah and probably born during Feast of
Tabernacles (Sukkot) in the Fall. Beloved, many of us have celebrated
Christmas in past years, keeping it with a sincere heart, and striving to
put the "Christ" back into Christmas. We just didn't know any
better. But, once truth has been revealed to us, and we see the pagan
roots of this holiday, then we are now held accountable to walk in the
light and the truth that we have received.
And so, beloved, I challenge you. Search it out for yourself. Will you be
carried along by the strong current of the culture around you? Or, will
you honestly seek truth in this matter and then do what pleases Abba
first and foremost?
"Do not
learn the way of the nations....For the laws of these peoples are
worthless, for one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands
of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They beautify it with silver and
gold, they strengthen it with nails and hammers so that it
does not topple. They are like a rounded post, and they do not speak.
They have to be carried, because they do not walk. Do not be afraid of
them, for they do no evil, nor is it in them to do any
There is none like You, O Yahweh. You are great, and great is Your
Name in might. Who would not fear You, O Sovereign of the nations? For
this is Your due, for among all the wise men of the nations, and in all
their reigns, there is none like You. They are both brutish and foolish,
an instruction of worthlessness in the tree."
Jeremiah 10: 2-8
To learn
more, watch the video, "Truth or Tradition: Should Christians
Celebrate Christmas?
NEW - Jim Staley -Truth or
Tradition - Should Christians Celebrate Christmas and Easter? (FULL)
Obama: Syrian Rebels Now Recognized by US Government
WASHINGTON, Dec 11 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama
granted U.S. recognition on Tuesday to a Syrian opposition coalition as
the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, a move aimed at
ratcheting up pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to leave
Obama announced his decision in an interview with ABC News
on the eve of a meeting of Syrian opposition leaders and their
international allies in Morocco, but he stopped short of authorizing U.S.
arming of rebels fighting to overthrow Assad.
"It's a big step," Obama said in a step that could
provide a diplomatic boost to the anti-Assad political cause after nearly
two years of fighting.
France, Britain, Turkey and the Gulf states led the way last
month in recognizing the opposition coalition. But Washington held off
until now, demanding the groups, dogged by splits and rivalries
throughout their battle to end the Assad family's long authoritarian
rule, do more to coalesce into a unified front.
Treason? Obama Gun Running to Al Qaeda
Blog post by Kris Zane
If you were a sitting President and it was discovered that you were
openly supporting al-Qaeda-openly supplying them with weapons-what would
you do?Since al-Qaeda is the sworn enemy of the United States, since
al-Qaeda has murdered countless Americans, and therefore supporting
al-Qaeda would be treason in every sense of the word, of course you would
resign or brace for impeachment.
But we're not talking about a normal President who operates
within the confines of reason. We're talking about Barack Hussein Obama,
who operates in a strange Twilight Zone type of reality broadcast to the
masses via his compliant mainstream media.
And Barack Obama has been arming them.
And this isn't the first time. When Obama was basking in the
light of his "democratic moment" in arming the Libyan "rebels"
to topple Gadaffi, here again he was arming al-Qaeda.
The dirty little secret of course is that the weapons
that Barack Obama was lavishing on the "democratic" rebels
found their way into the hands of their sister group, Ansar al-Sharia.
Have you heard of them? They are the group that murdered the four
Americas at the Benghazi consulate and CIA annex-more than likely
with weapons Barack Obama supplied.
That's the other dirty little secret of why Obama refused to
go into Benghazi to rescue Americans in need: he was afraid his
fingerprints would be found on the weapons that were left behind when
Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty had to fight off the attack themselves.
So with Obama admitting that he is supplying arms to the
Syrian al-Qaeda "Freedom Fighters", what does he do?
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only
in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them
Aid and Comfort." U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3.
Aiding and Abetting the Enemy: Obama Gun Running to
Al Qaeda in Syria
Presented by Western Center for Journalism
Obama Gunrunning to
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The Mother of All Collapses: Wall St. Witches and Alice in
"Hoping the midnight never comes for Alice in
We look at the latest BIS warning of a global credit bubble caused by
zero percent interest rate policies meant to appease the angry hidden
people in the shadow banking system. In the second half, Max Keiser talks
to David Smith of about the Swiss currency peg, the
global game of honesty limbo in the financial sector and hoping that
midnight never comes for Alice in Switzer-land.
Keiser Report: Whammies of Wall
St. Witches (E378)
The 1260 Report_Two Watchers on the Wall_12.14.12
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You
News Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the
return of Messiah Yeshua!
covered in this broadcast:
shows traces of chemical weapons being used against civilians in Syria
*IDF distributing chemical weapons antidotes to all combat medics
*Palestinians stone IDF soldiers
*Emboldened, Palestinians post signs: "Warning: illegally occupied
land, State of Palestine"
*Netanyahu: Where is Outrage as Hamas Openly Seeks our Destruction?
