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Visit our Web site: www.bridgesforpeace.com | April 15, 2011 |
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1. Passover Starts Monday Night
Passover is one of three pilgrimage festivals during which all the men of Israel were to come up to Jerusalem. Celebrated on the days 14-21 of the Hebrew month of Nisan (this year, April 18-26), Passover is an eight-day holiday. It begins with a special meal called the “seder” (meaning order) on the eve of the first day of Passover. The meal often takes four to six hours. During the seder, the story of God delivering the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 7-14) is told in detail with song, symbolic foods, and liturgy.
The Scripture says that during this holiday no leaven is to be eaten. For eight days, no bread is eaten or anything else with a leavening agent in it. In the days leading up to Passover, the nation has spring cleaning on a scale most of us have never heard of. Every crumb of leaven must be found and removed from the home.
For example, every item of clothing is taken out of the closets, pockets turned inside out, and everything washed. Pots and pans are taken to communal centers where they are boiled in large vats to ensure no leaven remains. On the last day before Passover begins, the last vestiges of bread or other leavened products are gathered up and ceremoniously burned.
This holiday is rich in significance for both Christians and Jews. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul tells us that leaven is symbolic of sin. Oh, that we were as diligent about removing sin from our lives as the Jewish people are about removing every crumb from their homes! Our celebration of Resurrection Day (Easter) commemorates the resurrection of Jesus, which happened during Passover.
Prayer Focus
Pray that the people of Israel will be encouraged by the story of their freedom from slavery and trust God to be their deliverer once again.
"Therefore say to the children of Israel: 'I am the LORD; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments” (Exodus 6:6).
2. IDF Estimates Round of Violence Over
Last month, after terror organizations fired Grad rockets at Beersheba and Ashdod for the first time since Operation Cast Lead, voices within the military echelons claimed Israel's reaction was too restrained. This time, however, the voices are different. "Everyone knows that the IDF has much greater power and capabilities, and many in the public believe that we should use all our force," a security establishment official told Ynet.
"But on the ground, the reality is much more complicated, and there are other considerations, including unwanted escalation on the other side. Therefore the balancing point is very important. We need to know how to transmit a message to the other side, while at the same time knowing where and when to stop," the source added.
While some regarded the [Israeli] response to the firing of an anti-tank missile at a school bus as being too harsh, IDF senior officials are in agreement that the next round of battle is only a matter of time. "The Hamas in the Gaza Strip has been busy rebuilding its forces for the past two years, and this can only mean that we are facing an all-out confrontation," said a senior IDF officer.
Military officials have voiced concern that the deterrence effect achieved following Operation Cast Lead has been undermined, and that Hamas might carry out a terror attack that will spark another round of fighting." The dynamics in this area is based on results, that is to say, an event [of terrorism] with harsh results triggers a broader reaction, and therefore the situation is highly explosive and sensitive," said the officer.
Sources within the IDF estimated that the clashes around the border fence will continue, "Everyone is on high alert; it's clear that the terror organizations have a high motivation level, and therefore the soldiers know that the next event will take everyone by surprise," he said.
The political echelon shared the feeling that the current round of violence is close to an end. Jerusalem officials estimated at the end of the Security Cabinet meeting that Hamas and Israel would cease fire.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that if Hamas were to cease fire, Israel would do the same. However, Jerusalem officials denied that Israel had reached an understanding on a truce with Hamas, despite a Palestinian declaration.
Addressing the possibility of a wide-scale operation in Gaza, a cabinet minister told Ynet that "in any event, it is not in our interest to launch an extensive operation until after Independence Day, so for now, we seek to calm things down. However, if the rocket fire is resumed and Israel hit, there's no telling what will happen."
Defense establishment officials believe that during Tuesday's [April 12] Security Cabinet meeting, the ministers will approve funding of more than US $200 million for four additional Iron Dome missile defense system batteries. The move is expected to be approved by the government on Sunday [April 17]. The new batteries will be activated only in a year or two, and the defense establishment seeks to purchase a total of 12 or 13 batteries.
Addressing Iron Dome's operational abilities against the Gaza rocket fire, a state official said that "although the system is functioning in an outstanding manner, it's not obvious that we'll be able to deal with a massive barrage of missiles for long, mainly because of financial constraints.
