brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and Walking in Torah Ministries |
Monday, April 16, 2012 Nisan 24, 5772 24th day first biblical month, 6012 March 23rd/24th 2012_New moon sighted in Israel |
Greetings to the Hebrew
Nation community! This week I have cluster of stories around
Fukushima. Diplomat Akio Matsumura is warning that the disaster at the
Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan may ultimately turn into an event that
could extinguish all life on Earth.
Matsumura warned that "if the
crippled building of reactor unit 4 - with 1,535 fuel rods in the spent
fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground - collapses, not only
will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the
common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel rods, located some 50
meters from reactor 4," Matsumura said.
The mainstream media
and the federal government will soon have the blood of the world on it's
hands. Radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster in Japan is
now actively in the ecosystem all along the North American West coast...
even the sea weed is now radiated. Polar bears in Alaska are losing
fur and developing skin lesions.
I also have cluster of stories around the risks and dangers of vaccines. Please don't miss the story, "What do abortions and vaccines have in common?".
In a related story, we see that there has been a 78% increase in autism
over the past decade coinciding with new vaccination schedules. If you
have children or grandchildren on vaccine schedules, or you are
considering getting a flu shot yourself, please EDUCATE BEFORE YOU
VACCINATE. Be sure to listen to Rene Tunsky, founder of vacinfo.org website,
and her husband, Dr Gary Tunsky, share on the Hebrew Nation Morning
Show their insights, answers and practical wisdom on this topic.
don't like to share bad news without also sharing GOOD NEWS. Whenever I
can, I want to offer practical solutions to the problems we face.
does exposure to Fukushima radiation and exposure to toxic vaccines
have in common? Well, it means our bodies need to be cleaned of these
toxins. I want to point you to a product called Zeolite. This product
reverses heavy metal toxicity! It removes ammonia, pesticides and other
chemicals from the body. It is also the single most effective means of
removing radiation from the body. Zeolite was used after the Chernobyl
disaster: children were fed cookies and biscuits laden with zeolite to
help remove radiation from their bodies. Please research it out for
yourself, and if you feel so led, you may want to get a supply. Click here to learn more
of you may have heard that Hebrew Roots teacher, Gary Capps, suffered a
stroke on April 13th, Friday morning. Many have been praying, and he is
making good progress. He is off his ventilator and breathing on his
own. Please continue to LIFT HIM UP in your prayers. He has a journey
before him to recover and prayers have been greatly helping! If you
want to see a progress report on him, or wish to post an encouraging
message, click here.
This week was the launching of a new radio show, "The 1260 Report". Two watchwomen on the wall, Kimberly Rogers of Beastwatch News
and myself, have teamed up to report on headlines and highlights of the
news this week as it relates to end of days bible prophesies. Please check it out!
now, I want to recognize that with all the bad news that is happening,
being human, it is sometimes easy to fall into fear. I want to exhort
and encourage you, my brethren, my mishpocah, DO NOT BE AFRAID!. I
close in a prayer for us all:
Abba, as we see darkness and
oppression and evil around us, I thank you that we do not need to be
afraid. I thank you Abba, that we can take refuge in you and DWELL in
the SECRET PLACE, under the SHADOW of YOUR WINGS of the mighty Elohim. I
thank you, Abba, that YOU are our stronghold and our refuge and in YOU
and YOU ALONE do we put our trust. I thank you that you deliver us from
the snares of the trapper, and from destructive pestilence. Thankyou
Abba, that we are COVERED under your feathers, and HIDDEN under your
Thankyou Abba, that you have a GREAT DELIVERANCE
planned for your people and that you are saying to your people, even
now, "STAND STILL and see the deliverance of Yahweh which He does for
you today."
Thankyou Abba, that when fear and panic
hits those who are in the world, that you give us your supernatural
PEACE, CALMNESS and SHALOM. May you give us opportunities, Abba, to
point these folks to you, to your son, and to your living Torah which
you have written upon our hearts, that our friends and loved ones may
come into true covenant with you.
In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach,
Amein and amein
Blessings and shalom,
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Judge Napolitano: Obama Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism
Now He's Basically saying the Supreme Court Doesn't Count
Former Constitutional
expert Judge Andrew Napolitano says he fears that the president is
skirting "dangerously close to totalitarianism" with his recent
questioning of the authority of the Supreme Court to conduct a review of
Appearing on Neil Cavuto's
"Your World" show Wednesday, the Judge warned that Obama was
systematically flouting the system of checks and balances established by
the founding fathers.
"A few months ago he was
saying the Congress doesn't count. The Congress doesn't mean anything. I
am going to rule by decree and by administrative regulation."
Napolitano said.
"Now he's basically saying
the Supreme Court doesn't count. It doesn't matter what they think.
They can't review our legislation. That would leave just him as the only
branch of government standing."
