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Monday, May 30, 2011

Israel will not return to pre-1967 borders!


Dr. Dell F. Sanchez

D Sanchez


Sephardic Destiny

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Sephardic Anusim Center of the Americas
June 2011

"The exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the towns of the Negev." (Obadiah 20)

Israel will not return to pre-1967 borders!
--Is God shaking Israel for the good?-
Forty-four years ago, in 1967, Israel fought against six attacking countries in The Six Day War. Israel prevailed with glory! At that time, Israel took over the lands that had been restricted from them. This land included their most sacred site, the Holy Temple Mount.

Today, it's an entirely different story. Israel faces twice the number of Middle East and North African countries plus 1.5 billion Moslems around the world that hate them and want to see them annihilated.

Israel barely has 7 million Jewish citizens. This is scarcely 1% of 1.5 billion. To put it in simple terms, they're outnumbered 100 to 1 in this contest for survival. (This sounds a lot like David vs. Goliath to me.)

(Photo: Israeli soldiers at the Western Wall in Jerusalem upon its return to Israel in 1967.)

A few days ago, Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel will not return to the borders of pre-1967. In essence, he is saying that he is committed to make some "painful sacrifices," but will not thrust his people 44 years back in history.

Since the Six Day War, Israel has been predominantly attacked from the north such as the Hezbollah which descend from Lebanon and Syria; and other terrorists from that region. In the last few months, the fires of great conflict which threatens Israel are stirring up in the south such as Egypt and Libya.

(Photo: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Jerusalem in the background.)

My concern is that the Negev makes up 60% of Israel's land mass but only 7% of its population occupy it. So who's going to defend Israel's south which encompasses the Negev? I'm sure the Israeli military forces are more than apt to defend it well; but what if an attack comes from the north at the same time it's coming the Negev?

I believe God has shown me something of great prophetic significance about an attack from the south. The Bible prophet, Obadiah prophesied over 2000 years ago that the Sephardim are to occupy and possess the Negev--the South. (Obadiah 20b) The point is that the majority of today's Sephardim are the Anusim which are the descendants of the secret Jews of Spain. Many of these secret Jews fled the holocausts of the Inquisitions across the Atlantic Ocean into the New World of our Americas and they're now awakening to their real and true identity.

Not only are they awakening but they're also longing to reconnect with their fatherland and be reunited with their true family of origin.

(Photo: The Negev desert.)

Netanya College On June 22nd, my wife and I are attending a first-of-its-kind conference that targets my people. The exact title of this conference is THE WORLDWIDE AWAKENING OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THE SECRET JEWS (ANUSIM). (I urge you to google this title for details and information.)

So what's the point of attending this conference? The point is that the overwhelming majority of these "descendants of the secret Jews (Anusim)" are the very ones Obadiah must've seen that is prophesied to occupy/possess the Negev.

Since Israel's "rebirth" in 1948, never has there been such attention placed on these descendants of the survivors of the prolonged holocausts known as the Inquisitions in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and throughout Latin America.

Is it possible they're hosting this conference because they know about Obadiah's prophecy-and they know they'll need Jewish residents to cover the southern region of Israel? I believe that God's Spirit is orchestrating this entire event from behind the scenes. I believe God's about to lift the curtain of the last 500 years and reveal to all people who these descendants are and what's their role in God's prophetic scheme of things.

So will you please pray about the manner in which you might collaborate with me in this historical awakening? I "hate" asking for myself but this isn't really for me-it's for the millions of people just like me that have awakened to their true identity and destiny and want to take action. Pray about how much God might have you to contribute towards our being a spokesman for my people. Matter a fact, there's not one Sephardic Anusim speaker in the program; so it's imperative we have a representative to speak on behalf of this awakening giant of the descendants of Secret Jews known as Anusim. Let's help them by putting a face to our history and heritage.



PS, You may direct your donations to DELL F. SANCHEZ, PO Box 1158, Helotes, Texas 78023. If you'd like tax credit, direct your donations to ALIYAH SEPHARDIC CENTER, PO Box 75, Helotes, Texas 78023. One way to expedite this donation real fast is by going to my website and send your donation via our Paypal system by using your preferred credit card. (

(Photo: Netanya Academic College, site of the upcoming conference, "The Worldwide Awakening of the Descendents the Secret Jews / Anusim".)

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