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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Muslims in Nigeria warn Christians to leave north within 3 days

Media of all stripes continue to call Muslims like this Islamists. If anything they are jihadists, but first and foremost they are Muslims who want to impose sharia law and use violence to achieve that.
via Islamist militants in Nigeria warn Christians to leave north within 3 days –
(CNN) — The militant Islamist group Boko Haram has issued an ultimatum giving Christians living in northern Nigeria three days to leave the area amid a rising tide of violence there.
A Boko Haram spokesman, Abul Qaqa, also said late Sunday that Boko Haram fighters are ready to confront soldiers sent to the area under a state of emergency declared in parts of four states by Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Saturday.
“We will confront them squarely to protect our brothers,” Abul Qaqa said during a telephone call with local media. He also called on Muslims living in southern Nigeria to “come back to the north because we have evidence they will be attacked.” Read the rest on: creeping

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