News for The WatchMen. Collected news from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Another Demolition: This Time Ga'on Yarden

by Gavriel Queenann
Israeli Border Police and Civil Administration authorities Thursday demolished the nascent Ga'on Yarden settlement in the Binyamin region of Samaria, saying several of the buildings were built without obtaining the necessary permits.

It was the second demolition carried out in one day.
Five people were arrested Thursday afternoon in connection with clashes during the violent demolition at Alei Ayin this morning. During the Alei Ayin demolition 6 police officers and five residents were injured, and a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Binyamin Police commander's car, setting it ablaze. It is not known who threw the Molotov cocktail.
"Violent demolition attempts will not stop us and won't weaken us. Our spirit is strong, and we are steadfast in continuing to build the land," the Movement for Building Judea and Samarea said in response to today's demolitions.
Read the rest of this story on: Arutz7
Please Ephraim can you pray with us. That the state of Israel stops with these destruct ions? 
So what can We say? Yudah and Ephraim – Israelites! Not Arab, Roots in Judea and Samaria. The truth has to come up: Is there a possibility that more than thousand Ephraimites sign a document for an Ephraimite counsel with an embassy in Jerusalem with the desire to be recognized and the possibility to live in their Elohim given Land without becoming a Jew but living together with the Jews as Israel? Click: Sign the petition for Ephraim That their comes an 'Ephraim-Mars' to the Land of Israel filled with Love and Compassion from Abba YHWH for the Jews and our Land.... .

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