brought to you from Hebrew Nation Radio and
Walking in Torah Ministries
November 19, 2012 Kislev 4, 5773 4th day, Ninth biblical month, 6012 November 15_Sliver New moon sighting in Jerusalem |
Greetings to the Hebrew
Nation community! It has begun. War has broken out in the Middle East.
After enduring over 150 rockets hitting communities across southern
Israel in a 36 hour period, Israel has risen in self defense and has
launched "Operation Pillar of Cloud". Prior to launching this campaign,
Bibi Netanyahu called all the international ambassadors to Ashkelon
this past Monday, and showed them the evidence; announcing
to them that this aggression by the Palestinians had gone too far.
Israel has the right to protect her own at the time of her choosing.
have an incredible prophetic sign. The operation has been called
"Pillar of Cloud": it refers to the pillar of cloud that guided the
Children of Israel out of Egypt during their exodus.
Here is a quick summary of what has happened so far:
*Operation Pillar of Cloud launched on Wed 11/14/12 *IAF Kills Hamas Chief of Staff, Ahmed Jabari in pinpoint strike *Israel strikes Hamas PM's Headquarters *IAF takes out Hamas Rocket Chief on 11/18/12 * the IDF has hit some 1,000 targets in the Gaza Strip: Palestinians reporting 52 dead * Gaza terrorists have fired some 750 rockets at Israel *Israel's Iron Dome Defense has shot down nearly 270 rockets, including three aimed at Tel Aviv.
this war escalate? Will Iran step in to back up its proxy terrorist
group, Hamas? Will the Jews storm the temple mount during the Feast of
Dedication (Hanukkah, Dec 10-17) and rededicate the temple? Will they
set up the altar and begin doing the daily sacrifices on the temple
These are all things we are closely watching. Truly we are
living in EXTRAORDINARY days. How close are we to the final 1260 days,
the final 42 months, the final 3 and 1/2 years prior to the return of
Messiah Yeshua? How close are we to stepping over the threshold into the
time known as "The Great Tribulation", or "Jacob's trouble"? I believe
we are CLOSE!
On the U.S front, we now have all 50 states who
have filed petitions at the White House website requesting to peacefully
SECEDE from the union. People want OUT. They don't like the direction
the US government is going. And, the Steven Spielberg movie, Lincoln, comes out on 11/16/12. Could this be yet another prophetic sign?
Revelation 13:10 tells us that there are three possible fates of end of days tribulation saints:
who brings into captivity shall go into captivity, he who kills with
the sword has to be killed with the sword. Here is the endurance and the
belief of the set-apart ones." There may be some who hope
and believe they can somehow "take the Republic back", reconstitute our
dead Republic and return us back to the original foundations of our
Constitution and Bill of Rights. Many who follow Alex Jones hope this
can be done.
However, I give you a strong warning: those who
would pick up the sword to try and restore the Republic, will die by
it. Civil war is NOT the answer!
These things MUST COME. They
have been prophesied. The End of Days Beast System is RISING! We aren't
going to stop it. It must be so. In my own view, we are TOO FAR GONE to
reconstitute our republic.
From these two twin prophetic signs, I see a message from Abba:
*Operation Pillar of Cloud (Israel's Self- Defense initiative) *The Movie Lincoln, and the Secede from the Union movement
believe these prophetic signs are out there now to get our ATTENTION
and to get us READY for the GREATER EXODUS TO COME. Operation Pillar of
Cloud in the news reminds us that He is GOING TO LEAD US AGAIN by a
Pillar of Cloud during the Greater Exodus to come when He regathers His
scattered people and leads them on a journey of return to the land of
Israel. (Deut 30:1-6, Jer. 23: 7-8, Isaiah 4: 4-6, Ezekiel 39: 23-28, Ezekiel 20: 33-43)
Secede from the Union movement reminds us that ABBA Has a BETTER PLACE
He wants to take us: BACK to LAND of Israel. And HE promises to GET US
THERE during our 42 month journey! And, we will be under the headship
rule of Messiah Yeshua!
