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Rob (In That Day)?
So that through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
"In That Day"
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Prophecy Watch: 19th April – Judaism, Israeli Zionism and The Rise Of Anti-Semitism
Dear The Watchmen from Israel;
Most non-Jewish
people (especially evangelical Christians) do not know that there is a
difference between Judaism and Israeli Zionism. Some orthodox Jews in
the nations have attempted to point out the difference in that they
proclaim Judaism and Israeli Zionism are completely exclusive positions
and that one great deception that has been foisted on the world today is
that Zionism is Judaism and Zionism represents all the Jews. The
internet report below by Dr. Roni Stauber refelcts growing Jewish
concern about this misperception as being the underlying cause of
growing anti-semitism across the globe.
The majority of
evangelical Christian Zionists, along with many Messianics, certainly
appear to hold the perspective that Jewish Zionism – as expressed by
religious Jews in the modern secular socialist State of Israel - is in
fact not only equated with Judaism as a whole but is also the prophetic
biblical destiny of all Jewish people. In so doing they hold a
biblically imporverished theological view of the modern State of Israel,
and bestow upon it a special biblical “halo” of Divine favour, while in
the Book of Revelation there actually is written a very different
description (see Rev 11:8). The point being that this
“halo” view which favours a humanist socialist state was in reality
created by UN declaration, gives higher status to the pre-millenial land
of Canaan than that declared by YHVH, and denies the significance of the dire warning of Yahushua Messiah who is the only biblical prophet that declares the requirement to flee the land of Judea in the last days.
At the same time
such people deny the full prophetic lawful narrative of how YHVH will
restore the biblical land of Israel in the last days by His servant
Yahushua Messiah. These events will be brought about by Messiah Yahushua alone
when He returns to purge the land promised to Abraham from all its
uncleanness, iniquity and profanity and to bring back the exiles of
Jacob (all 12 Tribes and ingrafted strangers) from the nations. Many
Christians proclaim the return of Labour Zionist Jews in 1948 marked the
prophesied end time biblical return from exile, while completely
ignoring the full promises and declarations of the prophetic scripture
uttered by Moses, the major and minor prophets and the Apostles, that in
the last days “all Israel would be saved” when the “two sticks” are
united into one new redeemed nation and when He will bring His people
out of the the nations from exile all together (Ezekiel 37; Romans 11).
There is an
important sign immediatelty before us that people should carefully
consider in this debate, that being that while religious Israeli Zionism
has proclaimed that all Jews should be making “aliyah” to the State of
Israel as an act of obedience to the 613 commandments, that the majority of Jews in the Diaspora have not immigrated to the State of Israel.
Thus a simple obvious question needs to be asked, and that is why
has the majority of religious Jews still not yet chosen to make
“aliyah” to the State of Israel, even in these very last days? Do they perceive themselves to be religiously disobedient? It
seems that while Israeli Zionism believes the answer is that Jews are
not being obedient to Judaism, the actual answer can only be understood
from Judaism’s own eschatology. This is a precept that most sincere
religious Jews believe that they may only return when the Messiah of Israel comes and brings all 12 tribes of Jacob back.
In other words a significant section of religious Judah in the nations
believes that it is YHVH alone through His Messiah that has the only authority to bring all the remnant of Jacob back from the exile. The implications are consequently that they believe they should not take matters of end time redemption into their own hands,
or attempt to bring about their own redemption. This appears to be the
core difference between Israeli Zionism and Judaism in relation to
emigration to the modern State of Israel. Clearly there
are different voices that need to be heard when attempting to dismiss
confusion and understand authentic Judaism as opposed to Israeli
Zionism, which is being alluded to in the report below.
Christian and Messianic Zionists would then do well to wake up from
their constructed non-biblical eschatological slumbers and carefully
check what the biblical prophets really foretell concerning the
redemption of the land of covenanted biblical land of biblical Israel
in the last days and what actions the authentic Yahushua Messiah will
be undertaking. They of all peoples should be expected to be awake to
any confusion in this matter in the last days.
