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Thursday, November 10, 2011

It’s Time for British Freedom

British Freedom: Paul Weston

Most Western European countries have at least one recognized political party that opposes mass immigration and Islamization. Such parties provide a viable alternative to all the Socialist and “Center-Right” parties that keep spooning up the same old multicultural pabulum, forcing it down the throats of the populace no matter how much it makes them choke.

Below is a list of the best-known and most successful immigration-critical parties in Europe, most of which have been featured in this space at one time or another:
Austria: Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (Austrian Freedom Party, FPÖ)
Belgium: Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest, VB)
Denmark: Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People’s Party, DF)
Finland: Perussuomalaiset (True Finns)
France: Bloc Identitaire
Germany: Die Freiheit (Freedom)
The Netherlands: Partij voor de Vrijheid (Party for Freedom, PVV)
Norway: Fremskrittspartiet (The Progress Party)
Sweden: Sverigedemokraterna (The Sweden Democrats, SD)
Switzerland: Schweizerische Volkspartei (Swiss People’s Party, SVP), also called Union Démocratique du Centre (Democratic Union of the Centre, UDC), Unione Democratica di Centro (Democratic Union of the Centre), and Partida Populara Svizra (Swiss People’s Party)

The UK is notably absent from this list. For a time it seemed that the BNP (British National Party) might provide the needed alternative for British voters, but it never seemed to click with a broad section of the population. When the EDL was formed in 2009, it declined to associate with or support the BNP, due to the latter’s “whites-only” policy.

UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) was another possibility, but its steadfast refusal to take a public stance on the issue of Islam meant that it never took off among those who place a high priority on resisting Islamization. If you are determined to fight the encroachment of sharia in Britain, UKIP has nothing to offer you.

The three major parties — Labour, the Lib-Dems, and the Tories — march in lockstep on the issue of Multiculturalism. Labour was responsible for opening the floodgates of Muslim immigration over the past fifteen years, and the other two parties now fall all over themselves pandering to the powerful new Muslim minority, especially to those worthies who claim to represent the “Muslim community” in the UK. Despite his lip-service to the idea of change, prime minister David “Multiculturalism Has Failed” Cameron has proposed no policies that stand a chance of slowing the country’s headlong rush to destruction. Read the rest on: 

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