brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and Walking in Torah Ministries |
Monday, April 2, 2012 Nisan 10, 5772 10th day first biblical month, 6012 March 23rd/24th 2012_New moon sighted in Israel |
Greetings to the Hebrew
Nation community! I have a special report to highlight to you this
week. Eddie Chumney does a 5 minute news update every week (and it is
never 5 minutes). This week he does a Special Report/teaching on the
topic of "The USA in End Times Bible Prophesy". He gives a rich
scriptural foundation and context on this, revealing the scriptures that
indicate that the US may be involved in a war with the Medes (modern
day Iran) during the tribulation period.
then plays an excerpt of an interview from Pastor TD Hale who shares
about a dream he had in December 2011. This dream is an urgent warning
for those of us in the US concerning soon unfolding current events and
how it connects back to biblical prophesy. Please take time to listen to this special report! (3/31/12 issue)
We also have two newly released teachings from 119 Ministries:
The Greater Exodus and the Bloodmoon Tetrads
Daniel Unsealed
we go into the Passover season next weekend, please make time this week
to listen to these two teachings. As we look back to the Exodus in our
history, we can also look forward to another "Greater Exodus to Come".
are the days the prophets of old looked far into the future with great
hope and expectation. We are not to be afraid, but we can have great
hope, that as we go through these birth pangs, Abba is getting ready to
deliver His people. I close with scripture of this rich promise
concerning the day of the Lord:
"Oh! For great is that day, there is none like it. And it is the time of Jacob's distress (trouble) but he shall be saved out of it. "And it shall be in that day" declares Yahweh of hosts, "that I break his yoke from your neck, and tear off your bonds, and foreigners no more enslave them." "And they shall serve Yahweh their Elohim and David their king, whom I raise up for them." "And you, do not fear, O Jacob My servant", declares Yahweh, "nor be discouraged, O Israel." "For look, I am saving you from afar, and your seed from the land of their captivity. And Jacob shall return and have rest and be at ease, with no one to trouble him." "For I am with you", declares Yahweh, "to save you." "Though I make a complete end of all nations where I have scattered you, yet I do not make a complete end of you."
Jeremiah 30: 7-11
encouraged, be strengthened. May Yeshua be the bedrock of our faith and
may He be the anchor of our hope. May we look up, for our redemption
draws near!
Blessings and shalom,
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Eddie Chumney Special Report: The US in Bible Prophesy |
Special Report from Eddie Chumney: 5 Minute Update
From Eddie: This week's 5 minute update focuses on:
1) Teaching by Eddie Chumney: The USA in Bible Prophecy
2) A Prophetic Dream about the future of the USA by Pastor T.D. Hale. Interview with Rick Wiles
a Biblical prophetic perspective, the reason why the God of Israel
would allow these events to happen is because it will result in the end
of the exile of the house of Jacob and the reunification of the 12
tribes of Israel (Ephraim and Judah).
Commentary from HN News editor:
Get out your bible, notebook and pen. You will want to take notes!
Don't miss this breaking special report/teaching on the US in bible
prophesy, the end times fate of Babylon, the "day of the Lord", a
prophesied conflict with the Medes (the Iranians) and how these
scriptures connect to current events soon unfolding.
then plays an excerpt of an interview from Pastor TD Hale who shares
about a dream he had in December 2011. This prophetic dream shared is
an urgent warning to prepare for what is coming. Please test all
things, using discernment and wisdom, pray over these things shared, and
above all, have NO FEAR....Be strong and courageous and TRUST in Abba
in the coming the days ahead!
strong and very courageous, to guard to do according to all the Torah
which Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it right or left,
so that you act wisely where-ever you go." Joshua 1: 7
Bolton Accuses Administration of Leaking Story of Israeli Planning on Northern Iran Border
Israelis Suspect Obama Media Leaks to Prevent Strike on Iran
U.S. diplomat John Bolton alleged Thursday that the Obama
administration leaked a story about covert Israeli activity in order to
foil potential plans by the country to attack Iran's nuclear program.
"I think this leak today is part of the administration's campaign
against an Israeli attack," Bolton claimed on Fox News. Bolton, a Fox
News contributor, noted that a strike launched from a base near the
northern border of Iran would be much easier for the Israelis than a
strike launched from their own country -- jets could stay over their
targets longer and worry less about refueling. But he said tipping the
Israelis' hand by revealing "very sensitive, very important information"
could frustrate such a plan. "This is not a rogue CIA guy saying I
think I'll leak this out." "It's just unprecedented to reveal this kind
of information about one of your own allies," Bolton said.
