12/29/11 Uganda (CDN) Muslim Extremists in Uganda Throw Acid on Bishop -
Islamic extremists threw acid on a church leader on Christmas Eve shortly after a seven-day revival at his church, leaving him with severe burns that have blinded one eye and threaten his sight in the other. Bishop Umar Mulinde, 37, was attacked on Saturday night, December 24th, when a man who claimed to be a Christian approached him.
"He poured liquid onto my face as others poured more liquid onto my back and then fled away. ... I have to continue fighting the pain - it is too much." His face, neck and arms bore deep black scars from the acid and his lips were swollen. The wounds are so severe that he may need plastic surgery. The hospital charges Mulinde 350,00 Uganda shillings (US $140 dollars) per day.
Mulinde has faced several injuries and attacks from Muslims since his conversion to Christianity in 1993. Police have reportedly arrested one suspect. Full Story
Pray that Bishop Mulinde's wounds will heal, both physically, and emotionally. Pray that he will have the financial means to get the treatment he needs. Pray that his pain will cease as he feels that the Lord is with him. Pray for Mulinde to get restful sleep. |
 12/27/11 Iran (MohabatNews) A Christian Convert Describes Torture and Beating by Security Authorities -
Abbas is one of the hundreds of believers raised in a Muslim family, but despite knowing the hardships, willingly converted to Christianity. Abbas Sarjalou-Nejad, 39, said, "Everything was good until my family learned about our conversion to Christianity. That was when everything changed tremendously."
"My brother beat my chest severely and said to be sure that you can tolerate suffering and pain." At 8 p.m. on April 1, "Four agents..pushed into our home...and began to search the house. They seized all my CDs with some Christian literature, six New Testaments.. they also told me to come with them. ..one tried to arrest my wife." Full Story
Pray that Abbas will be strengthened in his faith through being mistreated by those in his family who do not know Christ.
Pray that the eyes, ears, and hearts of his family will be receptive to the Gospel.Pray for his wife and children to not be afraid. |
 12/26/11 Laos (CDN) Eight Lao Christians in Prison for Christmas -
Eight leaders in the Boukham village of Laos were arrested on December 16th after gathering 200 Christians for a Christmas service. The leaders received permission from the village chief (who also reportedly attended part of the gathering) to hold the service. However, shortly after the chief's departure from the service, village security officials entered the building and detained the eight leaders. Several of the leaders have been placed in wooden stocks and all were arrested without clear charges. One leader has since been released, but seven remain in custody. The village chief has since ordered the leaders to stop practicing Christianity, fearing that the worship violates the traditional spirit cult of "hiit" and angers the gods - all leaders have refused. Full Story
Pray that those arrested will remain faithful and not be afraid. Pray that they will have joy and supernatural peace through the persecutions they face. |
 12/26/11 Nigeria (Vanguard) Terror: 40 Killed in Christmas Bombings - It was a bloody Christmas Day celebration, Sunday, when the radical Islamic sect, Boko Haram, carried out bomb attacks in some northern Nigerian cities, killing atleast 40 people with several others injured. St. Theresa's Church, Madalla, in Suleja, Niger State was the worst hit when a suspected car bomb blast killed at least 40 people on Christmas morning, including men, women and children.
President Goodluck Jonathan condemned the blasts, saying, "The bombing of innocent citizens on a day millions of people all over the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is a dastardly act that must attract the rebuke of all peace-loving Nigerians." Full Story
Pray for those who have been injured, that their wounds will heal completely.
Pray that those who lost loved ones will be comforted by the Holy Spirit and grow closer to the Lord during their time of grieving. Pray that those responsible for these attacks will be brought to justice and that they will come to repentance and gain knowledge of Christ.
 12/25/11 China (CDN) After Months of Persecution, Church in China to End Outdoor Services -
Key issues in Chinese religious rights are taking a pivotal turn at year's end as the Shouwang house church in Beijing will celebrate its last outdoor service on Christmas Day. Denied access to a building they had purchased as a worship venue, the Shouwang chuch has been meeting outdoors and facing weekly arrests since April 10. Church leaders have issued an appeal for prayer for "the key to the space the church has bought [to] be given before Christmas so that the issue of worship place can be solved."
Shouwang had paid 27 million yuan (about US $4 million) for the second floor of the Daheng Science and Technology Tower in northwest Beijing's Zhongguancun area. Authorities interfered, and the property developer has refused to hand over the key to the church. Full Story
Pray that the Lord will give the Shouwang Church their place of worship in His perfect timing. Pray for the members of the Shouwang church to continue to stand firm throughout persecution and trials. Pray that they will be encouraged as they follow the Lord and share in His sufferings. |
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International Christian Concern Providing assistance, advocacy and awareness to persecuted Christians with integrity towards God and our donors. |
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of the destitute." - Proverbs 31:8 |
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