There is a longing in our hearts, and I
believe Abba has put it there. He has to make us UNCOMFORTABLE enough in
our current Egypt/Babylon, so that when it is TIME TO GO, WE WILL BE
I have news for you. There is not going to be a
"pre-tribulation" rapture. No, we will be going THROUGH the 42 month
period known as the "Great Tribulation". And, Abba DOES have an Escape
plan! We have three possible destinies: Be Killed, Be Captured, or
And now, I want to STRONGLY EXHORT you to get this 3 DVD teaching from Monte Judah, Escape, Survive, Endure. It will provide you with VITAL information that you need NOW to prepare you for the days ahead. In short, you will learn:
the WHAT? what are we watching for? (the main marker event we are
watching for is the altar to be set up on the Temple Mount, the daily
sacrifices started, then the sacrifices stopped, and shortly after that,
then the abomination put in its place on the Temple Mount.) 2. the WHEN? when to flee? (Timing is critical, not too soon, not too late. Big hint: be keeping Passover with your mishpocah) 3. the WHERE? where to flee? (Big hint: where did you go for Sukkot last year? Go there!)
You can order this 3 DVD Teaching (which he shared LIVE during Sukkot 2012) online from Hebrew Nation Radio bookstore. Or, if you prefer, you can call Hebrew Nation at 503-316-1220 or email them at radio@t2tn.com to order your set.
this with your home group, with your mishpocah, with your loved ones
and family. And, after you have watched it, I guarantee you will want to
have discussions, you will want to pray, and you will want to make your
plans as the Ruach HaKodesh leads you.
Get ready for the journey of a lifetime, tribulation saints!
In Yeshua's blessed name,
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
Please email Laura at:
Operation Pillar of Cloud Launched on Wednesday, 11/14/12
IAF Makes Brilliant, Pinpoint Accurate Hit on the Number One, Most Wanted Terrorist in Israel: Hamas Commander, Ahmed Jabari.
the assassination, the IAF struck over 20 underground rocket launchers
belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The airstrikes targeted long-range
rockets in the possession of terror organizations, such as the Fajr-5
and other rockets that are capable of striking Tel Aviv from Gaza.
Palestinian sources said that six Gazans were killed in the IDF strikes.
The IDF said it believes it has eliminated the majority of the long-range threat.
first aim of this operation is to bring back quiet to southern Israel,
and the second target is to strike at terror organizations," Mordechai
said. "The homefront must brace itself resiliently," he added,
describing Jabari as a man with "a lot of blood on his hands."
Read more (Jerusalem Post, see 30 second Video of strike)
Pillar of Cloud to Guide the Way
Israel Launches Self Defense Initiative: "Operation Pillar of Cloud"
Israel's military spokespeople have labeled the current military operation in Gaza
as "Operation Pillar of Defense" in English and other foreign
languages. But in Hebrew, the operation is actually codenamed "Pillar of
The reason for the
discrepancy may be that the IDF doesn't think most foreigners will catch
the biblical reference. But, of course, that is not true of Israel
Today readers.
As nearly all are aware,
Pillar of Cloud is a reference to the divine pillar of cloud that guided
the Children of Israel during their exodus from Egypt, as described in
the Book of Exodus.
Personal note from Intercessor with boots on the ground in Israel:
Then again ...
yesterday, on a trip in the South, I had a very supernatural
experience. With three other people in the car, I saw a pillar of white
cloud that arose over Ein Bokek (a community situated near the southern
end of the Dead Sea. I first saw this odd column of white as we
approached Masada from the north. My comments, regarding what I was
seeing, caused the attention of my friends to be directed toward this
strange column of cloud. They all saw it too. It truly was a huge,
white, straight, column of cloud that arose from the ground and arose
straight up, high into the sky. My discernment was that this was
something VERY significant. Actually, it was hard for me to take my eyes
off of this phenomenon.
Finally, today in the early evening, I received a phone call from a
dear friend from on the southern, Mediterranean coast of Israel. She
reported that Israel had just announced a military engagement with Gaza
that was being called: Operation AMUD ANAN defense (PILLAR OF CLOUD
defense). I nearly jumped out of my skin. That is not a coincidence!
It is a message from YHVH ...
Faces of the Conflict
Pictures are Chilling: Posted from The Blaze
Below is a link with up-to-date pictures of the conflict which you won't see in the mainstream media.
Israeli Citizens Come Under Fire as War Breaks Out Between Israel and Hamas
Glenn spent the opening monologue of his television show addressing the escalating violence in the Middle East.