"I think he has some problems with understanding the constitution or accepting limitations on his power." the Judge added.
Judge Napolitano: I Think the President Is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism |
ObamaCare and RFID Chips |
Buried on page 1001 of the ObamaCare Bill: Medical Device Registry
another little surprise that Obamacare is about to drop on you. They
have the authority in the new healthcare mandate to do all of this next
year in 2013. Sorry the video is long, (20 mins) but we had a lot of
info to get in here. Below are the actual U.S. government links from:
ALERT - Obamacare mandates FDA-approved implantable RFID chips! |
Fuel Pools of Fukushima: Short Term Threat To Humanity
Reactor #4 : Spent Fuel Rods are Exposed and Uncontained
Akio Matsumura is warning that the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear
plant in Japan may ultimately turn into an event capable of
extinguishing all life on Earth.
warned that "if the crippled building of reactor unit 4 - with 1,535
fuel rods in the spent fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground -
collapses, not only will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but
will also affect the common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel rods,
located some 50 meters from reactor 4," writes Matsumura.
both cases the radioactive rods are not protected by a containment
vessel; dangerously, they are open to the air. This would certainly
cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced. He
stressed that the responsibility of Japan to the rest of the world is
immeasurable. Such a catastrophe would affect us all for centuries.
Fukushima Reactor 4 |
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bless you!
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War with Iran Imminent? Preparing for the Days Ahead |
Pray! and Prepare! |
What does it mean? Commentary from HN News Editor:
It's not really about IF there is a war with Iran, it is really about
WHEN there will be a war with Iran. All the key players are gearing up
and preparing, staging their troops and ships and planes in that
theater. We see Russia amassing troops near the Iranian border; and,
this past week, we saw the LARGEST joint US-Arab Gulf Air force exercise EVER
in the history of the world. They are simulating war with Iran and an
operation for reopening the strategic Straits of Hormuz if it is closed
by Tehran. Ezekiel 38/39 tells us about this war and the nations of the
north who will come against Israel. We know this will happen; it is
just a matter of when.
So, let me paint you a scenario:
war with Iran breaks out (doesn't really matter who initiates it).
Russia and China side with Iran. Iran sends missiles to Israel. The
straits of Hormuz is shut down. The US fights back to open the straits.
Now we at war with Iran and with her allies, Russia and China. The price
of oil skyrockets, and it translates to 10.00 or 15.00/gallon at the
pump. This immediately tanks what remains of the whimpering US economy.
The "just in time" system of trucking food to grocery stores HALTS.
Within 3 days, the shelves at the grocery store are emptied.
do you do? Are you thinking and planning ahead? One thing you can do
RIGHT NOW is begin to store up and set aside quality foods to SERVE,
Please visit BreadofHeaven.myeFoods.com, from GoFoods Global, to learn more about how you can buy food to SERVE, SAVE and SHARE with others in the days ahead.
Proceeds from sales at this website will benefit the Hebrew Nation Radio and Hebrew Nation News Alerts ministry.
Expert: We'll See a Statistically Meaningful Increase in Cancer From Fukushima on West Coast
After Japan, Next Hottest Area is Cascade Mountains and Portland
Gundersen of Fairwinds Associates (a leading nuclear expert) and Warren
Pollock redefine the Fukushima nuclear incidents (meltdowns and
explosions) in terms of human and total cost in this video report.
Transcript Summary
At 16:55 in *After Japan, the next hottest area is the Cascades, the Pacific Cascades
* A lot of
the radiation came across the Pacific and hit the mountains, hit the
Rockies, and deposited on the west side of the Rockies
seen readings in the Portland areas of about 100 [becquerels/m²]
disintegrations per second in a square meter of cesium 134 and 137
At 17:55 in:
*We'll see over time a statistically meaningful increase in cancer
Radiation Warnings You Won't Get From Mainstream Media
Radiation from the
Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster in Japan is now actively in the
ecosystem all along the North American west coast... even the sea weed
is now radiated. The Vancouver Sun reported one year ago that the
seaweed tested from waters off the coast of British Columbia were 4
times the amount considered safe. No further test results were released
after the initial report.
The governments of the
United States and Canada are not conducting tests for radioactivity - at
least not to the knowledge of the public. Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton has agreed to continue purchasing seafood from Japan, despite
the fact that the food is not being tested for radioactive
Fukushima Radiation Burns: Fur Loss and Skin Lesions on Alaskan Polar Bears
scientists working for the U.S. Geological Survey report that some
Alaska polar bears are losing their fur. Tony DeGange, chief of the
biology office at the USGS Science Center in Anchorage, said that in the
past two weeks, of 33 bears checked by scientists, nine had alopecia --
loss of fur -- and other skin lesions in the southern Beaufort Sea
region near Barrow. Three of four bears inspected near Kaktovik on
Thursday showed the symptoms.
