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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Uganda: Muslim Converts to Christianity Under Attack

by Raymond Ibrahim
Jihad Watch
February 24, 2012
With only a 12% Muslim minority, and an 84% Christian majority, Uganda may not seem a hotspot of Islamic activity. Yet, in recent weeks and months, story after story of attacks on Muslim converts to Christianity have emerged, with troubling implications beyond the intrinsic level. Consider the following anecdotes:
Tortured Daughter
Susan Ithungu, slowly regaining her health after her apostasy-ordeal at the hands of her father.
A Muslim father, in accordance with Sharia law, imprisoned and starved his teenage daughter, Susan Ithungu, because she converted to Christianity. He had warned her and her brother "not to attend church or listen to the gospel message.
He even threatened us with a sharp knife that he was ready to kill us in broad daylight in case we converted to Christianity." When she refused to recant, "he locked her up in a room of the semi-permanent house for six months without seeing sunlight. The younger brother was warned not to tell anyone that Susan was locked up in a room and was not given any food." Still young and un-indoctrinated, Susan's brother smuggled scraps of food to his sister, though "most days she could only feed on mud"; he also dug a hole under the door, pouring water through it, which she was forced to lap "using her tongue."
When she was finally rescued, she "was bony, very weak, and not able to talk or walk. Her hair had turned yellow, she had long fingernails and sunken eyes, and she looked very slim, less than 20 kilograms [44 pounds]," requiring over a year of hospitalization. In an update, she has "forgiven her father," and is thankful to all the strangers who have supported her. Meanwhile, "none of my family members has come to see me…. My own people have abandoned me."
Blinded and Disfigured
Last Christmas Eve saw Muslims throw acid on a church pastor, leaving him with severe burns, blinding one eye and threatening sight in the other. In his own words: "I was attacked by a man who claimed to be a Christian. He called out to me shouting 'pastor, pastor,' and as I turned to see who he was, he poured acid which burnt part of my face. As I turned away from the attacker, another man poured the liquid on my back and ran away shouting 'Allah Akbar' (god is great)." Read the rest from:
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