He spent time
several of the casualties of the rocket attacks in Israel. Some of the
Israelis injured or killed were children, some were fathers, and some
were just starting their lives. On Twitter, Hamas and
pro-Palestinian supporters have tweeted photos of victims in Gaza, but many of these photos are either faked or from unrelated events.
People are no doubt being injured on both sides, but while the Israeli
Defense Force has been strategically targeting areas of known terrorist
activities, Hamas has used civilians as human shields. The terrorist
group has also been known to target civilians and not strictly military
for our Jewish brethren that Abba would be as a PILLAR OF CLOUD to
protect them! Pray for supernatural protection and guidance for the IAF
and IDF soldiers who are putting their lives on the line. PRay for
comfort for those who have lost loved ones. Pray for the Magen David Adon
- the Israeli 911 response service. This is a service that does NOT
receive funding from the government. They are on the ground now
responding to those injured or killed.
Gaza Man Caught Faking Injuries to Create Anti-Israel Media Bias? Here's the Video Evidence
Picture below courtesy of Honest Reporting
is a phenomenon that Israel's supporters often use to describe the
media manipulation that Palestinians resort to in an effort to turn
people against the Jewish state. Individuals fake injuries and "act" as
though they are hurt when they really are not - all in an attempt create
a perception of Israeli aggression and mistreatment.
for instance, video footage of a man who was allegedly injured and
being carried by fellow Palestinians during Israeli airstrikes over the
last two days. While the BBC showed video of him in apparent despair, he
appears just moments later walking on his own and looking
Read more (The Blaze) Watch video below (Honest Reporting)
Exposed: Pallywood Returns to Gaza |
Israel Hits Hamas PM's Office, Readies Troops
Warplanes Level Palestinian Cabinet Building
pummeled political targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including the
office of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, as the Israeli military
continued preparations for a ground invasion.
overnight offensive came hours before Tunisian Foreign Minister Rafik
Abdesslem entered the Gaza Strip Saturday morning, following in the
footsteps of Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil Friday.
Israeli Forces Prepare for War as Troops Mass on Gaza Border
scanning the skies for the vapour trails of Hamas rockets flying
overhead towards their homes, Israel's tank crews were preparing on
Saturday for an invasion of Gaza.
Thousands of
soldiers and hundreds of tanks and armoured vehicles were at muster
points, as speculation mounted that Israel was to launch a ground
offensive against the Islamists who control the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli
cabinet called up 75,000 reservists on Saturday - many soldiers checking
their weapons by Saturday night were at work in offices and factories
on Friday morning.
"Morale is
high. We are currently training and preparing for ground possibilities,"
said Lt Col Avital Leibovich of the Israel Defence Forces. "This is
isn't like any other operation. This is to defend 3.5 million Israelis
who are under rocket attack."
Israel's generals state that
four days of precision bombing in Operation Pillar of Defence have
knocked out many rocket sites, with the toll of accidental civilian
deaths relatively low, unlike similar operations in the past. Even so,
by Saturday night 40 Palestinians had been killed and more than 300
injured. Read more and watch short news clip (The Telegraph)
IDF Takes out Hamas Rocket Chief As Missiles Continue to Fly South
the start of Operation Pillar of Cloud on Wednesday, the IDF has hit
some 1,000 targets in the Gaza Strip, with Palestinians reporting 52
dead. Gazan terrorists have fired some 750 rockets at Israel and Iron
Dome has shot down nearly 270, including three aimed at Tel Aviv.
Israel's death toll stands at three, with dozens more injured, including
two badly hurt in Ofakim and three in Ashkelon on Sunday.
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Iran Admits Pulling Strings on the Gaza Crisis
By Reza Kahlili Reporting to World Net Daily
the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas faction is
escalating and rockets are hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Iran
announced Friday that its missiles were being used against the Jewish
hit Tel Aviv Thursday for the first time since the 1991 Persian Gulf
War when Iraqi scuds threatened the city. On Friday, Jerusalem also came
under rocket fire from Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.
to a source in the Revolutionary Guards intelligence division, Iran has
large stockpiles of chemical and microbial weapons and it has armed the
Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah with them. It also has Quds Forces
in Gaza and other Palestinian territories to help Hamas and Islamic
Jihad in setting up underground rocket facilities while training and
supervising the Palestinians in launching attacks on Israel.
escalation of the Gaza conflict was ordered by the highest authority in
Iran, the source added, and rockets targeting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
are in fact a warning to Israel that its Iron Dome missile defense
system cannot thwart Iran's ballistic missiles and tens of thousands of
rockets and missiles in the hands of Hezbollah.