The scientists have been
collecting blood and tissue samples from the afflicted bears but do not
know the cause or the significance of the outbreak.
What Do Abortions and Vaccines Have in Common?
Commentary from HN News Alert Reader:
"When I first heard about the aborted fetal tissue in immunizations, I
was very disgusted and sickened. I have had many of the immunizations
available, especially through the military. I had to repent and ask
Father to forgive me, and to cleanse my body of the wicked uncleanness.
As well as that of my families. I believe with our walk with Him, clean
eating, shimon (essential oils) and linen and other healing things from
Abba, that He can and is healing and purifying us and restoring our
Now we have
these aborted babies being used in the development of flavors and such
for food and in cosmetics. How utterly vile. I shudder to think of
slathering an aborted child on my face so I can look younger. How did we
get to such a place? The saddest thing is, even when people find out,
many, even those who are supposedly pro-life, will shrug it off and keep
on as before. Either they fool themselves into thinking it is untrue or
they rationalize their use of such products with some twisted inhumane
self-centered logic.
stuff is so vile, it's hardly fathomable, except that we know some of
the depths humankind is capable of slithering down to.
Abba have mercy, Suzette Robinson
Let's pray: Abba,
we fall on faces in repentance over this practice that the abortion
machine does in taking the body parts of fetuses and selling them for
profit: for research, in vaccines, in certain drinks, foods and
cosmetics. Abba, our heart breaks for these tiny babies made in your
image that have been harvested for the mammon profit machine. Abba, we
REPENT over this VILE practice! Abba, this is truly the spirit of
Molech, where the ancient peoples sacrificed their newborn babies,
laying them at the feet of Molech where they were burned alive as a
sacrifice. Abba, forgive us for this horrendous practice! Abba, please
make us aware, and may we not consume any products that have aborted
fetal tissues or cells in them! May there be a great outcry against
this practice! May this practice be stopped! Abba please forgive!
Ezekiel 20:31: For when you offer your gifts and make your sons pass through the fire,
you defile yourselves with all your idols, even to this day. So shall I
be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live," says the Master
Yahweh, "I will not be inquired of by you.
Rev 18:11-13 And
the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys
their merchanside anymore, merchandise of gold and silver, and precious
stone and pearls, and fine linen an dpurple, and silk and scarleyt,
andall citron wood, and every object of ivory, and every object of most
precious wood and bronze and iron and marble, and cinnamon and incense,
and fragrant oil and frankincense, and wine and oil and fine flour and
wheat and cattle and sheep and horses and carriages and bodies and lives of men.
ADF: Coast Guard Officers Should Not be Forced To Violate Conscience in Order to Serve Country
IF vaccine contains Human Diploid cells (aka MRC5 proteins), THEN human diploid cells=aborted fetal tissue) |
who lay their life on the line to defend our shores are entitled to the
same religious freedoms as anyone else," said ADF Legal Counsel Matt
Bowman. "Members of the U.S. military should never be forced to make an
unconstitutional choice between honoring their country and honoring
their faith." In May 2006, the Coast Guard, which requires its personnel
to be vaccinated against a variety of diseases, ordered all active-duty
personnel to receive one of two vaccines against Hepatitis A or show
proof of immunity. The vaccines are derived from cells taken from the
lung tissue of a child who was electively aborted at 14 weeks gestation
and then dissected. The U.S. Coast Guard allows religious exemptions for
those who hold a "religious tenet or belief contrary to immunization.
78% Increase in Autism Over Past Decade Coincides with New Vaccination Schedules
rate of autism among American children has nearly doubled over the past
decade, according to a new report released by the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), jumping from about one in 150
children back in 2000 to about one in 88 children in 2008, which is the
last time official estimates were calculated. And interestingly, this
steady rise in autism rates coincides directly with CDC-endorsed
vaccination schedules that have also risen sharply since the 1980s.
Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates Polio Vaccination Drive in India
medical pediatricians in India have criticized the World Health
Organisation (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their
illusory promise of polio eradication without noting the devastating
side effects its vaccination regiment could inflict.
problems have surfaced from what Dr. Neetu Vashisht and Dr. Jacob
Puliyel of the Department of Paediatrics at St Stephens Hospital in
Delhi have termed an "unethical" advocacy that spanned more than a
decade. That vaccination program, funded only through an initial series
of grants, has saddled the Indian government with health program costs
and exposed the public to new risk factors.
the real story is that while polio has statistically disappeared from
India, there has been a huge spike in cases of non-polio acute flaccid
paralysis (NPAFP)- the very types of crippling problems it was
hoped would disappear with polio but which have instead flourished from a
new cause.
