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Monday, February 21, 2011

Shocker: Australian senator gets death threats for criticism of Islam as a "totalitarian, political and religious ideology"

Once again, the argument amounts to: "say Islam is a Religion of Peace, or we'll kill you." It is worth recalling that slander (ghiba) in Islam refers to things that may well be true, but that a person does not want known or spoken of:
Slander (ghiba) means to mention anything concerning a person that he would dislike, whether about his body, religion, everyday life, self, disposition, property, son, father, wife, servant, turban, garment, gait, movements, smiling, dissoluteness, frowning, cheerfulness, or anything else connected with him" (Umdat al-Salik, r2.2).
Such a mindset only makes it more difficult to accept criticism (let alone satire). So much the worse when some uppity unbeliever "goes there." "Islam's the problems, not Muslims, says Senator Cory Bernardi," by Michael Harvey and Steve Lewis for the Herald Sun, February 19 (thanks to Ken):
Tony Abbott's official frontbench understudy has reignited immigration tensions by denouncing Islam as a "totalitarian, political and religious ideology".
Liberal parliamentary secretary Cory Bernardi revealed last night he had received death threats after making the comments.
Read the whole story on: Jihad Watch 

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