The research report
below states that the mistaken perception that Zionism is equivalent to
Judaism has permeated all peoples worldwide in these days. This
reality is just as the late Art Katz (2005), a messianic Jewish man who
prophesied for more than 20 years of his life giving grave warnings for
the last days, stated that it would be - that in the last days there
would come a time when Judah would suffer increasing global
anti-semitism once again because of Israeli Zionism, and even more
specifically that Judah who would be living in the State of Israel in
the last days would have to flee Judea and Jerusalem in accordance with
the very words of Yahushua Messiah prophesied (Matt 24:15; Mark 13:14). In
his days of prophetic ministry, Art Katz was declared by fellow
Messianic Jewish denominations across the USA, Australia and South
Africa, and also those Messianic Jewish congregations resident in the
state of Israel, to be a false prophet. Nevertheless
Art Katz was a man of strong courage in his convictions and
faithfully proclaimed his message throughout his days without change.
Those of us who have been around in the faith awhile, will remember the
late Art Katz and his exhortations which certainly pulled no punches…and
revealed something of the pain of walkning under the bruden of a true
prophet ministry.
The research by Dr
Roni Stauber reported below, appears to be a last days sign that
vindicates the very prophetic exhortation the late Art Katz gave warning
of. Who is watching? Let us also remember that the positive exhortation of the late Art Katz was directed towards his new covenant non-Jewish brethren in the faith of Yahushua Messiah.
He pleaded his faithful new-covenant non-Jewish brethren, that when the
end times do indeed come, and YHVH rises to address His controversy
with Judah, will his new-covenant brethren be ready to open their door,
as Judah will have nowhere else to turn…a radically different
eschatology to evangelical Christendom which hopes it will enjoy the
pre-tribulation rapture and view all these events with harps from cloud
99! now given the research report by Dr Stauber below, its a case
of whose prophetic report will you believe? Yahushua's warning and Art
Katz's idenification with this warning or Evangeglical Christian Zionism
or Messianic Zionism? Israeli Zionism or authentic Judaism?
Indeed, the Law of Moses declares in the prophetic parable of Joseph (Genesis 45 through 48) that it is Joseph
, who is the shadow type of Yahushua Messiah, and His House (Ephraim
and Manasseh) that have the biblical mandate and accountability in
YHVH’s redemptive plan for Judah and his companions in the last
days. Please note carefully that the redemptive narrative begins to
unfold not in the promised land of Canaan, as we see some Messianics
negotiating their acceptable terms of return to the current State of
Israel with Israeli Rabbincs and Sanhedrins, but it begins in the land
of Goshen which is associated with Egypt which is the shadow type of the nations with a face-to-face reconciliation with Joseph!
All the signs of sobering times are now facing the called out servants of the most High Elohiym
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The sign of gloabl rising anti-semitism
through a disdain for Israeli Zionism which is now perceived to be a
possible cause of coming world war is a very signficant sign in the
patchwork quilt of end times prophecy. It was Art Katz, a last days
prophet who alerted us to the words of Yahushua in this regard.
Without a divinely inspired vision of the coming fulfilment of biblical prophecy, many will turn out of the way in the coming days, but happy is he who keeps YHVH’s Law (instructions). (Proverbs 29:18). we need wisdom and understanding to pray correctly in accordance with
YHVH's plan of deliverance and to discern our specific calling in the
coming days, especially in regard to the redemption of the remant of the
house of Jacob.
Take care in Yahushua Messiah.
Dr. Roni Stauber, a
senior research fellow at the Stephen Roth Institute for the and one of
the report's authors added: "We began compiling these reports in 2001
and while we were very strict at the beginning, about differentiating
between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, in recent years it has become
virtually impossible.
data derived suggests that the propaganda promoted by the world's
radical Left and far Right have meshed together the hatred for Israeli
and that of Jews; and have created the perception that all Jews are 'in
cahoots' with Israel, and therefore anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are
the same."
The Pope Prays for World Without Borders (a.k.a. - one world government or one world Christendom in a one world order ??)
…”One is the community of all peoples, one their origin, for God made the whole human race to live over the face of the earth.”
From the document “Lumen gentium,” he said:
“The Church in
Christ like a sacrament or as a sign and instrument both of a very
closely knit union with God and the unity of the whole human race.
For this, it is fundamental that Christians, despite being dispersed through the world and …diverse by culture and traditions, be a single thing, as the Lord wishes.”
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