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Monday, May 9, 2011

HN News Alert_5.8.11

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Hebrew Nation?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

HebrewNation news alert
brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio,Torah 2 the Nations, and
Walking in Torah Ministries  
May 8th, 2011
Iyyar 4, 5771
4th day of Iyyar, 6011c

Greetings to the Hebrew Nation community! Please join with our brethren from Judah to celebrate the 63rd birthday of the reborn nation of Israel. Be sure to 2atch the video sensation, "Israel, Wave your Flag". Also, don't miss the short video, "Israel Defying all Odds" which outlines the remarkable contributions this tiny nation has made against all the threats to her existence.
Please continue to be keeping this nation in your prayers in the days leading up to May15th: a Third Intifada has been called for on this day.

Everyone has been feeling the pinch to their pocketbook with rising gas and food prices. Be sure to follow the story, "Prepare Now for Food Inflation" and learn how you can take concrete steps to make a hedge against food inflation.

As we are seeing signs of Yahweh's judgment upon the nations, with the massive earthquake/tsunami in Japan, tornadoes ripping through Southeast US, and overwhelming flooding in the Mississippi valley, may a spirit of repentance fall upon the nations. May we repent of our sins of idolatry, unbelief, and may we as a people return fully to Yahweh and to His instructions for life, the living Torah.

Blessings and shalom,

Laura Densmore

P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Please email Laura at:

With BinLaden Dead, Iran Supreme Leader is World's Greatest Threat
PM says that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei runs Iran, warns if Iran "gets Atomic bombs it will change history"
Bibi Netanyahu_5.8.11
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei poses the greatest worldwide threat after the death of Osama bin Laden, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview with CNN on Thursday. Claiming that Khamenei posed an even greater threat than Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu told CNN that the Supreme Leader "runs the country and he is infused with fanaticism."     Read more


US Officials Unveil Videos of Bin Ladin

Osama image
Washington (CNN) -- Keenly conscious of his image, a graying Osama bin Laden no doubt never expected this video -- showing him hunched over, draped in a blanket and using a television clicker -- to hit the world's airwaves as it did Saturday.Filmed by a confidant, the al Qaeda leader contrasts with the younger version of himself on a TV screen a few feet away. That man has a more youthful beard, a hand held up in resolve and a photo of the burning World Trade Center.U.S. officials, who Saturday released five videos, emphasized the recordings and other materials seized at bin Laden's Pakistan compound show the terrorist still had a firm hand at the tiller, managing strategic and tactical control of his organization, even as he stayed out of sight in Abbottabad.                                  

Read more  (article and video)

Israel's 63rd Birthday: Memorial/Independence Day
Watch New Video Sensation Celebrating Israel's Birthday!
Israel wave your flag  - Yom Ha'atzmaut
Israel wave your flag - Yom Ha'atzmaut
Israel Defying All Odds
Watch this Remarkable Video outlining How Israel has Thrived Against all Odds!

Israel: Defying all odds
Israel: Defying all odds

Human Rights Group: Over 800 Dead in Syria Uprising
Human Rights_Syria

A human rights watch group reports that over 800 people have died in the Syria uprising as Syrian tanks rolled into a Mediterranean coastal town on Saturday in an escalating crackdown by President Bashar Assad.
Human rights watch group Sawasiah tells Sky News that the deaths have occurred over the past seven weeks. This also included Friday's clashes that left at least 30 dead nationwide, activists and an eyewitness said.       Read more
What does it mean? If the Syrian President is overthrown, and there is a major power shift in this nation, this could be leading up to the establishment of a "revived Islamic/Ottoman empire". Will we see the formation of a ten-nation Islamic confederacy with Caliphate/Shariah law as its foundation?  If so, this could very well be the fullfillment of Daniel's vision of the ten-toed statue (Daniel 2), the formation of the final "Beast system" just prior to the return of Yeshua. The events happening in Syria and the Middle East is something to be watching closely in the days ahead.

High Demand, Low Supply Raising Food Prices
February Saw the Highest Food Price Increases in 36 years
Dean Reynolds of CBS News reports on how rising gas prices, worldwide demand and low supplies of food have all contributed to high prices at U.S. grocery stores.
Watch video below (2 minutes)
High demand, low supply raising food prices
High demand, low supply raising food prices
What does it mean? As we move into a period of increasing hyperinflation, and the US dollar continues to lose value compared to other currencies, how far are we from the collapse of the US dollar?  The collapse of the US dollar and establishment of a global currency is a tribulation event.
Prepare Now for Food Inflation 
eFoods Global Offers Quality & Affordable Foods with Long Shelf Life as Hedge Against Food Inflation
eFoods logo
eFoods Global has been in business for 35 years. There is now a unique business opportunity to earn an income while stocking up on quality and affordable foods with a long shelf life. Joining eFoods allows you to put aside food for the days ahead, and puts you in a position to help others.

The philosophy of the company is simple: SERVE it, SAVE it, SHARE it. As you purchase food to save and share, and then invite friends and family to do the same, you can earn a residual income.

We know we are in tough times. This is a chance to build up your own Joseph Storehouse to save up and share with others during these tough times.

Click here to learn more!

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Progress Made at Fukushima Reactor
 14,000 killed in Quake & Tsunami, 11,000 missing, Thousands Homeless
Workers have entered a reactor building at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant for the first time since it was damaged by March's earthquake and tsunami. Plant operator Toyko Electric Power said a dozen staff are installing new ventilation systems in reactor number one to filter out radioactive particles from the air.
Watch video below (1.38 minutes) 
Progress made at Fukushima nuclear plant
Progress made at Fukushima nuclear plant

 Prayer: Abba, please be with the Japanese people as they begin to rebuild their lives from this epic catastrophe. As buildings, factories, homes, temples have been swept away, may many people turn to Yeshua for salvation. May the light and truth of your Torah bring renewed hope and deliverance to the people of Japan.  
Record Flooding Evacuates Thousands Along Mississippi River
 Underwater & Overwhelming: This is not a 100 yr flood, this is a
500 yr flood
Thousands of people living along the Mississippi river are evacuating their homes for higher ground, as the river approaches levels not seen in decades.
Watch CBS video (2.13 minutes)
Record flooding evactuates thousands along Miss. river
Record flooding evactuates thousands along Miss. river

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Bin Laden Planned to Attack US Trains on 9/11 Anniversary
bin laden compound

WASHINGTON -- Usama bin Laden was plotting an attack on U.S. trains on the upcoming anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to some of the first information gleaned from his compound, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News.
But the planning was more aspirational than concrete, counterterrorism officials say, adding that they have no recent intelligence pointing to an active plot for such an attack.                      Read more  

Hebrew Nation and Torah 2 the Nations Ministry
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Salem, OR 97305

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