brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah Ministries
Monday, Feb 13th, 2012
Shevat 20, 5772
20th day, 11th month, 6011
Jan 24th, 2011_ New moon sighting in Israel |
Greetings to the Hebrew Nation community! This issue is a SPECIAL REPORT, exploring the question: "Are We Already Living in Martial Law and We Just Don't Know it"? So, let's think this through together. Let's REVERSE ENGINEER it. If a "secret plan" is already being implemented to put US citizens under martial law, what would it look like? What would we see? Let's take all the pieces of the puzzle, look at them one by one, pull them together and then see what the "big picture" looks like!
Here is a short list: I will go into each of these items at greater length, with facts to document each one of these points:
Prayer: I praise you, Abba, that our true citizenship is not in any nation or country on this earth. Our citizenship is in heaven, and we, by faith, who are Abraham's seed, have been "grafted in" to the commonwealth/citizenship of Israel.
"For our citizenship is in the heavens, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Master Yeshuah Messiah." Phil 3:20
I invite you to join the conversation/discussion! The Hebrew Nation Morning show will be discussing this article on the Monday morning show (8am to 10am Pacific). If you would like to CALL IN and comment, call: 503-316-1220. Or, visit HebrewNation.net, and post a comment on the HebrewNation Radio Morning Show Group! A couple of housekeeping details:
Please note NEW publish day: MONDAY mornings!
Blessings and shalom,
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip? Comments? questions? Please email Laura at: One final note: Just wanted to give you a "heads up". I love hearing comments and feedback from you. Many of you are also "watchers on the wall" and share hot news tips with me. Due to Google's new NON privacy policy that will be taking effect on March 1, I am closing my gmail account. My new email where you can reach me is:
walkingintorah@hotmail.com. Please update your email directory. Thanks so much!
Are We Under Martial Law and We Just Don't Know it? |
A Hebrew Nation News SPECIAL REPORT
This is a HUGE question...and the answer to it has enormous ramifications. We can speculate on this question and opionionate and midrash on it all we want, but, together, let us dig into some hard facts/evidence to seek the truth. Let's take a look at the facts, and then I ask you, my dear reader, to come to your own conclusions. If, in fact, we conclude from those facts, that we are indeed under a rollout of an "undeclared" martial law in the US, this is a whole new MIND SET to wrap our thinking around...it is difficult to do. You may have a visceral/gut reaction against it. I did!
It is somewhat like what happened with Neo in the movie, "the Matrix"; he was given a choice. Morpheus shows Neo two pills: a blue one and a red one. If Neo chooses the blue pill, he will wake up in his bed and forget about everything that happened thus far, and go back to being "asleep" in his Matrix reality and believe whatever he wants. If he takes the red one he will see "how far down the rabbit hole goes".
Red-pill/Blue Pill |
If you, my dear reader, do not want your worldview and mindset challenged, turned inside out or upside down, then stop reading this article now. In effect, this is taking the blue pill, and going on with "business as usual".
However, if you are seeking truth, and are willing to take a look at some facts that might upset you, challenge you, and turn things inside out, then continue reading. Take the red pill and let's see where the rabbit hole leads us.
So, let's think this through together. Let's REVERSE ENGINEER it. If a "secret plan" is already being implemented to put US citizens under martial law, what would it look like? What would we see? Let's take all the pieces of the puzzle, look at them one by one, pull them together and then see what the "big picture" looks like!