"Therefore, our current goal is to restore calm and lead to a truce. All ministers who attended today's cabinet meeting agreed that Israel must avoid an operation in Gaza and act according to Hamas' conduct."
(By Hanan Greenberg, Attila Somfalvi and Shmulik Hadad contributed, Ynetnews, April 11, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray for a cessation of this violence, bringing peace to the area and security for its residents.
“Arise, O LORD, confront him, cast him down; deliver my life from the wicked with Your sword” (Psalm 17:13).
3. Fayyad's Advisor Dismisses Missile Attack on School Bus
Political advisor to PA [Palestinian Authority] Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, Omar Al-Ghoul, criticized Israel's attack on Hamas: "The [school] bus wasn't that badly damaged, but Israel wants to use the attack on the bus as an excuse for its latest war crime against our people."
Fayyad's advisor also used the opportunity to demonize Israel and attack Israel's legitimacy as a state:
"Israel is a country that was founded on aggression and colonialism, and it lives on the continuation of bloodshed, war and violence. The racist Israeli apartheid state is incapable of turning to peace and coexistence between nations...This aggression is currently focused on Gaza, under the pretext of a shell being fired at an Israeli bus. The [school] bus wasn't that badly damaged, but Israel wants to use the attack on the bus as an excuse for its latest war crime against our people." [PA TV (Fatah), April 8, 2011]
(By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, April 12, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that such vicious rhetoric be seen for what it is, helping the international community to recognize that Israel has no real partner for peace at this time.
“A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter lies…The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of fools is deceit” (Proverbs 14:5, 8).
4. US Will Have Hard Time Standing Alone in UN
Israel has been working to prevent UN support in a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. However, efforts to block endorsement have thus far failed. State officials now believe such efforts are futile, particularly in regards to the [UN] General Assembly.
An Israeli official said: "Obama wants a Palestinian state and although the US is not interested in a unilateral declaration, it would be hard for it to stand alone in the General Assembly and vote against it."
In fact, many state officials believe Israel has failed on the UN front. "The fact that the Americans stopped the Quartet's plan only proves how deeply we depend on them," one official said. "But this hold-up will not change matters in the General Assembly, and this is a trend we cannot change."
State officials stated that the US has decided to step in, to take control of the situation, and achieve progress. "The Europeans couldn't get the Palestinians to the negotiating table. The Americans want to control matters and set the agenda."
According to officials, efforts to form an Israeli peace plan will be set into motion in the coming weeks. However, it does not appear Netanyahu has any prepared document. He is reviewing various plans and proposals by political elements including Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and MK [Knesset Member] Shaul Mofaz.
"Until Netanyahu visits the US in May, US pressure will grow. They want to see a plan with clear details and timetables. The fact that they decided to intervene is a clear message to Netanyahu and Israel."
Obama wants Netanyahu to publicly declare he is willing to renew peace talks based on withdrawal to 1967 borders [withdrawing from most or all of East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and the West Bank, also known as Judea and Samaria].
A security official discussed the Israeli options and said: "It's all very unclear now, including talks of redeployment of IDF [Israel Defense Forces] forces in the West Bank and handing over more responsibility to the Palestinian Authority [PA]."
The redeployment route has been tossed around for months now. It was raised during US-Israel talks as a possible gesture on behalf of Israel to help renew peace negotiations. However, the issue has yet to be properly addressed due to its political and security sensitivity. All this despite the fact that the IDF has contingency plans stored away suggesting ways to hand over more responsibility to the PA.
When peace talks came to a halt several months ago, the forum of seven ministers addressed the possibility of unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank. However, the option was never discussed publicly "so as to allow the Americans to exhaust all other possibilities of renewing peace talks." The idea will likely be reviewed again ahead of the September UN meeting.
(By Attila Somfalvi, Ynetnews, April 13, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the US will stand as a true friend of Israel and cease applying pressure for Israeli leadership to make decisions that are not in the best interest of the nation and its citizens.
Scripture“Be exalted, O God, above all the heavens, and Your glory above all the earth; that Your beloved may be delivered, save with Your right hand, and hear me” (Psalm 108:5-6).