*FM Lieberman:Europe's Policy on Israel Like Jewish Policy of 1930s and
*Russia Arms Syria with Powerful Missiles
*Syrian government collapse is imminent: what comes next? Analysis and
*Morsi places Egypt under martial law until after 12.15.12 referendum
*Senators outraged that US is sending Muslim Brotherhood/Morsi 20 F-16
Fighter planes arriving on THE DAY of Israeli elections on 1/22/13;
*Obama demands more power over the debt ceiling
*Obama has now borrowed more than all presidents from Washington to Bush
*Obama and the Fiscal Cliff: Taxes going up one way or the other
*Shocking report on Government borrowing
* Former Mayor Rudi Giuliani: "This is not a revenue problem. This
is an out of control spending problem."
*UN bid to control internet: meeting of nations at conference in Dubais
*Close in prayer: Ephesians 2:11-20
on the go!
Do you have a Smart phone with internet? Do you have an iPad? Go to the
apps store on your device, download "TuneIn", then search for
HebrewNation radio. You can listen live anytime! The 1260 Report
airs live on Fridays at 9am and 5pm
time or listen later by podcast.
Torah Portion for Shabbat, 12.22.12
Brad Grooman Worship Song: Start it All Over Again
Melody is based Irish Celtic Parting Song
Do you
need a "do-over"? Do you need a fresh start? A new beginning?
Listen to this lyrical Celtic melody based on words of hope from
scripture be encouraged! Based on scripture references:
"How could I give you up, Ephraim? How could I hand you over,
Israel? How could I make you like Admah? How could I set you like
Tseboyim? My heart turns within Me; all My compassion is kindled."
Hosea 11: 8
Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a renewed creature--the old
matters have passed away, see, all matters have become renewed! 2
Cor 5:17
And He who was sitting on the throne said, "See, I make all
matters new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are
true and trustworthy." Rev. 21:5
Start it all
over again.wmv
Obama Demands More Power Over the Debt Ceiling
Dictatorial Power Grab For Control on Purse Strings:
Elimination of "Checks and Balances"

Obama is demanding that Congress permanently give up its authority over
raising the debt ceiling. He is demanding as a part of
"negotiating" with the Congress, that a law be passed to allow
him to increase the debt ceiling of the government at any time he deems
it necessary. Giving this power to Obama will be "crossing the
Rubicon" and there will be no return to congressional control of the
When Obama robs Peter to pay Paul, he can always count on the vote of
Paul - This statement was obviously proven in the election of Barack
Obama, who spent four years expanding the ranks of dependency by using
every avenue of government possible, from food stamps to mortgage
Read more
(Religious Freedom Coalition)
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News Editor) There
are so many striking parallels between President Morsi of Egypt and
President Obama of the US. Morsi writes up a quickie Sharia law based
constitution over a weekend, and gives himself sweeping powers. 25
million people in Egypt protest. He backs off, rescinds his earlier
decree of sweeping powers, but then declared martial law this week until
folks can "vote" on the Constitutional referendum on 12/15/12.
If it looks like a dictator duck ,
If it walks like a dictator duck,
If it acts like a dictator duck,
Then we have the man who occupies the Oval Office. He wants to take
the ceiling off the debt ceiling...hey, the sky is the limit, ya
know? And he wants to control the nation's checkbook, further
driving our economy right into the ground and emasculating the Congress
by taking away their power and authority, and, by the way, also
destroying our "checks and balances" system. Dictators don't
like limits imposed upon them!
He signs tyrannical executive orders (aka dictatorial decrees) just
about every Friday afternoon giving himself SWEEPING powers:
*the NDAA/Indefinite Detention law, giving the govt powers to detain
US citizens INDEFINITELY without due process, trial or attorney
*the National Defense Resource Preparedness law, granting him
totalitarian control over every aspect of life in America on the pretext
of a national emergency.
And I say to you again,
If it looks like a dictator duck,
If it walks like a dictator duck,
If it acts like a dictator duck,
Obama's Now Borrowed More Than All Presidents From George
Washington to George Bush
federal government has now borrowed more money during Barack Obama's time
as president than it did in the period lasting from the time President
George Washington took the oath office until July 2, 2001, more than five
months into the first term of President George W. Bush.
the close of business on Jan. 20, 2009, when President Barack Obama was
inaugurated, the national debt stood at $10,626,877,048,913.08, according
to the Treasury. At the close of business this Thursday, it stood at
means the debt has increased $5,696,206,400,691.90 during Obama's
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Obama: Taxes Going up One Way or the Other
the clock ticks toward a tax hike on all Americans in 20 days, President
Obama predicted Republicans would join Democrats to extend current rates
for 98 percent of earners before the end of the year. "I'm pretty
confident that Republicans would not hold middle class taxes hostage to
trying to protect tax cuts for high-income individuals," Obama said
today in an exclusive interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters.
CBO's Shocking Report On Government Borrowing
Former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani states that tax cuts
alone will NOT solve the problem: Huge Govt Spending Cuts are
Mayor Rudi Giuliani: "This is not a revenue problem. This is an out
of control spending problem. To be more specific, it is out of control
healthcare spending."
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