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Monday, February 20, 2012

Muslims Attack Churches in France

Mohammedans have been attacking more churches in France. Above you can see graffiti sprayed on a church wall in Escaudain. It says "Fuck France", "Fuck FN" [Front National], "Sarko we fuck you", "Death to the Pigs", "Morocco Power!" The AFP reported this incident, mentioning only the anti-Sarko and anti-FN tags, completely leaving out the anti-French and pro-Moroccan messages.

Another church in Épiais, dating from the 16th century, was robbed and then burned. The perpetrators were also responsible for a series of recent burglaries in the area. They have been arrested but no details about their identity have been released. So we don't know definitively that these were Muslims but I find hard to believe otherwise. Read the rest on:
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