| Dell F. Sanchez Bookstore
Libreria Dell F. Sanchez |
| Sephardic Anusim Center of the Americas
Newsletter |
This is a bilingual Newsletter
Este es un boletín bilingüe
The English version comes first - The Spanish version comes afterward
La versión en inglés viene primero y después viene la versión en español


Sephardic Anusim Center of the Americas
March 2012
| "The exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the towns of the Negev." (Obadiah 20)

"Los exiliados de Jerusalén que están en Sefarad poseerán los ciudades del Neguev." (Abdías 20)

| This is a bilingual newsletter
the Spanish version follows the English version below.

Este es un boletín bilingüe
la versión en Español sigue debajo de la versión en Inglés.

Sephardim Among Latinos?
--A Controversial Concern -- Right off the bat, I'll admit that what I've got to say is controversial. This is possibly due because of all the talk on the media regarding Latinos and issues on immigration. However, I will immediately admit that I am a 3rd generation American, thus, my grandchildren and great granddaughter are 5th and 6th generation Americans. In fact, way before Texas was a State and way before the Battle of the Alamo, our forefathers were already in this land-just so that you'd know where I'm coming from.

For half a millennium, Hispanic-Latinos have survived sinister strategies of false labels. In the recent past, amazing apocalypses have revealed that many of them are the actual descendants of secret Jews that endured tortures, confiscations and burnings at the stake which took place all across Iberia (Spain and Portugal), Mexico and Latin America. Did you know that even New Mexico had its own Inquisition? These were the infamous holocausts known as the Inquisitions which lasted hundreds of years and hardly anyone knows much about it.

The President of the Netanya Academic College in Israel (Professor Zvi Arad) declared in June 2011 that the history of the Sephardic Anusim has been a very bloody one. He was, of course, speaking about what's been perpetrated against them and not them on others.

| I have gone on record as saying that approximately 10% to 15% of all Latinos in the Western Hemisphere have Sephardic Jewish roots from Spain. This represents anywhere between 50 and 100 million. (I said million, not thousand!)

In my recent book, "Out from Hiding-Evidences of Sephardic roots among Latinos," I make all effort to demonstrate, through viable facts, what I've discovered in the last 16 years. I have used historical, socio-cultural and DNA evidences which prove that the descendants of the survivors of the Inquisitions are still among us and growing in number daily and are finally coming out from hiding.

| In the spirit of humility and faith, I appeal to each believer (Christians and Jews alike) to rethink what the Scriptures have to say about issues such the ones that lie before us right now. I would beseech each of you to cry out to the Lord and hear what He has to say and how He feels about these crucial matters we're confronted with today.

America is still "The Land of the Beautiful." It's always been that way. But America needs a lot of fervent prayers right now because things do not look to well out there. Neither does it look too encouraging in our parts of the world, especially in Israel with the possible preemptive strike against Iran and its nuclear centers. (I believe Israel is prepared for such a strike even as we speak but it, too, is waiting on the Mighty Hand of God for a sign.)

| My final word for today is let's stop our ears from hearing all those negative and often time cruel reports and let's look to God Almighty and do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. And with this I'll close: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

On bent knee,


| PS, I'm heading to Israel and "our Negev" in less than two weeks. I'll depart on March 13th. I have some urgent business to tend to regarding my people, Sephardic Anusim and our yearning to make Aliyah. So if you're led to lend me a hand with this journey of faith and kingdom business, please write to me at: negevdell@hotmail.com. Shalom and todah rabah / thank you very much!


| Yo he declarado públicamente que aproximadamente entre el 10% y 15% de todos los Latinos en nuestro Hemisferio Occidental tienen raíces Sefardíes Judías de España. Esta cifra representa entre 50 y 100 millones. (Dije millones y no miles.)

En mi nuevo libro que saldrá en pocos días, SURGIENDO DEL ESCONDITE-Evidencias de Raíces Sefardíes entre latinos, hago sumo esfuerzo para demonstrar a través de verdades creíbles lo que he descubierto en 16 años de investigación. He utilizado evidencias históricas, socio-culturales y de ADN para probar que los descendientes de los sobre vividores de las Inquisiciones todavía están entre nosotros y que están creciendo en numero cada día y hasta hoy están surgiendo del escondite.

| En un espíritu de humildad y fe, apelo a cada creyente (Cristianos y Judios) que piensen bien lo que dicen las Escrituras tocante a estos tópicos que están delante de nosotros ahora mismo. También apelo a cada uno de ustedes que le supliquemos al Señor y oigamos lo que Él tiene que decir y como Él se siente tocante a estas cuestiones con nos confrontan hoy.

América todavía es la Tierra Hermosa-siempre lo ha sido. Pero América necesita mucha oración ferviente ahora mismo porque las cosas no se están viendo muy bien por allí. Tampoco se ven bien las naciones alrededor del mundo, particularmente con Israel que posiblemente atacara a Irán y sus centros nucleares. (Yo creo que Israel ya esta lista para tal ataque aun a este momento, pero también esta esperando en una señal de la Mano del Eterno y Poderoso Señor.)

| Mi palabra final por hoy es que tapemos nuestros oídos a tantos reportes negativos que a menudo son crueles y veamos lo que dice Dios en el Libro de Crónicas 7:14. Parafraseando esta cita dice que es tiempo de que el pueblo de Dios que es llamada por Su Nombre se humille y ore y busque su rostro y que le de sus espaldas a los malos caminos, y entonces El oirá desde Su cielo y perdonara nuestros pecados y sanara nuestra tierra.

De rodillas,


| PS, en menos de dos semanas estaré viajando a Israel y a nuestro Neguev. Parto el 13 de marzo. Tengo negocios muy importantes tocantes a nuestra gente, el pueblo Sefardí Anusim quienes están gimiendo por hacer alía. Así es que si usted se siente dirigido en prestarme la mano con este viaje de fe y del reino de Dios, escríbame a: negevdell@hotmail.com. Shalom, todah raba y muchas gracias.

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