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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ambush Victim: Thank G-d My Kids are Alright

"We did not panic, we told the children 'Quick, put your heads down,'" a woman named Sarah told a TV crew.
by Gil Ronen
Published: 18/08/11, 5:13 PM

Sarah (last name unknown)
Sarah (last name unknown)
A woman named Sarah, whose family was fired upon in the combined terror attack Thursday described the event a short time later, in an interview with Channel 1 television.
"We were driving on the Uvda road to Eilat and my husband was looking at one of the Egyptian guard posts and he saw one of the soldiers assuming a prone position. He told me – 'Look at that soldier and what he's doing – we thought at first he was about to pray. A few seconds went by and… I thought someone was throwing rocks at us… we heard this boom-boom-boom… We did not panic, we told the children 'Quick, put your heads down, get down as low as you can. A few seconds later we heard that a bus was hit.'" Read the rest on: Arutz7

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