5. Lebanon Getting Closer to Forming Cabinet
Beirut’s Daily Star reported that the final roster will be made public by the end of the week. Al-Hariri on Thursday [April 7] continued to lash out at the Hizbullah-Iran relationship, charging that Hizbullah is bent on turning the country into “an Iranian protectorate.”
The new government, which includes Hizbullah, flouts U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 which forbids entities other than the government from maintaining a fighting force and arsenal.
Meanwhile, on Sunday [April 10] a fourth mass demonstration against sectarianism was held in the streets of Beirut. The movement to topple Lebanon’s sectarian system of government continues to gain strength.
(By The Media Line, April 11, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray for the establishment of a government with a true desire for peace and a commitment to the true well being of the Lebanese people.
“Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy” (Proverbs 12:20).
6. 200 Have Died in Syrian Protests, Rights Group Says
"We ask you to...impose political, diplomatic and economic sanctions on the Syrian regime," the Damascus Declaration group said in a letter to the Arab League. The Damascus Declaration is named for a document signed in 2005 by opposition leaders calling for the end of Assad family rule.
Meanwhile, international pressure mounted on Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad on Monday, with the U.S., key European governments, and the United Nations denouncing the deadly crackdown. The criticism marks a turning point as major powers had refrained from criticizing Assad outright.
(By The Media Line, April 12, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people will be dealt with in a just manner. Pray that calm will be restored, helping to reestablish desperately needed stability in the region.
“Daniel answered and said: ‘Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding’” (Daniel 2:20-21).
7. "Ceasefire, Truce, Calm"-Media Fails to Explain Intrinsic Differences
The Media Line offers the following by way of understanding the issues at hand: The Arabic literal translation for ceasefire is “waqf itlaq al-nar.” This term was used by the Palestinian Authority to refer to the one-sided announcement by Hamas that it would stop shooting at Israel.
On Thursday [April 7], Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Ryadh Mansour said: "As far as I know, Hamas and its allies declared a ceasefire [waqf itlaq al-nar]and we hope that all sides respect it, as well as Israel."
However, Hamas itself did not use that term. Instead, it used the more general Arabic term “tahdia,” which could translate as "calming"-denoting a general state maintained by both sides to a conflict, rather than a one-sided move by one party. Abu-Ubaida, a spokesman for Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades, [later] said on Saturday night [April 9] that "there would be no calm [tahdia] with the Zionist entity."
A third term often used in this context is “hudna.” This Islamicly-loaded term means a temporary ceasefire for a pre-determined limited time period that may be terminated unilaterally. It was reported in Al-Sharq Al-Awsat on April 6 that Turkey was hoping to reach a “hudna” between the government and opposition forces in Libya.
(By The Media Line, April 10, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that the international community will come to understand the true meaning behind terms like these as they are used by Hamas and other radical organizations, helping to validate Israel’s position and underscore the need for her responses.
“There are many plans in a man’s heart, ‘Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel-that will stand’” (Proverbs 19:21).
8. Israel Claims Russian Missile Hit School Bus Last Week
Israel protested the fact that a Russian missile found its way to Hamas and was used for a terror attack against Israel, Yediot Ahronot reported. Unlike many other means of warfare, the manufacturing of the Kornet is only permitted inside Russia, so any Kornet missile sold outside the country originates from the country's KBP factory.
In the past, the United States government imposed sanctions on KBP after Israel proved missiles made in the factory were sold to Syria and eventually ended up in Hizbullah hands. After the 2006 Lebanon War, Israel presented Russia with evidence proving Kornet missiles sold to Syria hit Israeli tanks. The Russians denied all allegations.
Now Israel claimed the anti-tank missile, which hit the bus last week, was sold by the Russians to Syria. At the time, Syria passed the weapons to Hizbullah, while breaching its contract with Russia. They were then smuggled into the Gaza Strip and ended up in the hands of Hamas terrorists.
Israel claimed these missiles violate the balance of power and that attacking a children's school bus with it is considered a war crime. "The missile was smuggled into the Gaza Strip with the help of external elements such as Syria and Iran, who constantly try to arm Hamas with improved and advanced weapons for attacks," a state official said.