Read more (World Net Daily)
Palestinian Bid for Statehood to be Brought to UN on 11/29/12
On 11/29 of 1947, the UN voted for Israel to become a state. Palestinians have picked this SAME DATE to DIVIDE Israel!
Palestinian Authority will present its bid for Palestine to become a UN
"non-member observer state" on 29 November, President Mahmoud Abbas
The request is being made despite US and Israeli opposition.
Mr Abbas said that if the bid were successful, he would begin negotiations with Israel "the next day".
Palestinian bid to join the international body as a full member state
in 2011 failed because of a lack of support at the UN Security Council.
the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), the umbrella group which
represents most Palestinian factions and conducts negotiations with
Israel, only has "permanent observer" status at the UN.
Abbas, who is also chairman of the PLO, wants Palestine to be admitted
as a non-member observer state based on the boundaries which existed
before Israel occupied the the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza
Strip during the 1967 war.
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) If
this bid for statehood does pass, then this is truly a "marker"
tribulation event. An agreement to DIVIDE the land of Israel will
swiftly bring down Yahweh's judgment upon the nations. We need to be
look, in those days and at that time, when I turn back the captivity of
Judah and Jerusalem, then I shall gather all nations, and bring them
down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I shall enter into judgment with
them there for My people, My inheritance Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and they have divided up My land." Joel 3: 1-2
The REAL Reason CIA Director Petraeus Resigned
Special Report from Center for Western Journalism
director David Petraeus towed the party line and parroted this
ludicrous YouTube story, backing up Obama in testimony to Congress.
At least until we found out that there was no protest.
least until we found out that Obama had known it was a terrorist act in
less than an hour with emails going directly to the White House
Situation Room.
At least until we found out that the Obama administration had a live drone feed of the entire seven hour attack.
we found out the two former SEALS and then CIA operatives Tyrone Woods
and Glen Doherty were told to repeatedly "stand down" and not help
Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans. But they disobeyed a
direct order and went anyway, saving over twenty Americans, but paying
with their lives.
towed the party line with the video but refused to fall on the sword
and say the CIA gave this stand down order, thus implicating that it was
Obama who had denied help to both the consulate and CIA annex which
later came under attack.
when you cross a Chicago thug like Obama, payback is swift and lethal.
Petraeus needed to be taken out-but after the election-and before he was
scheduled to testify under oath this time to Congress about what he
knew about Benghazi.
 |
The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned |
Petraeus Testifies to Congress
Benghazi-gate Saga Continues
Petraeus did testify to Congress on this past Thursday and Frida in
Congressional hearings. If there is one takeaway from the hearing based
on conversations with lawmakers is that they really zeroed in on these
talking points about the consulate attack on 9/11 that were prepared by
the CIA. Lawmakers told FOX that after briefing, that there was a
significant difference between the talking points prepared by the CIA
and what was ultimately briefed to Ambassador Susan Rice....and the 64
million dollar question is.....
Who made the changes to the talking points that were provided to Susan Rice?
General Petraeus Testifies On Libya - Talking Points From CIA Were Change!! Wonder Who Change Them? |
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The 1260 Report_Two Watchers on the Wall_11.16.12
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
Join us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the return of Messiah Yeshua!
Stories covered in this broadcast:
*Operation Pillar of Cloud Launched: Israel rises to defend herself against Hamas rocketfire * IAF made brilliant, pinpoint, accurate, hit on the number one, most wanted terrorist in Israel: Hamas commander, Ahmed Jabari. *Palestinians strike back with rocket fire: Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gan Yavne, Beersheva, and Tel Aviv on receiving end *IDF ground offensive into Gaza comes next *Palestinian bid for statehood at UN on 11/29/12: What if this bid passes and the state of Israel is "divided"? *Will we see Jews storm Temple Mount during Feast of Dedication (Dec 10-17) and take it back? *Will we see the altar be set up on Temple mount and daily sacrifices begin? *Discussion: Yahweh's Escape Plan: The Greater Exodus To Come *Knowing WHEN to flee (HINT: keep the Passover Feast with your brethren, and WATCH for the abomination that causes desolation) *Knowing WHERE to flee (HINT: Have you been keeping Sukkot? Go there!) *The Divided States of America: more than 35 states have put up petitions to peacefully "secede" from the union *Are you ready to leave Egypt/Babylon yet? *Next week, movie comes out, "Lincoln". Another sign? *CIA Director Petraus Resignation; more cover-up of Benghazi-gate *Businesses reject Obamacare, laying employees off, cutting back hours *Close in scripture and prayer: Deuteronomy 30:1-5
Listen on the go!