Hebrew Nation Morning Show: Talking with Gary and Rene Tunsky
Educate Before you Vaccinate!
can you do to protect your children or grandchildren from the dangers
of vaccines? You DO have the right NOT to vaccinate! There are
alternatives, choices and other options! Listen to the Hebrew Nation
Morning show, with naturopath Dr. Gary Tunsky, and his wife, Rene Tunsy,
and learn about living naturally, avoiding vaccines, and much more!
Listen in to learn how to make your life better!
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Stay up-to-date! Be awake, be alert, be aware and be prepared! |
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Remember Hey Jude? Listen to Beautiful new song: Hebrew |
By Brad Grooman, sung to the tune of "Hey Jude" |
Beautiful message...pay attention to the words....straight from the heart of Abba!
Hebrew.wmv |
Check out Newly Launched Show: The 1260 Report!
Rogers of Beastwatch News and Laura Densmore of HebrewNation News
Alerts team up to bring you News Headlines and Highlights as it relates
to end of days bible prophesies

Stories covered in this show:
*What is the significance of the 1260 days? Why is the show called the "1260 Report"?
*Looming war with Iran
*Obamacare, the Supreme Court and the RFID chip
*The latest on Fukushima and its impact on West Coast
*Tornadoes rip through Hebron Texas while Residents in Hebron, Israel Evicted from Home: Is there a link?
Bye Bye Dollar: BRICS Summit Decides to Trade Outside the Dollar
The Decline of the US Dollar: Hyperinflation is at the Door!
BYE BYE DOLLAR IT WAS FUN ! USA dollar NO LONGER world reserve currency! |
Gerald Celente: Decline of the US Dollar and the West
BRICS opting out of US Dollar: What does this mean for the US Economy?
According to
many economists, the days of the US dollar are numbered. As the currency
weakens many countries that use the dollar are searching for
alternatives. China is expected to be the top world economy in a matter
of years. To add insult to injury, the BRICS countries have decided to
lose the dollar and use their own currencies. So what does this mean for
the US dollar? Gerald Celente, publisher of The Trends Journal, joins
us for more.
Gerald Celente on the decline of Empire America |
America's Voting System a Complete Farce
James O'Keefe, who was
single handedly responsible for freezing millions of dollars of wasted
government funds to the ACORN association of community organizations due
to fraudulent and criminal practices, now demonstrates why it's
patently impossible for the United States to have a legitimate
time O'keefe's shocking hidden video records poll workers on Primary
Day in Washington, DC offering US Attorney General Eric H. Holder's
voting ballot to a complete stranger, As it stands now, and as evidenced
by O'keefe's latest video, the voting system in the United States is a
complete farce. Without identification requirements, candidates looking
to solidify their seats need only determine who has yet to cast a vote
(even if that person is dead), and then provide a body with a heartbeat
to assume that person's identity.
Shocking hidden video reveals all.
DHS Preparing for Civil War in the US?
massive ammo purchases by US domestic agencies, Obama's Executive Order
to prepare for martial law and recent anti-protests laws all point to
one thing.
The US
Department of Homeland Security and the Immigrations and Customs
Enforcement Office have placed a massive order for ammunition. The two
departments are asking for 450 million rounds of bullets to be delivered
in a time-frame of five years. The contractor, Alliant Techsystems, was
awarded the contract and will produce .40 caliber high-performance
bullets to the agencies. The order has many wondering why would DHS and
ICE need so many bullets. David Seaman, journalist and host of the DL
Show, helps us answer why the order was placed.
But that is only the start:
DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US? |
Financial Collapse: Then Crackdown
Control Grid Getting Put into Place
Get ready for the end
game. You're going to see what's happening in the rest of the world come
to this country. It Is Inevitable. It Is Going To Happen.
Collapse Then Crackdown ... |
Storm Trooping USA, Indefinite Detention and Creeping Fascism
is a totalitarian system of government that bases its economy on
capitalism, it's a marriage of government authority and military/police
power managed by corporate influence.
the following, all are characteristics of fascism: A dictatorial ruling
cabal runs the country, the military is increasingly being used to
control the civilian population, The government repeatedly violates the
U.S. Constitution, Government informants are spying on their fellow
citizens, Controlled mass media, Fraudulent election,Obsession with
national security, Disdain for the recognition of human rights,
Identification of enemies as a unifying cause, false flag (manipulated)
events, Corporate power is protected while labors power is suppressed,
Obsession with crime and punishment, Militarization of the police , A
trend toward corporatism and systematic destruction of the middle class,
A cult like leader
Consequences of fascism to the governed are the loss of rights and the enhancement of the elitists.
Indefinite Detention
power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating
any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment
of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of
all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." Winston Churchill
Hebrew Nation Radio Ministry 3190 Lancaster Dr Salem, OR 97305503-316-1220
News tip? Comments? email Laura Densmore
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