Here is a short list: then I will go into each of these things at greater length, with facts to document each one of these points:
*The Patriot Act
*False Flag Events (aka Black Psyops)
*NDAA bill signed into Law
*ACTA Internet censorship treaty signed by Obama
*Google's new NON privacy policy takes effect 3/1/12
*Surveillance Drone Planes now authorized to surveil the US
*Explosion of surveillance CCTV cameras in major cities all over US
*Heightened activity/training/preparations at FEMA camps since passage of NDAA
*Continuity of Government/Secret plan for emergency Martial law
*US Citizens Designated as "Enemy" During Collapse
*Rex 84 plan for Martial Law
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The Patriot Act: The Beginnings of the Police State |
"Under the Patriot Act, you don't have to declare martial law. You just do it." (Anonymous insider source)
The Patriot Act was passed on 10/25/2001, only 6 weeks after the events of 9/11. The bill is 315 pages long. It had already been written, and then was taken off the shelf and put before Congress to vote on. It was posted on the House intranet (internal internet) for only 15 minutes and then they had to vote. There was no debate allowed on the floor of the house. It has been reauthorized under Obama. It would better be named the "Martial Law Act". What the Act does:
*Massive expansion of electronic surveillance *No more probable cause *indefinite detention of suspected terrorists *massive expansion of warrantless monitoring/interception of electronic communications (email, cellphone, texts, social networks) *establishment of NISAC *increased information sharing between Federal/State/local law enforcement
(consolidation of power)
Listen to Comments from Judge Napolitano on the Patriot Act below:
Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural Rights and The Patriot Act part 1 of 3 |
False Flag Events |
What is a False Flag Event? How Have they been Used in History?
False flag (aka Black Flag or Psyops) operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and can be used in peace-time.
"The Reichstag Fire" On February 27th 1933 Hitler, in a staged pretext, set fire to the Reichstag building. He then used this incident as a pretext to convince the German people that the Communists were trying to take over the country. This convinced the German people to stand by, while he was able to set up a police state to control the population.
"Pearl Harbor" It has been known for quite some time that the Untied States had no intention of entering World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor was out right incited and allowed to happen. F.D.R. purposed on Febuary 11th 1941 sacrificing 6 cruisers and 2 carriers at Manila to get into war. (PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE COMING OF WAR 1941 pg. 424) In March of that same year he sold weapons and ammunition to belligerents Europe which is a violation of international law. There were warnings in advance of the attack but was ignored and allowed so F.D.R. could have his war.
1964 " The Golf Of Tonkin": Led to US Involvement in Viet Nam War In 1964 the American people were once again fooled into going into war. Whats known as "The Golf of Tonkin" incident was the pretext to enter war with Vietnam. It was claimed that Vietnamese P.T. boats fired upon U.S. destroyers, provoking an attack, which led to the U.S. invasion of Vietnam. Only one problem....IT NEVER HAPPENED. It has been declassified, it is part of the historical record.
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9/11: Was This a False Flag Event Used to Usher in Martial Law? |
False Flag Events in More Recent History
Was another "Pearl Harbor" false flag event perpetrated against the American people to garner their support against the "war on terror"? If, in fact, it was a Black Ops, PSYOP move, it became a "defining moment" in history, and ushered in the beginning of the rise of a POLICE STATE in the Western world.
The Patriot Act was signed into law on 10/25/2001 only 6 weeks after 9/11. The bill is 315 pages, and was already written and ready to go. Better named the "Martial Law Act", it strips Americans of many of their constitutional rights.
The documentary "Loose Change" is well researched, with many facts coming out that fly in the face of the official "government story" about what happened on that day. It lends great evidence to the theory that a "secret rogue few" within the US government were behind these attacks in order to carry out their own agenda.
Loose Change - Final Cut 2012 (Full Length) |
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor). The film above documents "How" the government was very likely involved with the 9/11 attacks. Why would a secret rogue few within the US government perpetrate such an atrocity against the American people? What were the results/outcome of the attack? *Signing of the Patriot Act: HUGE step toward shredding of Constitution and establishment of a "Police State"
*US entering the Afghanistan/Iraq war arena with support of American people
We can infer that these were the two desired outcomes from the attacks and that this was the motivation behind the attacks.
Is a False Flag Stage Being Set for Iran Attack? |
Events over the last several days reveal that the United States and Israel plan to conduct a false flag terror event to be blamed on Iran. The event will likely occur within the next six months and will result in an attack on Iran prior to the November election.
Intelligence in U.S. and Israel Warn of Domestic Terror Attack
Officialdom in the United States and Israel have issued a warning about an Iranian "threat stream" against Israeli "soft targets" in America.
The warning arrives several days after Obama's intelligence boss James Clapper said Iran may strike inside the United States, "We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase... on both our guarded sites and 'soft' sites," states a letter sent out by the head of security for the Israeli Consul General for the Mid-Atlantic States.
