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Monday, January 31, 2011

Special Report January 31st 2011, For Zion's Sake Ministries

  Sunday, 30th January 2011   25 Shevat 5771 

"They cried there, 'Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a big noise; He has let the appointed time pass by!' (Jer 46:17)
Freedom is alive and well! It is struggling against the bonds of Tyranny at this very moment on the streets of Cairo and Alexandria. Tens of thousands of voices are taking to the streets and are refusing to capitulate to the demands of their dictatorial government. Freedom is standing on the armor of tanks, rendering them useless! Freedom is burning in the heart of each and every person who is tired of having their leaders stand on their backs and continue to accumulate wealth while they suffer oppression in the process.

Patriots of freedom have now shown what the people can do. These individuals have also shown those living in the United States that "Resistance" is the key to maintaining their liberty and freedom. Egyptians are reminding Americans of what our own founding fathers did in the name of personal freedom and liberty. Egyptians are also sending a clear message to the leaders in the United States that they will no longer tolerate a policy of a puppet regimes support by the US which is nothing less of a dictatorship.

Revolution in Cairo
US leaders have, for the entire 30 year reign of this dictator, supported and helped to prop up his regime with a Billion dollar a year payoff. The United States of America has some of the largest military bases outside of the United States in the country of Egypt. We have turned a blind eye to the atrocities against civil liberty and basic human rights by the regime, in order to maintain a massive military presence in the country.

Friends in Power
Egyptians citizens are tired of the restrictions to their freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to descent. Egypt's government reacted by shutting down the internet, social communication networks and cellular service to try and break up the revolt. The only reason that the Government could do this is because they controlled all the access points. If leaders in the United States have their way, legislature is being drafted and will soon be passed to allow the Government to also shut down all communications at will. One wonders what they may be afraid of, is it the "terrorists", or is it really us they fear?

Most Americans are not ready to face the fact that the same things that these Egyptian people are so tired of, is also happening in the United States. Most of the hypocritical leaders in government stand up and say that they support free speech, freedom of press, and civil liberties, while they pass laws to curtail each and every one of those rights and liberties granted to every citizen according to the US Constitution.
Most Americans are not ready to accept the fact that the protests we see in the streets of major Egyptian cities are also possible in the United States. Ironically, the Egyptians have shown the Americans something that they have collectively forgotten; freedom and liberty are not inherently free, you must fight for them and fight to keep them!
Americans must take these important lessons from those on the streets of Cairo and collectively take notice of what a motivated population can do, focusing on what is going on in Egypt for what it really is; people, who are tired, fed up, frustrated, and totally disassociated with their leaders for their blatant abuse of the population, and total police state control enforced upon them
Americans need to take to heart the plight of the Egyptian people, for it is not that different from policy changes we are seeing in the US currently. Over the last 30 years, Americans have witnessed the slow implementation of the NWO's agenda of totalitarian change. There is also well in place a highly organized National Security control grid that is ready to crack down on the first signs of any resistance against the new order. Clearly, big government's unrelenting socialist agenda has effectively eroded away many of the civil liberties Americans have for so long cherished. But its it all OK, don't be alarmed, the Homeland Security is there to protect you! It's all for your own good… Just submit and undress for our TSA "pat downs" and keep vigilant for suspicious shoppers at Wal-Mart, because, the bad, evil terrorist are everywhere and "they" could be YOU!
If Americans are ever to restore their true civil liberties and freedoms, they, like the Egyptians, will need to stand up and resist the socialization of America and peacefully refuse to obey.

US Politicians and officials must be reminded that it is we the people who truly hold the power.
Finally, US cable companies are not carrying or re-broadcasting the bravely imbedded Al Jazeera English news channel teams broadcasting live from Cairo… What the Gulf War was to CNN, the people's revolutions of the Middle East are to Al Jazeera English. But in the U.S., hardly anyone can watch the channel on cable TV. Vital, world-changing news is occurring in the Middle East and no one–not the celebrity-obsessed American media–can bring the perspective, insight, and on-the-scene reporting Al Jazeera English can. Watch here live...

Bradley and FZS staff

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