Do you have a Smart phone with internet? Do you have an iPad? Go to the
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HebrewNation radio. You can listen live anytime! The 1260 Report airs live on Fridays at 9am and 5pm
Pacific time or listen later by podcast.
Brad Grooman Worship Song: Jacob and Esau |
This song goes right along with this week's Torah portion
see Jacob flee his home as Esau has murder in his heart towards his
brother. And, don't we see the DESCENDANTS of Esau even TODAY with
murder in their hearts and wanting to STEAL their birthright back from
the DESCENDANTS of Jacob? What do you think the Hamas/Israel war is
The battle of the ages, to the tune of "Downeaster Alexa" by Billy Joel
Jacob and Esau.wmv |
Torah Portion for Shabbat, 11.24.12
Read more (Hebrew for Christians)
All 50 States Petition Government to Peacefully Secede from the Union
A Sign from Abba? "Let my People Go!"
These requests are peaceful,
and highly unlikely to do anything at all except generate news
headlines. A massive number of petitions are currently circulating on
Change.org, a website designed to call for action by the federal
government or by private institutions on particular causes, calling for
particular states to be granted permission to secede.
We've uncovered comments
from conservative Justice Scalia talking about the idea of secession.
You can read his thoughts on the issue here.
Liberals often like to
compare President Barack Obama to former President Abraham Lincoln. The
comparison is usually dismissed as laughably hagiographical, but judging
by one unexpected bit of fallout from Tuesday's election, it could well
end up being accurate in just one respect: Like Lincoln, Obama is facing requests by the citizens of numerous states to secede from the union.
However, unlike with
Lincoln, these requests are peaceful, and highly unlikely to do anything
at all except generate news headlines. A massive number of petitions
are currently circulating on Change.org, a website designed to call for
action by the federal government or by private institutions on
particular causes, calling for particular states to be granted
permission to secede.
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor)?
On the U.S front, we now have all 50 states who have filed petitions at
the White House website requesting to peacefully SECEDE from the union.
People want OUT. They don't like the direction the US government is
going. And, the Steven Spielberg movie, Lincoln, comes out on 11/16/12. Could this be yet another prophetic sign? From these two twin prophetic signs that I see a message from Abba: *Operation Pillar of Cloud (Israel's Self- Defense initiative) *The Movie Lincoln, and the Secede from the Union movement
I see these prophetic signs are out there now to get our ATTENTION and
to get us READY for the GREATER EXODUS TO COME. Operation Pillar of
Cloud in the news reminds us that He is GOING TO LEAD US AGAIN by a
Pillar of Cloud during the Greater exodus to come when He regathers His
scattered people and leads them on a journey of return to the land of
Israel. (Isaiah 4: 4-6) The Secede from the Union movement
reminds us that ABBA Has a BETTER PLACE He wants to take us: BACK to
LAND of Israel. And HE promises to GET US THERE during our 42 month
journey! There is a longing in our hearts, and I believe Abba
has put it there. He has to make us UNCOMFORTABLE enough in our current
Egypt/Babylon, so that when it is TIME TO GO, WE WILL BE OBEDIENT TO
ObamaCare Summed up in One Sentence
Presentation given by Dr. Bellar, a small business owner, physician, Veteran Army Major, professor, and attorney
Our religious freedom
is now being disregarded and mocked. Obamacare is an Obamanation. BIG
zero. It's no exaggeration to call this a government take over of our
health care. You are giving the government authority over health care
providers and consumers.
This is a descent into
rationing and socialism. Rationing is ugly, cold-hearted, and unfair.