NDAA Bill: Declares Homeland a Battlezone |
Authorizes Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Without Charge or Trial
WASHINGTON -- Indefinite military detention of Americans became the law of the land Saturday, as President Barack Obama signed a defense bill that codified that authority, even as he said he would not use it. The National Defense Authorization Act states how the military is to be funded, but also includes a number of controversial provisions on arresting and holding suspected terrorists, which at first drove Obama to threaten a veto.
Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law |
Heightened Activity/Training At FEMA Camps Since NDAA Passed |
Source Exposes FEMA Training Camp at Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri |
An anonymous source has sent photos to Infowars.com of a FEMA training camp located at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Sam will talked with Alex Jones on his nationally syndicated radio show today.
The FEMA camp whistleblower was contracted to work at the camp. He describes it as a "civilian inmate training camp" and told Infowars.com he has spotted foreign troops in maroon and purple uniforms instructing troops in the use of baton tactics and crowd control techniques.
He said there has been "incredible activity" at the camp since the passage of NDAA.
Finish the article (InfoWars)
Torah Portion for Week for 2.18.12 |
Obama Signs ACTA Internet Censorship Treaty |
Worse Than SOPA |

Months before the debate about Internet censorship raged as SOPA and PIPA dominated the concerns of web users, President Obama signed an international treaty that would allow companies in China or any other country in the world to demand ISPs remove web content in the US with no legal oversight whatsoever. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement was signed by Obama on October 1 2011, yet is currently the subject of a White House petition demanding Senators be forced to ratify the treaty. The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as "executive agreement," although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.
What does it mean? Obama has pulled a "workaround". He could not get the political support for SOPA to pass through Congress. So, he went right over the heads and behind our backs of the American people and signed onto to an internet control bill at the international level. This is a bill that brought thousands of protesters to the streets in Poland.
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Rob Moore, In that Day Ministries, Interviewed on HN Morning Show |
Warns about End of Days Deception Concerning Israel; Shares about more "Signs in the Heavens" coming During Feast Days
A number of Ephraimite Hebrews are being decieved by Jewish rabbis who are really false prophets. While inviting "10 tribers" back to Israel, they insist that they come under their authority rather than the authority of the Messiah. Be ware of Kol Ha Tor! In the second hour, Rob talks about some coming "heavenly signs" that will be seen in the constellations that hearald the regathering of Israel and the return of Messiah!
Visit InThatDay web site (video studies for more depth0
Google's New NON Privacy Policy Will Track Your Internet "Footprint" |
Another step toward monitoring, surveillance and censorship
This iGoogle will soon know far more about who you are and what you do on the Web. The web giant announced this week that it plans to track the internet "footprint" of users across its many services and products, including, YouTube, Google Plus Social Networking, Google Maps Google Calendar, Picasa, Gmail, the Google search engine. For the first time, it will be combining data across its Web sites to put together a complete "internet footprint" of users on the web. To learn more about how Google tracks you, click here. The changes will take effect on March 1.
New Brad Grooman Song |
Pauls Testimony Along the Road to Damascus: Parody of Hotel California
Enjoy this latest song from Brad Grooman, "Bondslave to Yeshua"
Bondslave to Yah'shua.wmv |
Surveillance Drones Over US Gets OK by Congress |
US to Launch Insurgent Tracking Drones in the US
Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's ... a drone, and it's watching you. That's what privacy advocates fear from a bill Congress passed this week to make it easier for the government to fly unmanned spy planes in U.S. airspace. The provision in the legislation is the fruit of "a huge push by lawmakers and the defense sector to expand the use of drones" in American airspace, she added.
US to Launch Insurgent Tracking Drones in the US
Post 9/11: Surveillance Cameras Everywhere |
30 Million CCTV Cameras Now Being Used in the US
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the market for video surveillance cameras boomed in the United States and around the world. Shocked by the worst attack on U.S. soil in 60 years, everyone from small-business owners to executives of giant multinationals rushed to get advanced security measures in place.A decade later, there haven't been any more major terrorist attacks in the United States, but there are an estimated 30 million more security cameras. Instead of being used to prevent terrorist attacks, experts say cameras are more often used for mundane purposes....