What does it mean?
(HN News editor commentary). This intentional leak to the press was
public and brutal: the USA formally disclosed secret information about
Israeli plans, which has effectively put an end to any possibility of
carrying out an aerial attack on Iran by Israel. This leak to the press
about Israel's secret base is an unconscionable action that threatens
Israel and endangers IDF troops on the ground. The Obama administration
is truly behaving as "enemies" of Israel. Obama would rather wait until
"after his re-election" before a engaging in a war with Iran.
The bible tells us: "And
I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses or uses
insolent language toward you; in you will all the clans of the earth be
blessed." Gen 12:3
Let's pray! (from Capitol Hill Prayer Partners) O
God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and our God, we thank You for bringing
this work of darkness out into the Light. Father, we ask, that according
to Your Word, You would bless those who bless Israel, and curse those
who curse Israel. Betraying the trust of an ally, who is in mortal
danger, certainly seems to qualify as a curse. We thank You that You are
the God of Israel, and You watch over Your Word to perform it! It goes
forth out of Your mouth, and it does not return to You void, but
accomplishes the thing it was sent out to do. We ask, Lord, that the
curse would return upon the person or persons who did this; and not our
entire nation. You know that the majority of Americans are kindly
inclined toward Israel, and we ask that Your judgment would come only
upon those responsible for this betrayal. Bless and protect Israel, we
pray, and give them Your strategies and favor! In Yeshua's precious Name, Amen!
Toulouse Massacre: A Call From the Heart |
An Impassioned Heart-felt Plea from Eva Sandler, wife of slain Rabbi of Toulouse
heart is broken. I am unable to speak. There are no ways for me to be
able to express the great and all-consuming pain resulting from the
murder of my dear husband Rabbi Jonathan and our sons, Aryeh and
Gavriel, and of Miriam Monsonego, daughter of the dedicated principal of
Ozar Hatorah and his wife, Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Monsonego. May no one
ever have to endure such pain and suffering.
so many of you, my cherished brothers and sisters in France and around
the world, are asking what you can do on my behalf, on behalf of my
daughter Liora and on behalf of the souls of my dear husband and
children, I feel that, difficult though it may be, it is incumbent upon
me to answer your entreaties.
husband's life was dedicated to teaching Torah. We moved back to the
country of his birth to help young people learn about the beauty of
Torah. He was truly a good man, loving, giving, and selfless. He was
sensitive to all of G-d's creatures, always searching for ways to reveal
the goodness in others.
He and I raised Aryeh and Gavriel to live the ways of Torah.
please kiss your children. Tell them how much you love them, and how
dear it is to your heart that they be living examples of our Torah,
imbued with the fear of Heaven and with love of their fellow man.
Please increase your study of Torah, whether on your own or with your family and friends. Help others who may find study difficult to achieve alone.
Please bring more light into the world by kindling the Sabbath candles this and every Friday night. (Please do so a bit earlier than the published times as a way to add holiness to our world.)
Finish the article
Jewish Situation in France Unbearable |
Fallout and Repercussions from the Toulouse France Jihad Massacre
Zachary, an immigrant from France, attended the news conference called
Sunday by the editor of a French-Israeli publication and spoke out
against the rampant anti-Israeli incitement in France. She described a
situation that sounds somewhat like descriptions of pre-Holocaust
"Jews are being attacked all the time," she said
in the buses, in the Metro, going to school, coming from school,
couples in the street - this is just an unbearable situation. And we
are talking about France, we are not talking about some kind of jungle.
This is one of the main countries of Europe."
Read more (Arutz Shiva)
"French Media must Re-Think its Strategy" |
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Stay up to date! Be awake, be alert, be aware, be prepared |
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bless you!
Donate now (scroll halfway down the page, on the right hand side, under "Support the Ministry", indicate gift is for HN News Alerts)
Global March to Jerusalem a Dud |
was anticipated that as many as two million Arabs and foreign
pro-Palestinian activists would storm Israel's borders from all sides
and infiltrate Jerusalem in order to protest the "Judaization" of the
city. Even Israel was taking the threat seriously, and put a large
amount of reserve military forces on alert for possible call-up. But in
the end, the Global March to Jerusalem was a dud.
thousand people did gather at protest sites in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria,
Gaza and the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Judea and
Samaria. But the numbers were far lighter than originally threatened,
and most Israelis were barely aware that there was a protest happening.
