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Walking in Torah Ministries |
Monday, March 5, 2012
Adar 11, 5772
11th day, 12th month, 6011
Feb 23rd, 2012_ New moon sighted in Israel |
Greetings to the Hebrew Nation community! Last week, within a 24 hour period, I had three different people recommend to me that I read the book, "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn. These three people do not know each other. That grabbed by attention. Seemed that Abba wanted me to read the book. I ordered the book from Amazon.com, and am nearly done reading it. There is an amazing parallel happening between the events of ancient Israel and the events in post 9/11 America today. A harbinger is a warning, which, if unheeded, becomes a judgment. Jonathan Cahn reveals in his book, "The Harbinger", how the Isaiah 9:10. scripture is being played out today in the US. Don't miss the YouTube clip below that goes into more detail! Much is happening in the Middle East this week. We need to keep a close eye on Syria. More than 9,000 people have died since the uprisings began. The military has been going into the city of Homs and brutally torturing and killing citizens there. Why is the US choosing not to get involved? Iran and Syria have close ties to each other. Obama wants Iran to come to the negotiating table regarding nuclear disarmament, so this is why he backs away from the Syria situation. This is also why Obama is pressuring Netanyahu not to attack Iran. He wants Iran to come to the negotiating table. (Do we really think negotiations are going to stop Iran from its nuclear weapons course?) Meanwhile, the citizens continue to die in this bloody crackdown. Syria, could, potentially, be the spark that lights up a fire in the whole region. Please keep Syrian citizens in your prayers! I close with a prayer and praise from Psalms: "Elohim is our refuge and strength, a help in distress, soon found. Therefore we do not fear, though the earth reels, and mountains topple into the heart of the seas. Let its waters rage, foam; Let mountains shake with its swelling. Selah There is a river whose streams make glad the city of Elohim, The set-apart dewlling of the Most High. Elohim is in her midst, she does not topple. Elohim does help her when morning turns." Psalm 46:1-6 Blessings and shalom,
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip? Comments? questions? Please email Laura at:
The Harbinger |
Learn About the Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret to America's Future
"The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars." Isaiah 9:10
Because of their rebellion and idolatry, ancient Israel came under Abba's judgment. The Assyrian empire had just attacked Israel, punching through city walls, taking down buildings throughout the northern kingdom. What was Israel's response? Instead of responding in repentance and returning to the God of Israel, they responded in defiance: We will rebuild, we will come back even bigger and stronger. We will replace the fallen bricks with hewn stones, we will replace the sycamore with cedars."
There is an amazing parallel happening between the events of ancient Israel and events in post 9/11 America today. A harbinger is a warning, which, if unheeded, becomes a judgment. Jonathan Cahn reveals in his book, "The Harbinger", how the Isaiah 9:10. Scripture, is being played out today in the US. Did you know that a block away from ground zero at 9/11 site, there was an uprooted sycamore tree found?
Did you know that on the third anniversary after Sept of 2004, that a "hewn stone" ( a gazit stone) was brought to the 9/11 site to "dedicate". On the surface, it was a symbol of rebuilding. But on a deeper level, it was a symbol of national defiance, that, instead of repenting and returning to God, that nation would turn its fallen bricks into massive stones. Did you know that this verse above, (spoken in rebellion and defiance against God), was quoted by key government leaders on at least three different occasions after 9/11? Learn how this ancient mystery/prophesy concerning Israel is seemingly being repeated in America. If we pay attention to the harbingers, and repent and return, perhaps further judgment can be avoided.
Watch full-length interview of Jonathan Cahn (60 mins)
The Harbinger - Rabbi Cahn, Full Version |
UN Rights Body Alarmed by Reports of Grisly Syria Executions |
The U.N. rights body urged the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Friday to respect international law after receiving unconfirmed reports of 17 "grisly" executions as forces overran Baba Amr in the city of Homs.
Al Arabiya TV reported on Friday, quoting the Syrian Revolution Council, that at least 10 young men were executed in Baba Amro. "We are alarmed at reports starting to come out of the Babr Amro district of Homs after it was taken over by Syrian forces yesterday," said Rupert Colville, spokesman for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Colville said the OHCHR had been given information "suggesting a particularly grisly set of summary executions" had taken place on Thursday as regime forces overran the Baba Amr neighborhood.
To Draw Iran into Nuclear Talks, Obama Avoids Ousting Syria's Assad |
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal did not hide his anger before marching out of the Friends of Syria conference attended by 70 nations in Tunis Friday, Feb. 24 after they fell in behind US plans for avoiding direct action against Syria's Bashar Assad. Filmed sitting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Saudi minister told a reporter that arming the Free Syrian Army was an "excellent idea" because they needed to defend themselves. Clinton remained frostily aloof on this obvious bone of contention.