UK: The Most Surveiled Country in the Western World At the end of 2006, the UK was described by the Surveillance Studies Network as being 'the most surveilled country' among the industrialized Western states. On 6 February 2009 a report by the House of Lords Constitution Committee, Surveillance: Citizens and the State, warned that increasing use of surveillance by the government and private companies is a serious threat to freedoms and constitutional rights, stating that "The expansion in the use of surveillance represents one of the most significant changes in the life of the nation since the end of the Second World War. Mass surveillance has the potential to erode privacy. As privacy is an essential pre-requisite to the exercise of individual freedom, its erosion weakens the constitutional foundations on which democracy and good governance have traditionally been based in this country.
Red Spotlights to Mark "Pre-Crime" Suspects in New Jersey
In a glowing review of the rising prevalence of high-tech big brother surveillance gadgets in police force use, the Associated Press reports that East Orange, New Jersey plans to cut crime by highlighting suspects with a red-beamed spotlight- before any crime is committed- a "pre-crime" deterrent to be mounted on nearby street lights or other fixtures. This is reminiscent of the film, "Minority Report"
New Street Lights Have Homeland Security Applications
The Intellistreets system comprises of a wireless digital infrastructure that allows street lights to be controlled remotely by means of a ubiquitous wi-fi link and a miniature computer housed inside each street light, allowing for "security, energy management, data harvesting and digital media," according to the Illuminating Concepts website. According to the company's You Tube video of the concept, the primary capabilities of the devices include "energy conservation, homeland security, public safety, traffic control, advertising, video surveillance."
US Citizens Designated as "Enemy" During Collapse |
Infowars has discovered new FEMA documents that confirm information received from DoD sources that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans. It involves not only operations for the relocation of COG personnel and key officials, population management, emergency communications and alerts but the designation of the American people as 'enemies' under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).
Hold onto your seats. The plan for the takeover of the United States has not only been drafted, but activated. Our sources and independent research make this abundantly clear. Martial law scenarios preparing for a breakdown of order under the ongoing economic collapse are already underway.
Rex 84: The Martial Law Plan That Congress Isn't Allowed to See |
Continuity of Government Plan: Martial Law
We are dangerously close to a situation where if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.
The Cheney/Bush administration has a plan which would accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens during times of emergency.
The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state.
In this secret plan that our elected officials in Congress are NOT ALLOWED to see, it designates that the President of the United States is not a president: he is a "dictator". MUST SEE VIDEO BELOW (1 minute)
Rex 84, The Martial Law Plan that Congress isnt Allowed to see... |
The Conclusion of the Matter |
Are We Already Living Under Martial Law and We Just Don't Know it?
Those of you who have come this far in article are the brave souls who, I presume, took the "red pill" and have been going down the rabbit hole with me to examine some of the facts and evidence. We have looked at "pieces of a puzzle"-what is the big picture? We said, "If undeclared martial law is already in play, what would it look like?" And we examined each of those facts.
Has the republic truly died? Is there truly no more "democracy" in the US? Are we being given a "blue pill" ILLUSION that there still is a democracy...but it is just part of the "false illusion" in the Matrix?
We know that voting machines do get tampered with (the software can be messed with to change the vote numbers and give pre-determined results). We know that although millions of Americans sent faxes, sent emails, and made phone calls to OPPOSE OBAMACARE, that it still went through Congress anyway, with arms being twisted, and votes being "bought". Is our Congress now only a "figurehead", the way the queen of England is a "figurehead"? Is voting just a "blue pill illusion", and the powers that be, (those behind NWO) are going to do what they are going to do? Have results of the "so-called" election already been "pre-determined" and Obama (our president, or should I say, our dictator/pharoah) will be handed over a second term?
I leave you, my dear reader, to come to your own conclusions.
Prayer: I praise Abba you that our true citizenship is not in any nation or country on this earth. Our citizenship is in heaven, and we, by faith, Abraham's seed, have been "grafted in" to the commonwealth/citizenship of Israel.
"For our citizenship is in the heavens, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Master Yeshuah Messiah." Phil 3:20
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