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Monday, November 15, 2010

Netanyahu Planning for Post-Freeze Political Assault

by Hillel Fendel
Though the Cabinet has not yet approved the additional three-month construction freeze demanded by Obama, Netanyahu is already making contingency plans to shore up his coalition if some of his partners quit.
Opposition to the expected freeze has arisen within the Jewish Home party, the smallest member of the coalition, as well as within Netanyahu’s Likud party itself. Senior Likud members say that the coming days will be critical in determining whether he will be forced to make changes in his coalition. “He is preparing for the possibility of tremors in the party, and perhaps even a form of rebellion,” one said.
The freeze is expected to pass in the Cabinet by a narrow margin, because of the expected abstention by two Shas party members. Minister Eli Yishai, who has long outspokenly opposed another freeze, explained, “There’s a freeze going on anyway de facto, both in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria. It’s better to make it official, to limit its duration and to receive in exchange approval to build in Jerusalem, than to freeze unofficially forever.”

Read the rest of the story on: Arutz7

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