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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Progressive West Supports the Quest for a Judenrein State of Palestine

Matthew M. Hausman - American Thinker,  March 27th, 2011

In seeking to impose a Palestinian state on Israel, the Obama Administration, European Union, and western media have displayed a cynical contempt for history that is astounding in its breadth and scope.  Pressure is brought to bear solely on Israel, who is expected to sacrifice sovereignty and security in the name of an ideal that is premised on a repudiation of the Jews' right to self-determination in their ancient homeland. 
The Palestinians are expected to concede nothing — not even their oft-stated goal of the phased destruction of Israel.  Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy better than a comparison of their demand that Israel accept an Arab “right of return” with their ambition for a state that would be ethnically cleansed of all Jews.  Like the Nazis with whom the Mufti and other Arab leaders were so closely allied during the Second World War, they seek to create a Judenrein state as a springboard for the elimination of a Jewish presence in the Mideast.  Ironically, western progressives are enabling the process, even though it entails human rights violations that would certainly be illegal in liberal democracies. 
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