As one of the world's richest oil and financial powers, Saudi Arabia could buy and sell Iran several times over, and after seeing the ayatollahs get away with insulting America time and time again, the Saudi foreign minister did not pull his punches when he faced his US colleague. He was frank about Riyadh and the Obama administration being miles apart in their perceptions of current Middle East events; resentment over the US role in the overthrow of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak remains a constant irritant.
This dissonance came to the fore when Saudi al Faisal accused Washington of reducing Assad's butchery of his opponents to the level of a humanitarian issue and so saving his regime.
Read more (Debka File)
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In Meeting, Obama to Pressure Netanyahu Not to Strike Iran |
White House Meeting on Monday, 3/5/12
President Obama plans to caution Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week against attacking Iran's nuclear facilities in the coming months, urging patience while international economic sanctions take full effect. Obama's meeting with Netanyahu on Monday begins a critical week in his effort to contain Iran's nuclear ambitions and preserve the trust of the United States' closest Middle East ally. Israeli leaders have made clear they think time is running out to stop Iran from achieving the ability to build a nuclear weapon.
Please PRAY! Please keep this crucial meeting in your prayers today! Pray that Netanyahu will have favor in these meetings and that the US will be a friend and support to Israel in this critical hour.
Over 100 Tornadoes Pummel and Pelt the Southeast |
Tornado Wipes out Indiana Town of Marysville
A massive tornado outbreak occurred in the U.S. on Friday, with a total of 101 tornado reports according to NOAA. The outbreak spanned across 10 states. During the day, the National Weather Service issued 269 tornado and 335 severe thunderstorm warnings. Areas affected by the storms included West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, Alabama and other Gulf Coast states. At least 38 fatalities have been attributed to the storms.
The state of Kentucky was placed under a state of emergency as storms made their way across the region. Several small towns in southern Indiana were destroyed. The outbreak surpassed the previous March calendar day record of 74 tornadoes from March 11-13, 2006.
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) This is happening just days before the crucial meeting between Obama and Netanyahu. The bible tells us in Gen 12:3 as God spoke to Abraham and his seed: "And I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you." Whenever the US has come against the nation of Israel, the US has known swift and immediate consequences (judgments from Abba). When the US pressured Israel to give up the Gaza strip land, after the last of the people were forcibly evicted from their homes in Gaza, within 24 hours, the US was hit with hurricane Katrina. Could it be that the tornadoes are a "sign", a "warning" that if Obama turns against Netanyahu and does not give support to this nation in its grave hour of danger, with the threat of nuclear annihilation from Iran, that these warnings will worsen? Please pray for these important meetings happening between Obama and Netanyahu.
The Purim Song |
Watch "The Purim Song" to Learn the Message of Purim!
This coming week is Purim (March 8-10). This commemorates the story in the book of Esther when the Jewish people were taken away to captivity in Babylon. Haman has the king issue an edict to completely annihilate all the Jews. Because of Esther's willingness to go before the king and intercede on behalf of her people, the Jews were spared from complete annihilation.
Interesting how history repeats...the same Haman spirit is working today. Achmadinejab wants to "wipe Israel off the map".
Israel and Iran at the 11th Hour |
Showdown Between Israel and Iran |
In world politics, irrational does not mean "crazy." It does mean valuing certain goals or objectives even more highly than national survival. In such rare but not unprecedented circumstances, the irrational country leadership may still maintain a distinct rank-order of preferences. Unlike trying to influence a "crazy" state, therefore, it is possible to effectively deter an irrational adversary. Iran is not a "crazy," or wholly unpredictable, state. Although it is conceivable that Iran's political and clerical leaders could sometime welcome the Shiite apocalypse more highly than avoiding military destruction, they could also remain subject to alternative deterrent threats.
Read more (Israel Unity Coalition)
Torah Portion for Week for 3/10/12 |
Listen to Song, "O House of Judah, O House of Israel" |
Written by Alana Whitley, Sung by Kimberly Rogers
If you are interested in purchasing the CD, go here
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Mosques in America Have Doubled Since 9/11 |
Mosques in the United States have doubled in number since the September 11 attacks, with urban and suburban centers seeing an uptick in mosque construction over the last decade, according to a new report. The number of Islamic mosques in the United States has grown sharply, by about 75 percent, in the last decade according to a study by a number of Muslim groups and the University of Kentucky.
The research indicated that there are now 2,106 Islamic centers in the United States, compared with 1,209 and 2000 and 962 in 1994. A significant amount of growth came in the period between 2000 and 2011, as Muslim Americans were under intense scrutiny by government officials in the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York.
Ihsan Bagby, the professor at the University of Kentucky who was the chief author of the study, said the information demonstrated that Muslims are carving out a place for themselves despite the backlash in the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York in 2001.
Top 6 states with Islamic centers: Calif: 227 Florida: 57 Michigan: 23 Louisiana: 24 Arizona: 23 Washington: 24
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Original Truth: Connecting the Dots |
Listen to Rabbi Rob Miller as He Discusses this Topic |
Listen to this intriguing topic presented by Rabbi Rob Miller, from HebrewNationradio.
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