It violates the trust between doctors and their patients. Rationing is
what Obamacare is all about. Democracy is in DANGER and IPAB is where
your rationing will take place.
By tolerating
Obamacare we are handing our moral compass to unelected bureaucrats to
make decisions regarding policy regarding some of our most personal
health care decisions. It is creating a recipe for the denial of
treatment. It really should be called "Your end of life options". God
created us. HE should decide how long we live, not Obama. This mandate
tramples on EVERYONE'S religious freedom.
Dr. Barbara Bellar - Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence |
Businesses Reject ObamaCare
Elections, as it is
often said, have consequences. As a result of the president's
reelection, the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, will be fully
implemented. Unsurprisingly, several businesses are looking for ways to
avoid the costs associated with the law. Just as unsurprisingly,
American leftists consider such efforts to keep one's business
profitable-or solvent-unseemly.
Zane Tankel, chairman and CEO of Apple-Metro, an Applebee's New York-area franchise, explains the
obvious. "We've calculated it will [cost] some millions of dollars
across our system," Tankel told Fox Business Network last Thursday. "So
what does that say-that says we won't build more restaurants. We won't
hire more people." Apple-Metro runs 40 Applebee's restaurants and
employs from 80 to 300 people at each of its locations.
Jimmy John Liautaud,
founder of Jimmy John's sub franchise, echoed that sentiment. Like a
number of smaller businesses, he is considering cutting employee hours
to 28, to get under the Obamacare cap of 30 hours that defines full-time
employment. Under the law, a full-time employee must be given
healthcare insurance, or the company must pay a $2000 fine, if it fails
to do so. Part-time employees don't have to be covered. "We have to do
that, said Liautaud. "There's no other way we can survive it."
Meet Your Future FEMA camp: An Actual Prison Rebranded as a Refugee Center
Arthur Kill Correctional Facility on Staten Island to be used to Temporarily house people made homeless by Hurricane Sandy
Imagine, for a moment, that you have lost your home in a natural
disaster and with it most of your possessions. It's wintertime, you live
on the East Coast, and your old neighborhood has been leveled. What
cash you have is being used for the most basic of necessities; you don't
have enough money to move into a hotel and even if you did they are all
full anyway. You have nowhere to go. You are completely reliant on the government for subsistence. Life is as bad as it can get - or is it?
You learn that you will be moved from the miserable tent city where you
are now being housed to a new temporary facility that used to be, of
all things, a prison. While some officials see this as the
state making the best use of available resources, others see it as a
prelude of things to come, should societal order break down at some
point in the future. 'They might as well use it'
Life in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy is still dicey for many New
Yorkers and New Jerseyans who continue to suffer mightily in its wake.
With so many residents now homeless, the state of New York is
considering reopening the recently closed Arthur Kill Correctional
Facility on Staten Island as a way to temporarily house people displaced
by the storm and this past week's nasty winter storm, The New York Post
New York City Muslim Day Parade 2012 - Hate On Parade
Same Islamic Black Flag that flew over the American Embassy in Egypt
was also proudly flown at the recent Muslim Parade in New York City
Hate and Intolerance for America was on parade September 23, 2012, at the NYC Muslim Day Parade.
of the more disturbing parts of the Muslim Day Parade was the proud
display of the Islamic Black Flag of Jihad visible throughout the event.
The Black Flag of Jihad was hoisted above our overrun embassies in
Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, etc... The Jihadist's pulled down and burned the
American flag and replaced it with the Islamic Black Flag of Jihad as a
symbol of dominance and military victory.
hatred and intolerance for the United States of America, the Islamic
Black Flag of Jihad represents, sent a clear and chilling signal to all
supporters of America in attendance.
NYC Muslim Day Parade 2012 - Hate On Parade |
Your Pardon Please, Faux New Story Ran Last Week
Voter Fraud Story that Came From Duffel Blog was a Hoax
ran a story last week that was later found to be an admitted false news
story. It was about military absentee ballots that were accidentally
sent to Afghanistan, then re-routed back to the U.S, but they arrived
one day late, so they were not counted (from the Duffel Blog). However, we do know that voter fraud in the elections did occur: Vote Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States (Infowars)
Hebrew Nation Radio Ministry
3190 Lancaster Dr
Salem, OR 97305
News tip? Comments?
email Laura Densmore
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