Read more (Israel Today) |
State Department Won't Recognize Jerusalem as Capitol of Israel
Watch the short and revealing YouTube clip
State Dept Wont Recognize Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel |
Passover Rhapsody |
Produced from our Friends at AISH.com |
Watch this engaging story of the Hebrews deliverance out of Egypt and the first Passover kept!
Passover Teaching/Discussion on the Hebrew Nation Morning Show |
See the Shadow Pictures of Messiah Yeshua as He Fulfilled this Spring Feast in Every Detail! |
Note from HN News Editor:
It is important that we keep the Feasts (the moedim/set times) so we
can keep our appointment with Abba. There are some things He wants to
reveal with us during Passover. I urge you to keep the Passover Feast
in your home or join with another family in this important Spring Feast.
1) Why do we observe Pesach?
2) What are the pictures that the Passover teaches us?
3) When do we observe the Passover?
4) How do we observe the Passover?
5) With whom do we observe the Passover?
Join us to find out!
119 Ministries Presents: Greater Exodus and Daniel Unsealed |
119 Ministries presents its
latest teachings that pulls together and synthesizes facts to give us an
understanding and "big picture" of the end of days prophetic calendar
as it is given to us in Daniel 9. If you are new to Hebrew roots,
recommended to go through Pt 1 and Pt 2 first.
Torah Portion for Week for 3/31/12
Please Note: There are many Haggadahs all with same basic theme. Search on internet using search engine (e.g.Startpage.com) and search on "Messianic Haggadah".
10 Reasons Why Reign of the Dollar as the World Reserve Currency is About to Come to an End
U.S. dollar has probably been the closest thing to a true global
currency that the world has ever seen. For decades, the use of the U.S.
dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade. This has
had tremendous benefits for the U.S. financial system and for U.S.
consumers, and it has given the U.S. government tremendous power and
influence around the globe. Today, more than 60 percent
of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars. But
there are big changes on the horizon. The mainstream media in the
United States has been strangely silent about this, but some of the
biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other
to move away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade. There
are also some oil producing nations which have begun selling oil in
currencies other than the U.S. dollar, which is a major threat to the petrodollar system which has been in place for nearly four decades.
#1 China And Japan Are Dumping the U.S. Dollar In Bilateral Trade
#2 The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Plan To Start Using Their Own Currencies When Trading With Each Other
#3 The Russia/China Currency Agreement
#4 The Growing Use Of Chinese Currency In Africa
#5 Iran
Get Your Leaven Out: Brad Grooman and Worship Team
we clean out our homes of all leaven (yeast) this week, it is a
prophetic action and shadow picture for us to repent of any leaven (sin)
in our lives. May we each take time to allow the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy
Spirit) to put the spotlight on our hearts and reveal any sin that needs
to be repented of. Enjoy the song!
Get your leaven out - live Teshuvah worship.wmv |
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Stay up-to-date! Be awake, be alert, be aware and be prepared! |
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Court Signals Entire Health Care Bill May Need to Be Struck Down |
Supreme Court Decision to Be Announced in June |
In the Supreme Court's
final day of arguments on the constitutionality of the 2010 health care
law, the justices wrestled Wednesday with what happens to the law if
they strike down the provision that requires the uninsured to buy
think a majority of the court believes that if it rules that
individual mandate is unconstitutional, then the rest of the health
care law probably cannot be saved," reported NBC's Pete Williams after
hearing the 90 minutes of oral argument.
would seem that a majority of the court -- again, breaking down along
the familiar lines -- believes ... it would be a very difficult, almost
impossible, chore to figure out which parts of the law could still be
saved," Williams reported.
White House Insider: Obama Election Team Preparing for "Healthcare Warfare" Campaign |
A brief
heads up from a longtime D.C. political operative indicates "serious"
discussions among high ranking members of Barack Obama's re-election
team on how to handle a possible Supreme Court ruling against Obamacare -
discussions that include a "Healthcare Warfare" operation that will
purposely create widespread chaos throughout the American healthcare
industry - putting you and your loved ones at risk.
First few
days of SC going well for us. Yesterday rocked them back. Today not
as explosive but real panic setting in among the Obama people.
Discussion last night with -Name Deleted - told me his contact
at -Deleted- indicated administration is already putting up warnings
regarding summer chaos plan if SC decision goes against them. Called it
a "Healthcare Warfare" plan. Muck up the administrative machine so
badly there will be delays, confusion, and then anger. They are serious
about it.
Hebrew Nation Radio Ministry 3190 Lancaster Dr Salem, OR 97305503-316-1220
News tip? Comments? email Laura Densmore
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