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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is Europe being "Silenced" by the OIC?

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Vienna Courtroom, November, 2010
Earlier today, we published a review of a new book by Paul Marshall and Nina Shea of the Washington, DC –based Hudson Institute Center for Religious FreedomSilenced:   How Apostasy & Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide.  

The title of our review now appears to be prescient: Warning! The OIC Wants to Silence Free Speech Around the Globe.
Our bottom line review comment about the Marshall Shea volume was:
It is a powerful indictment of the Saudi-based OIC that strives, as the authors say “ostensibly to protect Islam from criticism but also serves the purpose of shielding from criticism those who claim the right to rule in the name of Islam. [It is] intended to demand that Western governments punish all those within their borders who have purportedly insulted Islam.” 
In our review we discussed the OIC agenda and the complicity of the EU and the Obama Administration.  We noted:
Silenced contains important documentation of the agenda of the OIC and its prominent members - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan. That agenda, as the title conveys, is to impose Islamic Sharia doctrine on Western freedom of speech.   
[. . .]
The OIC's anti- blasphemy agenda has been presented in the EU, obsessed with multiculturalism until recent declarations of failure by major leaders in the UK, France and Germany. The authors note the adoption in 2008 of new hate speech guidelines by the Council of Europe (CoE): Read the rest on: The Iconoclast

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