"Israel was only recently able to prevent a huge arms shipment from being smuggled in, which included surface-to-sea missiles from Iran. Based on this, it's easy to understand Israel's objection to free passage of ships into the Gaza Strip. Hostile elements try to destroy this policy with so-called 'humanitarian' flotillas," he added.
Israel protested the issue many times, including during a meeting between Israeli officials and Russian Ambassador to Israel Pyotr Stegny. Russia then promised to look into Israel's claims. Israel has asked Russia to not sell arms that violate the balance of powers to Syria, warning the weapons usually make their way to Hizbullah. Now Israel added Hamas to that list.
Meanwhile, Israeli officials fear that dozens, if not hundreds, of shoulder-mounted missiles have been robbed from the Libyan army and have ended up in armories of Mideast terror organizations.
The biggest concern is that some of the missiles were taken by rebels who in turn will pass them on to Gaza Strip terrorists. These missiles include anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles. Israel has updated the US, the United Nations, and the European Union on the alarming issue.
(By Itamar Eichner, Udi Etzion contributed, Ynetnews, April 11, 2011)
Prayer FocusPray for the shipment of arms to Hizbullah and Hamas, as well as the smuggling of weaponry to other terrorist organizations, to come to a stop. Pray that their existing stockpiles will simply fail to perform. Pray for the restoration of the relationship between Israel and Russia with a commitment to end the flow of arms to terrorists.
“Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; defend me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloodthirsty men” (Psalms 59:1-2).
9. Poll-Most Americans Oppose Unilateral Palestinian State
Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project, said that Americans see hatred of Israel as the main roadblock to peace.
Speaking in a press release about the survey on the issue of theoretical declaration of a Palestinian state, Mizrahi was quoted as saying, “Many Americans feel that the problem is not territory, but rather the culture of hate that encourages young Palestinians to commit acts of terrorism against Israeli civilians. They do not see how an empty declaration of Palestinian statehood can bring peace until the hatred ends.”
Nathan Klein-director of research and messaging at The Israel Project, who focuses on public opinion research-told Bridges for Peace that he believes Americans want real Israel-Palestinian peace and feel that unilateral Palestinian statehood will hinder, rather than help, that goal.
While Republican opposition to this Palestinian unilateralism was well over 60%, the poll found that among the 800 registered voters who were surveyed, 48% of Democrats and 44% of Independents also opposed Palestinian unilateralism. Both Democrats and Independents posted an 11-point advantage over those who support it. Klein said that 11-point spread leaning towards opposing unilateral statehood is significant, and not just because it exceeds the survey’s roughly 3.5% margin of error.
“Double-digit differences, an 11-point difference, is very significant, especially since we have seen consistently throughout the years…that [Israel’s] strongest support traditionally does come from the Republicans, from the right-side of the American political spectrum,” said Klein. “And so to have Independents, Democrats and Republicans all opposing this measure is a very strong indicator of where the American people stand on this issue.”
The poll, which was conducted April 5-7 by Public Opinion Strategies on behalf of The Israel Project, also showed that Americans opposed to Palestinian unilateral statehood believed it more intensely than those supporting it.
The poll also shows that 54% of American registered voters oppose American recognition of a unilaterally-declared Palestinian state if the Palestinians do not sign a peace deal with Israel, with just 33% supporting it. 47% of Democrats opposed US recognition, but were also the most supportive group of that recognition at 40% support. A majority of Independents opposed American recognition of a unilateral Palestinian state, with just 35% supporting it, and a whopping 70% of Republicans opposed it,
The poll also showed increased support for Israel in the conflict with the Palestinians, as well as 61% who believed the Israelis were making at least somewhat of an effort to achieve peace. Just 36% believed the Palestinians were doing so.
(Excerpts of an article by Joshua Spurlock, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, April 13, 2011)
Prayer Focus
Pray that Americans will use their voting power to insure on-going support for the nation of Israel.
Scripture“’And I will make you to this people a fortified bronze wall; and they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you; for I am with you to save you and deliver you,’ says the Lord. ‘I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem you from the grip of the terrible’” (Jeremiah 15:20-21).
Note: All Scripture is taken from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
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